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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. It's a good thing in this thread. Edit: See?
  2. I would rather not bring Chaos down on my head by claiming to be a Godmod. It's bad enough I try to get him into a game of SE just so I can harvest his organs.
  3. One? I've merged more than one of your posts in this thread.
  4. Posts counts aren't all that accurate. It doesn't subtract when posts are merged.
  5. *uses mod powers to merge posts* Muhahaha. My power is unlimited!
  6. I am friends with TheMightyLopen. Haven't seen him in long time though. That means I get stew.
  7. What about friends of friends of bridgemen?
  8. Is celebratory stew, must simmer long time. Must be perfect for when I win.
  9. If we make a new thread for this then I shall insure I win in both of them!
  10. If that's what it takes for me to win once and for all, then that is what shall happen.
  11. The Last Post Wins. The one thread where being a ninja causes you to lose.
  12. I believe the Bridgemen filed it on the stews behalf.
  13. Everyone likes Hoid. I mean it's Hoid for storms sake! What's not to like?
  14. You ever have that moment when your cat walks into a room, sees something you can't see and then runs out of the room again? It's quite unsettling.
  15. *considers cats superior to dogs* *prepares to be drowned out in dogs are better posts*
  16. *really didn't want explosions in a story with poop*
  17. *is disappointed there wasn't smoke or effects with story but liked story anyway*
  18. *stares at the suddenly empty popcorn container*
  19. There's story there. Do tell. *grabs popcorn*
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