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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Pebbles in the lake. On a hook. A hook! I can smell the sun! With no hat. Suomynona. Black trees and thistles. The mist whispers to me. What’s in your blood?
  2. Pebbles in the lake! Moths at sunset! Purple Foxglove.
  3. Beetles don’t like people! They pulse in my brain and I hears their words. They don’t like you. No, no. No, no, no, no. A ring surrounding everything. In the weeds. With no hat. Tasty! Purple foxglove. Suomynona! Black trees and thistles. Tiny Ghul. The Void calls. Blood in the Mist! In a hole in the ground. Two. Then one … then none. Squeaky-Squeaky!
  4. There is mist in my head. A snowflake will lie. In your hand. And melt. A little piece of ginger glass! In a hole in the ground. Ooh, shiny! Skulls are happy. They always smile.
  5. Hungry Bricks! A kettle! In the kettle! Two mice! Squeaky-Squeaky! Suomynona. Make him shorter. Like the others. I can smell the sun!
  6. The bear in the beehive wants his fiddle back.
  7. That's a shame. I assume being a poltergeist from Dreamer or a Cytonics user from Defending Elysium are also out. Hopefully this one is okay.
  8. Hmm, sounds interesting. Can we be a Brain in a Jar/Liveborn from Perfect State? If so, I'll join as one of them, I'll flesh it out later, with a Wode scroll.
  9. Hungry Bricks! Less than 12 hours to go. Join in on the fun. You know you want to. Tasty!
  10. Flip-flap-flopping fish. On a hook. In a hole. The worms are in my head and they wiggle. Wiggle-wiggle-wiggle-wiggle! Two. Then one … then none. A very fine carpet, sir.
  11. Noooo. I don't want to go back to a mortal body! Smokeform all the way. Great game all. Congratulations to the Guards for pulling off a good win. Mr. Doctor, I can tell you will be one to keep a very close eye on in future games. Steel, your write ups were vastly entertaining. I look forward to you GMing some more.
  12. "BUTTONS!" The sudden voice coming from nowhere jerks several heads around as the gathered companions search for the owner of the voice. A man covered in a dusty travelers cloak emerges from a shadowed alcove. "The stars have aligned. The mist whispers to me. A little piece of ginger glass!" Zunn the Mad has returned and is joining the group!
  13. Disappointing activity. Elandera, you are still one of my top suspects despite others seeming to trust you. You haven't posted so far this cycle which is unusual for you but I'm sure there will be plenty of activity once I go to sleep.
  14. A quieter cycle than I was hoping for. But then I haven't exactly been posting myself so I can't really say much. I've got about three hours till I'm off for the cycle again but given the consistent flurry of votes that's been happening in the last hour or two of the cycles, I'm not sure if it's worth me placing my vote.
  15. Wow. A little harsh don't ya think? And here I was thinking I was being more active than usual.
  16. Gancho. You seem to only be able to post early in the round so it's highly unlikely you will be able to respond to the votes against you but as it stands, you are my best lead in finding the Elims.
  17. Rae has been stabbed in the back several times by players that she trusted. Even those that have provided 'proof' that they are innocent. So I fully understand her stance. Personally, I'm siding with her in not trusting the proof you have offered but then I trust no one as a rule. Thanks.
  18. You will get the hang of it soon I'm sure so I wouldn't worry about it. I have the benefit of playing multiple games with the role-set we have and can probably recite their abilities in my sleep, which is not a good thing I'm sure.
  19. More like 4 lives with the chance of a fifth. As you pointed out ,balanced with a Village Mistborn. The odds of an Elim Mistborn pulling Pewter the same cycle they get lynched is high enough that even I wouldn't bet on it. If done however, the gambits they could pull would be great. I kinda want this to happen now.
  20. Please don't. While it has caught out a couple of people in past games, both village and elim, it is not a tactic that should be used. As it uses wording from the GM PM it is skirting the rules a little. Really? I see no reason why they couldn't have both. A Mistborn isn't as powerful as many believe. Sure they have access to every ability in the game but only one power per cycle and they can't pick which one. A lot is down to luck with that role. My rule of thumb is to not take anything from the RP part of the write up as canon. If there are clues, great but if there aren't and we follow them then we just open ourselves up for manipulation by the Elims. I really want to vote for you. You're Thugness and my own distribution ideas leans me towards thinking you are evil. (As do the Gods of Luck and Chance but we'll set that aside for now.) Apart from that, Snipexe did say during D2 that they forgot the game was running D1 when there wasn't a kill and Gancho saying that CadCom was an Elim kill when they shouldn't know that are setting off bells for me. As things currently stand it is very likely I will be voting on one of you three. Not a lot to go on but it's more than I had a cycle ago.
  21. I'm thinking about it. Mistborn and Coinshot can be either Village or Elim. They are kill roles. If they are Elim then yes they are the enemy but if Village then they simply have bad aim. I am simply giving my opinion. I know how I would balance this game and a Thug Elim would be one of the ways to do it. I'm not saying they have a Thug or that you are Elim but the possibility exists and must be looked at. CadCom wrote their own death. You can't take anything from it as they would have zero information to use when doing so.
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