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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Congratulations to all the winners. I also nominate Steeldancer for the Oops award for being the first person to post on the wrong account. I found the anonymous accounts to be most interesting. I'm fairly sure that if I had posted about having a secret voting system on this account, not many would've questioned it. Well done to the Elims for keeping the streak alive. Hopefully we can break the curse next year.
  2. Not all my characters are insane. I mean there's .... um .... hold on .... I'm sure I've got one .... somewhere .... do dead or one timers count? But how can I RP if I'm not on the Shard? When I say I'm taking a break, I mean I won't be logging in until I'm back. Indeed it has but sadly life and other stuff has made it so I need a break regardless of what's being run.
  3. I know how you feel. I'm taking a break from SE for a couple of months yet I have several characters voicing their displeasement that I won't be using them for a Shard game. And they can be very vocal.
  4. All that does is fire up the imagination. What could he possibly be working on? And is it a stand alone or the start of another series? Brandon! Why must you torture us so???
  5. So by rights, that would also mean that someone can cast a vote and later retract it without dying as they did cast a vote but it wasn't counted in the lynch.
  6. Interesting. So if Joe casts a vote and Len cancels it, does Joe die as technically he doesn't have a vote cast?
  7. A very fun game Sart. Thank you for running it and for giving me a fitting death. Village, you all fixated on an Elim being the one that stole the Map to the point that it clouded your judgments and analysis. Remember to consider all possibilities. Especially if I'm playing. Monster, well done on fooling the village with your analysis about the killing elim not taking an item. It kept the focus on the 6 where the village odds were much smaller for an evil lynching. I can tel you will be a player to keep an eye on in future. Ronald may or may not return at a later date...... He's just dying to tell you some more jokes.
  8. In fact the Shard games are a long series of sequels starting from QF4 run by Joe. LG10 was the first LG of the Shardic format followed by LG14 which was the last one Joe ran. But thankfully Seonid took over and gave us LG21 and LG29. Nyali ran a similar type in LG26 but isn't part of the series. If you want a Shard of your very own, these are the games to play. Personally, I'm more for a Kandra game. We haven't had one of those since LG8 and with the Anonymous accounts, it will be that much better. (This has nothing to do with NaVorl being bored. Nope. Nothing at all)
  9. Since I am not long for this game, I guess it's time for my reveal. Yes, it's that type of game folks. I am the Sneaky person that took the Map. [pause for gasps] Spoilered so as to not scar Steel any more than I already have. Don't open the spoiler Steel, you really don't want to open it. Like really. Wait! What are you doing?? Don't open it! I took it for almost the same reason Orlok decided not to take Bribes. I could see the game was broken with the Supply mechanic and wanted to remove the items to give the Elims a fighting chance. At least partly, I also want to irritate Joe but sadly he died. I do wonder if Joe went after the Map for reasons similar to those Orlok and myself had. Guess I'll be able to ask him soon. I have given the Map to another and have asked them not to use it. I am not going to say who or if they replied. Orlok, you want fun, hunt down the new Map holder and steal it from them. Let's see how long it takes you. Oh and the coin says, Jon. Somehow the Coin landed on it's edge between a book and the wall. So you get both.
  10. Hmm, do I want a tie or do I want it to be my big reveal post I have typed up already? Decisions decisions. Ooh I know. I'll flip a coin. Heads a tie, tails a reveal. [spinning coin sounds] And the result is...... To be revealed later.
  11. Votes: Alv (6): Drake, Kyne, Jon, Len, Orlok, Brightness Orlok (0): Len, Steel, Alv Eter (0): Jon, Monster Monster (0): Alv, Eter Brightness (0): Monster Jon (3): Steel, Eter, Legend
  12. You didn't know that Evil can be prepared? This needs rectifying immediately.
  13. Actually it's still a 2/5 or 1/5 depending given that you could very well be a Prepared Elim.
  14. Then why did you take that bite? No refunds for those that dash their own dreams.
  15. Sadly, I ate all the pizza. But I did order you a new one. The delivery lady was very nice.
  16. Well, I can't very well hope for a tie with me and Orlok if he's having this kind of fun. That would go against everything I do. I was planning on going for the gun to see if I could take some folks out with me but sadly I get Lynched first so I shall instead bow out and wish Orlok a fun time and hope he gets better soon. And remember, It's just a game. Have fun.
  17. Aww, thanks Drakey. But there is still time for a tie to form. Although it will just mean I get lynched the next cycle anyway so it really matters not. It is not trust but faith my friend. The Gods of Luck and Chance have smiled down on me in many a time of crisis. It is only right that I continue to place my faith in them. Self-preservation? Never heard of it. I kept my vote there as I have only just gotten on to see four votes on me. I might be the all powerful and greatly feared Alv, but I do need my beauty sleep. It's not easy being this evil. As there is a chance of a tie and I'm all about the ties, Monster, Orlok. I am sorry Orlok, I know you are sick but this is my best chance of a tie vote and some fun. You know me, I'm all about the fun.
  18. Hey now, you're the one that turned my character into a clown. But I will stop posting clowns except for one final one should I be up for the lynch.
  19. Oi! I just noticed. Someone took my vote off Mac. How rude. I also don't see why they would do that given they are Village but my best guess is that it was Mac themselves and that's why they didn't show up with an item on death even though they were a Prepared role. But still, to mess with my vote. How mean and rude. And mean. Edit: Yep, the write up itself shows Mac bribing a creepy clown not to vote on him so that must be it.
  20. But Drake, you're the only one voting on me. If you switch I'll be left out of the fun. Of course I understand you Drakey dear. You have a solid suspicion to work with. No one can fault you for voting on me. However, I would like to point out that I never said I placed an action. I said that just because I missed rollover, doesn't mean I didn't place an action. I might of placed an action or I might not have placed an action. Also, I love your use of wherewithal. It's so seldom used these days.
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