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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Please do. I have my defenses all ready and soon I'll start drawing my chalkling swarms.
  2. One of the Horneater Peaks? or The Seran Range where Sovereign's temple is built?
  3. Since you asked last time... Yep. I'm sure now.
  4. With the Seer having survived a lynch beforehand, there should one less Elim than there would normally be but there is still a possibility of there being 3 converts as there's an outside chance Itiah started with four beads. At least we know there's only 2-3 more to find.
  5. Yes, I would make a good convert but as was pointed out, everyone knows that which means I'm now a bad convert choice. But with that said, I become a good choice again. Choosing to convert me is a big IKYK. I wouldn't say I've been a key lynch leader. Mostly all I've done is try and drive discussion early. Mostly it hasn't worked. Walin is the only one I've voted for that ended up being lynched so I can't by any consideration be called a lynch leader. Yes, I'm sort of leading the lynch against you. I wasn't the first to vote for you but I am the loudest. Heck, I wanted you coinshotted during the night cycle so we could have a clean lynch without the 'is he a Thug or the Seer' question hanging over us. This cycle I fully indented to lynch Maill which I had planned out in D1 right after he revealed he's a Copper burner. I did not in fact denounce those that voted with me rather than on me which is what I assume you meant. I simply stated I wasn't feeling good about the lynch given how fast others joined in. As always, I fully support and encourage free choice. If others chose to vote for Walin then that's their choice. I would never denounce someone for it. Yes, there have been a few suspicions cast my way. And for good reason. I've been trying to gain suspicion for it makes me a less likely convert prospect. After all, why convert someone that looks like they might be lynched in a couple of cycle when there are much better options. All in all, I feel much better lynching you this cycle now than I was feeling at the start. Your entire post seems like an attempt to get votes off you and onto me. Quite the opposite Aman. The fact I knew you were evil would be a very good reason for me to convert you. You were paying very little attention to this game or so it would seem which would make you a good choice. Having an evil with the excuse of being busy with another game is a great way to divert suspicion. I've done it myself a couple of times.
  6. My guess is he'll die but thanks to the strange death of the Drunk Begger and that Moash holds his Honorblade, Moash is now a Herald and will end up in Damnation being tortured for all eternity. He redeems himself by not giving in like Odium thinks/hopes he will.
  7. ^ Also a Maill tactic but not one used often. And it's one that's working on me. Damnation Maill. If you turn out to be evil.... And this is one of the reasons you're high on my suspicion list. Locking me in as Village that early is just begging for me to be converted or for you to gain a good deal of trust points when I end up dead and flip village. I'm concerned that there has been very little to no talk about if we should lynch Itiah. We have a line on a fairly decent shot of killing the Seer but no one wants to take the risk of it being a Thug?
  8. That's a fairly standard Maill tactic. Works surprisingly often. Also gets him lynched just as often.
  9. Riddles. I love riddles. I never was, yet will always be. I am never seen, yet always come. I can carry nothing, yet hold much for some.
  10. According to the chain PM I got, Karn has been scanned as village.
  11. Well, poop. Either the Coinshot is inactive, evil or didn't want to kill Itiah. Or Itiah is the Seer and we cost them another Atium. Now we get all the fun of deciding if it's worth lynching them again. In the mean time, Maill. You publicly claimed as a Smoker, a very valuable role for the Obligator during the cycle you revealed. You are also a very convincing and cunning player. I told you when you revealed that lynching you D4 would be the best course of action and here we are. You have not gained any votes nor much in the way of suspicion making you a great target for conversion. The fact I'm alive makes me think you aren't evil but at the same time, not killing me would be more fun for you. As things currently stand you are my best bet for a successful lynch. Aman and Itiah would be my next top suspects.
  12. He also further clarified the next cycle that conversions happen after seeking after Maill pointed out that it was already in the OP. He was going to ask Orlok to edit the post containing the OoA given the thread had already been locked and merged by then.
  13. Coinshot, please shoot Itiah tonight. Either they are a Thug or the Seer. If they are a Thug then they should die and we won't have to worry/waste a good deal of discussion next day on if we should lynch them again. If they are the Seer, then we either kill them (yay) or remove a bead of Atium from them (also yay).
  14. Votes: (I think this is correct. I hate Ookla season) Snip (0): Araris Araris (0): Maill Devotary (0): Alv Jon (3): Devotary, Araris, Alv CadCom (1): Fura, Araris, Maill Lumgol (1): Itiah Stink (1): Aman Gancho (0): CadCom Itiah (3): Gancho, CadCom, Fura Devotary. Jondesu. While I would've preferred Devotary to be lynched, I'm happy to tie up the vote between Jondesu and Itiah. Let the Gods of Luck and Chance decide.
  15. Devotary. I have had a storming hard time getting any solid reads so I am going to follow the advice from another game and lynch someone I constantly have trouble reading.
  16. Thank you for reporting but given conversions happen after Seeking we can't take that at face value until after the Seer is dead and another seeking happens. Better to report that someone is either a confirmed elim, the Seer or not the Seer. Can you please send a message back up the chain and ask if the Seeker only did the one seeking or if they hit a Smoker for the other?
  17. Okay I feel this needs to be cleared up. I'm not asking for mass role claims. I'm asking for information reveals. I want to know the results of their scans. If they wish to reveal their role as well, I'm not opposed to that. We have already discussed several ways they can reveal their information without being identified. I've felt that over the years we have placed a premium on not revealing roles. Those that do, get told by others that they shouldn't and over time that shifts how people play the game. PM and role safety is great and all but it can be taken to extremes. If we remove one part of the game then how can we truly evolve and grow. I for one very, very rarely reveal my role as that's part of my playstyle. But what about those that want to reveal their role? Should they just not sign up because they've seen that they will be told to do otherwise? Revealing your role can make you a target, but it can also make the game more fun.
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