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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Let us start some discussion off nice and early. As it is now D3, I ask all Seekers, Rioters, Coinshots and Soothers to pass their findings to the thread either via direct postings or a chain PM to another for them to post on your behalf. We basically only have this cycle left to find the Seer before they use up all their Atium.
  2. As Mistborn soar in tattered cloth, their tassels stained and soiled, Fires of Ruin consumed the ground as skies and oceans boiled. From ashes we emerged alive with Sazed quiet of voice, “While Vin and Elend are both gone, rest assured they rejoice.”
  3. Nice to see we have at least one active vote manipulator out there. Keep up the good work.
  4. That I can't do. Due to an operation I had when I was 17, my spine is now reinforced with titanium rods and screws. No vertebrae for you.
  5. What Devotary said. More votes are what we need as it gives us more information. And with a conversion role around having a good sample of peoples votes before they are converted can gives us insights allowing us to find them. I am not a fan of this Walin lynch even though I was the first to start it. Snipexe and Lumgol, I'm keeping an eye on the two of you.
  6. For the first time in years, I have no plans. It will be gloriously quiet.
  7. Ookla the Walinevitable (AKA Walin) I have very little in the way of suspicions sadly but we do need to vote people. If we don't then a Convert Rioter can control the vote quite easily.
  8. But if I have a soul and claim I don't then they will take one of my limbs. I really don't want to lose either of Magestar or Wilsons hands.
  9. Does it have to be my soul? Could I not sell you the soul of someone that sold theirs to me instead? If I do sell my soul, could I then claim I don't have a soul?
  10. Just be sure to check the depths for hidden objects first.
  11. Another important bit of information is that if the Coinshot hits the Seer it will use up a Atium bead causing the bribe to fail if it's their last one. Coinshots, you really do need to be active and attacking if possible. It is better to kill an innocent now than later when the numbers are a lot closer. Start with inactives if you want but anything we can do to narrow it down needs to be done.
  12. Nos coepi in a diversis linguis et si fortasse posting
  13. Hmm, eye wonDor if bAd graMmer, speLlin and sENtancess will DRive everyonE away.
  14. Hmm, to lock the thread and win or to not lock the thread and still win. The eternal struggle.
  15. Despite what my friends will tell you, I am not a smartarse.  I'm a skilled and trained professional in pointing out the obvious.  I also speak fluent sarcasm.

  16. If someone did try and sooth/riot a vote, please don't say anything just yet. I believe D3 would be the best time to reveal what vote manipulations happened to/by who as well as Seekers sending their findings via PM or thread post. It will hopefully allow us to narrow the search a bit more. Alternatively if you want to reveal or tell someone then by all means do. It is your choice after all.
  17. I'm with Maill and Guacless. Talking about plans doesn't give the Seer a lot of information given we haven't decided on a plan. Guacless' plan can be easily adapted to remove the small risk of the Seeker being revealed by adding a single line to their PM. For instance, Maill is a Seeker and learns that Devotary is the Seer. Maill wants to remain hidden so sends a PM to me which reads: I receive the PM but thanks to the first two sentences, I don't know if Maill is the Seeker or just another link in the chain. The Seeker can add as many links to the chain as they want to insure that it's impossible to learn who started it. They could be the one that posts in thread or even the second to last link and no one would know but them. Could even have 10 links and have one person get it twice. Even if someone in the link is evil, there is no way for them to know who started the chain and if they don't pass it along then they run the risk of being found out. You should vote if for no other reason than to give the Soothers/Rioters targets for their abilities. My vote is on Jondesu mainly so it can be soothed away but also, I have a slight suspicion of him and Devotary. It's not just the Seer we would get information on but rather information as a whole. We would have a clearer idea of what we are working with. I for one won't be sharing my role as that's not how I play the game but if there are those that want to, then I encourage them to do so. At moment the Seer has to decide who they convert/kill based on limited information but if they have more information then things become a little bit harder for them as they will have to decide who is lying and who isn't on top of what roles they would want and which player would make a good convert to help them.
  18. I am both a good pick and a bad pick for converting. Good pick given many players have a hard time reading me and I can come up with some really good plans. Bad pick as I always tend to set up a deadman switch to get me outed if I am converted and I do tend to get scanned fairly early. Good pick as I get scanned fairly early so a later conversion works well on me. Bad pick as I'm not someone that gains a lot of trust even when clear and I don't get a lot of information. Either way it's both a good idea and a bad idea to convert me. Question for the Seer is, is the reward worth the risk? Should a Seeker find the Seer within the first 2 cycles, I would strongly encourage them to out themselves. Yes they become a prime target for death but it will let us burn down the Seers atium which means less converts. The Seeker can only trust themselves as their contacts/scans can be converted after being Seeked so telling them puts the Seeker at risk while allowing the Seer to remain hidden. I would rather lose a Seeker early in the game to out the Seer than for them to remain quiet and let the Seer use up their Atium giving us more to find. Pending some answers I'm waiting on from the GM, my suggestions for the first couple of cycles would be: Soothers and Rioters: Move votes. Outside of a game twist, the Seer can't Smoke themselves. If the Soothers and Rioters can't move a vote, then their target is a Smoker and thus not the Seer. Cross that name off the list of suspects. If you want, contact someone and have them reveal who you targeted or you can reveal yourself. If you moved a vote, claim it. You can't be the Seer. Seekers: Seek those above and below you on the player list. After that, work on any votes that were moved. If someone 'proved' themselves to be a Soother or Rioter that is above or below you on the player list, seek one of the moved votes instead so the seeking isn't wasted. Smokers: Smoke only yourself. Second hand smoking is bad for everyones health. Late addition: thanks to Straws answers, a new bit of information. Rioter, if you vote and want to remain hidden, move a no vote to where your vote is. This will keep the numbers the same unless your target is a smoker.
  19. I hadn't noticed that failed kills aren't revealed. Most irritating as we lose a good deal of information there. Asking Thugs to out themselves wouldn't work as they know they will likely be lynched. And Lurchers should always be protecting. The more lives we have, the longer the game and the higher our chances of winning are. Coinshots should only go after those that survive a lynch for the same reason. Seekers should scan those directly above and below themselves on the player list for the first two cycles to avoid too much overlap. It's not much help while the Seer is alive but it will give us some idea of what we have to work with later on. I can see 3 or 4 atium in this game. I agree that 3 is more likely but 4 is also a possibility depending on role distribution. I'm working on 4 simply as it's the worst case. If there's only 3, great, but if there is 4 then I would rather be prepared for it than caught short.
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