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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Sacrifice some animal crackers. It usually works for me. I wouldn't mind doing this but we would need to shift the vote and hope a kill role is not only in the game but also active enough to see the change. I don't think our luck is that good since the Monk seems to be using it all at the moment.
  2. To be fair, I would keep some information back if I was going to pass some along to you as well so I can't fault Wonko for doing so. You are Orlok after all, one of the most devious players around. I might be hard to read for others but you give off Village vibes no matter which side you are on. You sure the Monk is legit? They might be an Elim claiming to be blocking to cover up the lack of kills. Or maybe they are the Ctheah and are claiming the blocked kills of the Monk as their own. Which is dangerous as a counter claim could end their game. As a devoted follower of the Gods of Luck and Chance, I choose to believe that the Monk, if true, has the blessing of Luck and Chance. May they continue to smile upon you Monk.
  3. Wow. 24 hours into the cycle and only 3 (valid) votes? I can kinda understand as there hasn't been any Elim kills so there isn't a whole lot we can go on. Wonko, a couple of people have raised suspicions of you in both past cycles. Anything you wish to say?
  4. That makes me feel all warm and snugly for some reason. Since I need to vote to avoid losing one of my passes, Eternum. The Gods of Luck and Chance say it is you I vote on. They did tell me to vote on Elandera for the first two die rolls though so I'm not sure they are paying attention today.
  5. Well, isn't that interesting. I can fully see the Elims having a lover pair if they had a higher than normal count so just because you and Snipexe are Lovers doesn't mean your Village. However, I do have a slight read on you so Snipexe. Do me a favor? Take that trust and throw it out the window. Typically when people publicly say they trust me even a little, I tend to wind up dead. I kinda trust Steel, for now, so I won't be voting for him. Fifth and Devotary are on my list but I'm not sure which way they fall as it tends to go back and forth. That leaves Wonko as the only one for me to vote on that I have even a mild suspicion of. But I'm not going to vote on them as I don't feel it's strong enough.
  6. Vote Tally: Drought (1): Bard Itiah (1): Bort Snipexe (1): Alv, Fifth Steel (2): Walin, Xinoehp Fifth (1): Devotary, Snipexe Ari (1): Ari Devotary (2): Wonko, Fifth Huh, I thought there were more votes than that. Get voting people! 6.5 hours left!
  7. A smart Cthaeh would. Let's say Orlok is the Cthaeh. (I don't think he is but just roll with it.) Since he voted on a now proven dead Elim, he is very unlikely to be lynched. The Cthaeh is also unkillable at night so as it stands, a Orlok-Cthaeh is in prime position to win. If the Elims want to out him, they would first have to out themselves which opens them up to being lynched. After all, who else would want Orlok dead if not Elim? Same with any scanner role, they make themselves targets for the Elims if they try. I would also point out that giving all the information to any one person, Orlok included, is not a good idea. Firstly, mayoring is just bad and not something we want to encourage here. Secondly, if I read the rules right, there is an alignment changing role on the Elim team. If you look at the roles/rules, you will note that while the Lovers are guaranteed to possess the same alignment at the start of the game, there is also part that says "If lovers are of opposite alignment, they gain the win condition of the Cthaeh." To me that means alignment can change, not just for Lovers but any role. The only role I can see that can do that is Encanis. It is the only role we know nothing about. Now I haven't read the books so I don't know what Encanis can do but I'm sure someone here can fill us in.
  8. Snipexe. You took your vote off Elandera last cycle when it was tied with Rae and added it to Steel bring him into the tie instead. Elandera then promptly took theirs off Rae leaving Steel as the lead lynchee. Not long afterwards Rae added her vote to Steel making him the clear leader with double the number of votes anyone had. Thankfully Eternum took his? vote off Steel and someone got Drought to vote resulting in a dead elim but I can't help but wonder if you and Elandera are teammates and planned the vote swing in a Doc. The timing seems to fit together just a little too well.
  9. Vote Tally:Wonko (1): Bort, Cadmium, OrlokBard (0): FifthAonar (1): Rae, WonkoBort (0): WonkoElandera (2): Bort, SnipexeEternum (1): Elandera, FifthRae (2): Steel, Cadmium, AlvMega (1): XinoephDrought (1): RaeWalin (1): Walin Fifth (1): Bard Cadmium (1): Steel Steel (2): Eternum, Fifth I think I'm going to vote for Rae. Nothing concrete but you seem much more aggressive this game than I recall you being in other games we have played together. New style perhaps?
  10. That's almost exactly what I have in mind. The thought that I could be killed by having my vote cancelled is fun. It's an extra risk on top of if the elims decide to kill me. That extra bit of a risk makes the games more enjoyable for me. It's also why I enjoy being tied for the lynch when they are decided randomly. Best case for me is if my vote gets cancelled causing me to die from inactivity, I get killed by Elims and randomly lynched all on same cycle. The trifecta of deaths.
  11. I don't always tolerate stupid people, but when I do, I'm probably at work.

  12. 24 hours into the cycle and we have a decent number of votes already. 11 out of 20. Personally, I'm debating if I want to vote this cycle. I like the idea of using up my passes early to force me to vote later in the game. Vote Tally: Wonko (2): Bort, Cadmium, Orlok Bard (0): Fifth Aonar (1-2): Rae*, Wonko Bort (0): Wonko Elandera (2): Bort, Snipexe Eternum (2): Elandera, Fifth Rae (1): Steel Mega (1): Xinoeph Drought (0-1): Rae* Walin (1): Walin
  13. Given there is still over 24 hours left in the cycle, calling out no voters at this stage seems pointless. Unless you want to be seen doing some good while secretly evil.....
  14. As an almost possibly former Lurker, I go to stand up for Aonar and say let Lurkers Lurk. It's all we have.
  15. @Drake Marshall you missed another sign up. Tsk, tsk. Can't have people miss out on their chance of being killed. That would be rude. And in case you miss it too, I'll just put this here.
  16. Wait, you want me to not kill him now? Didn't you want me to kill Rand so you got into the Championships? Plans are in motion. It might be too late to back out now.
  17. You missed a couple of sign ups. Also, @Arraenae & @Arinian, sign ups have been extended, so you can sign up now right?
  18. The pale light from the newly risen moon slowly setting sun bathed the clearing in a eerie glow. A campfire had been set but not lit as several members of the group argued over the best way to light the fire. Trees loomed over everyone, their skeletal branches looking like fingers stretching out to grasp those below as they moved to the cool wind that only added to the chills running up everyone's spines. Well, almost everyone. Nestled among the branches, wrapped in his warm woolen cloak sat Laon. A smirk plastered on his face as he watched those below.
  19. Took a hiatus. But I'm back now and I have a plethora of freshly sharpened knives just itching to find a back or two.
  20. Congratulations Rand. You are about to be killed by a whole new bunch of people. To help you in your task, I bestow unto you the subtlety of the Shadows so that none may see you until you are ready to strike.
  21. You did but I think it was in the Good News thread so only those that check both know the full story.
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