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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Ah but we can't let you make such a sacrifice. I shall carry this burden so you may continue to create true culinary masterpieces that dazzle the palette and eases the weary soul.
  2. Which is why you should also let me carry this burden. Too much have we already asked of you both. Let another do something for you two.
  3. Precisely. You already carry so much for us. The very least we could do is carry one little burden to lighten your already large load.
  4. I could never burden one such as yourself with this trivial task. Your offer is very kind but I must decline.
  5. Allow me to carry this burden for you. It's the least I can do for one so selfless.
  6. In order of someone to lose, someone must win. I nominate myself for such a burden.
  7. Stars mean you have posted in those threads. Dots mean there is a new post you haven't read yet.
  8. The Koloss sat deep in Thought. He wasn't sure how he was suppose to achieve the task Ratel had given him. Acquire as many Shards as you can. he said. Failing that, learn how they are contained in the first place. The Koloss reached up and scratched the side of his head dislodging his Hat in the process. Careful. It won't do to lose that. It's brought me nothing but Good Luck. Still deep in Thought, the Koloss stood up, straightened his Hat and set off to fulfill his task. By any means necessary. The Collectives Thoughtful Koloss is joining. His Lucky Hat is just along for the ride.
  9. I know it's been a while but Gamma's fake Lurcher gambit was LG3 not LG2. LG2 was his Rioter pretending to be a Soother gambit.
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