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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Life is risk, risk is life. To live is to gamble with death. Edit: Also, your vote count is wrong. You can't trickses us. Oh no, we are on to you.
  2. He felt a large pull on his emotions! Shock ran though him. Impossible! I learnt their secret! They can't pull my thoughts anymore! They knew. Somehow they knew. They knew he knew. But did they know that he knew that they knew?
  3. She was watching him. Sabine was what she called herself but he knew better. He knew what she really was. She was one of the eyes that watched his every move. Always watching, never blinking. She was watching him now. Waiting for him to move. But he wasn't going to give her that/ No, she wanted him to react to her giving away one of his prized bottles but he wasn't going to. No, no, no, no, no. He knew what she wanted and wasn't going to give it to her.
  4. Plants. They were all talking about plants. It must be code. They knew he was near so they used codes so he wouldn't learn their plans. But he was on to them. He knew trees didn't hurt anyone. They were too weak and spindly to even pose a risk of falling on someone. So what were they talking about if not trees and grass? But what if it wasn't code. There was that one person that looked suspiciously like a prickly plant. Cactus was it? It must be code. Surely. Else why wouldn't they just get rid of the plantperson that was right in front of them?
  5. Everyone is a Soother or Rioter and no one is playing a Foil Hat Conspirator? Very disappointing. Guess it's up to me then. Sign me up. I would give you a name but you would like that wouldn't you? You would love to know my name. Oh you're good, but I'm not falling for it. No, no, no, no. I'm not falling for your tricks anymore. They were all around him. He could hear them whispering to him over and over. He had tried to live a quiet life away from others but they always found him. No matter where he went, they found him. He could feel their eyes on him even now. Watching. Always watching, never blinking.
  6. Anytime. I decided a while ago that more lighthearted fun was needed in these games so expect to see more this year. Zunn the Mad is very interested in making his comeback. The Gods of Luck and Chance will also be making a much bigger impact on the games I play.
  7. Remember when you said this in LG40? And I replied. Can you really blame me for wanting to explode your brains? I still need another set for my jar. Sounds like your brains were getting a little scrambled this game. Why not Road? Because I want to break your brains for my jar. Why the Gods of Luck and Chance that's who. I got really suspicious of Steel when he encouraged the Ra vs Apophis lynch. Devotary revealed to me during the past night that Ari was the bodyguard so while I was suspicious of a possible backstabbing guard gambit or a WGG, I figured it was more likely that they were both village. Be thankful to Devotary Ari, if they didn't reveal your role to me, I very likely would've shot you. Once Ornstein shot Legend and he flipped elim, I had a choice between Steel or Road, Road was inactive for the most part so killing him was a waste. If he was an elim then he would die to the lynch. Steel was the better target.
  8. Nice one Ornstein. Guess we should lynch Roadwalker next then. Also, I have a gun and I am shooting Steeldancer.
  9. Both @Roadwalker and @livinglegend have been online during this cycle but haven't commented. If either of you are evil then by all means stay away but if you are village, we could do with your vote/opinion. Apophis, I shall over look your dark ways again in the hopes that we can remove the taint of the Kors. But mark my words, Ra shall never surrender to the forces of Darkness. Ornstein, you've escaped the lynch a couple of times but now it is your time.
  10. He said Ima not Mesa. Your argument is invalid. Mesa wonder if anyone has a gun and is willing to shoot Devotary. I never intended to lynch them but to as I said "call for their death". So if someone has a gun and is willing to shoot Devotary it will either clear Drought and myself or it will cause more chaos. Any takers?
  11. Interesting. Very interesting. Let us not take half a cycle to vote this time. I'll even get the ball rolling with my customary vote on Apophis.
  12. There are two things anyone who talks to me needs to know.
    1:  I am very cranky until I get my first cup of coffee
    2: I don't drink coffee

  13. The problem with the fake scanner ploy is that at some stage we have to kill them to confirm anything they have to say. Outing Rand so early puts the Elims on the back foot fairly early. It would've been better to wait another couple of cycles to do that. As for Devotary, I was planning on calling for his death next cycle to confirm his scans unless he came up with another elim this night.
  14. Apophis. Ornstein. I trust Ari more than Mega or Ornstein so I'm more than happy to have the lynch be tied between the two of them. Vote tally: Ornstein (2): Devotary, Alv Ari (1): Alv, Mega Mega (2): Steel, Ari
  15. What are you talking about? I am Ra, the physical embodiment of Light, Life and all that is good in the world. How could you not know of me? Unless you serve the forces of Darkness....
  16. The fight between Light and Darkness is eternal and ongoing for one side can never defeat the other yet they both must continue to try. As it is written, so shall it be.
  17. Apophis! Four times your darkness has shrouded the sky and four times the Kors have struck. Is there anything you wish to say regarding these "coincidences"?
  18. Blasphemy! Even if you did use randomness to break the tie which pleases the Gods of Luck and Chance.
  19. Sounds like some fun. Steel, Straw. About 2 and a half hours.
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