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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Vote Tally: Alv (2): Steel, Kyne, Straw Ari (1): Alv, Mega, Ornstein Mega )1): Ari Steel (1): Alv Straw (1): Ornstein Legend (1): Devotary Edit: Opps. Added it up wrong
  2. Hungry bricks. Flip-flap-flopping fish. With no hat! Skip and Dance. Skip and Dance. Buttons! ♪♫♪ Oh, he's Joxter the Mighty, he's really tidy. Everybody likes him 'cause he has a funny grin. Joxter! He's Joxter the Mighty! If you're in jeopardy, don't call the cavalry. There's a better remedy. Although he doesn't work for free! Righting wrongs and singing songs. Being mighty all day long. He’s Joxter, he’s Joxter the Mighty! ♪♫♪
  3. I admit that when I first heard about it I didn't have high hopes but after watching the first two episodes I found it to be very well done. The whole season was enjoyable and I am looking forward to a second season.
  4. Personally, I don't think you are an Elim either. I've just been having fun with the whole Ra vs Apophis thing. Steeldancer however is very much triggering my bells. First he starts off today by bringing up the Ra vs Apophis debate making it bigger than just the fun I've been having the last few cycles. Then he 'suggests' that we both get lynched which means no real discussion this round. And once the ball gets rolling, he tries to back away from it despite it being his idea in the first place.
  5. Hearken! Thine dastardly ninja plans to steal thy corn of popping.
  6. Thine allegiance is well known for thy was the first to cast this cycle.
  7. Vote Tally: He who gives Light (2): Steel, Kyne He who brings Death (2): Alv, Mega Note dear gentle folk that while I, the bringer of life, has placed mine vote, the evil Apophis hath not. He can tip the scales of justice to his liking should we remain idle.
  8. And the world shall be plundered into nothing. The Void shall consume all for what is there if both Light and Darkness are gone?
  9. BEHOLD! Apophis hath revealed his insidious ways! Strike now dear folk or all shall be lost!
  10. I'm not trying to help my case. I'm simply having fun. Loads and loads of fun.
  11. Real question is why aren't you voting for Apophis? Are one of his followers trying to bring naught but misery to this lands? The Eye of Ra is upon you. A distraction? How can the eternal fight between the forces of Light and Darkness, Good and Evil, Order and Chaos, Life and Death be a distraction? Sif knows that you are evil. You may have blinded the others with your darkness and shadows but the light shall always shine through and reveal the truth. Embrace the Light my friends and cast this evil from our lands.
  12. You cannot live in twilight if there is no Sun. Help me rid this world of Apophis before it's too late. Five of our comrades have already fallen to his insidious evil ways. We must act before he devours the rest of us.
  13. Guys, can we not kill Rand this cycle? He's the only one willing to help me save this world from the eternal darkness that threatens to swallow us all! Apophis is making his move. We must act now or we are all doomed. DOOOOOMMMMED!
  14. Wonderful. Thank you very much. I really like his expression. Definitely a loner / don't talk to me type.
  15. Ooh, a vote. This seems familiar. I'm sensing a pattern here. Well, when in Rome... Apophis.
  16. Don't know what you are talking about Road. Your vote on me is clearly listed in the tally.
  17. True but my Amazingness does mean you should never, ever, ever lynch, kill or scan me. Ever! Vote Tally: Rand (2): Kyne, Devotary, Steel Ari (1): Alv, Legend Alv (1): Road Walin (1): Legend, Straw Straw (1): Walin Legend (1): Alv Budgie (2): Drought, Mega Drought (0): Steel So it's currently tied between Budgie and Rand. Devotary's post about Rand was very interesting but I'm getting a minor village read on Rand. On the other hand, I have seen Budgie looking over the thread a few times but they only posted after Drought placed a vote on them which always gives off an elim vibe to me. But since the vote is currently tied, I'm more than happy to leave it as it is.
  18. Ohh, a four way tie. Very nice. Well, now you've done it. There was already a vote on Apophis/Arinian but now that you have broken the tie, you get to join in on the fun. Welcome to the lynch Livinglegend.
  19. I have a problem with this. You're saying that if I wasn't me then you would vote for me and you are stating in your second sentence that I am me so by your first sentence, you can't vote for me yet you have voted for me. Also I don't like lots of crazy votes. I like lots of tie votes. Or lots or scrambling to tie, untie and then retie the lynch. Big difference. At moment we have a lovely three way tie. Anyone else want to nominate someone to join the fun?
  20. Guess it's a good thing I'm not anyone else then. Come on people. We only have two votes placed. Let's get some action going.
  21. If that happens, we can ask a gun holder to take them out. We can still have a tie lynch that cycle. If there are no gun holders, which should be very unlikely unless they use them, then we can still tie it up. Think of the elim sweating it out not knowing if they will die or not instead of just giving up and letting us kill them. No fun that way.
  22. Why not? Give me one really good reason why we can't have all lynches be ties.
  23. Storm it Kynedath. I was hoping to be the first poster again. Ah well. Apophis! You all know he is evil. He admits to having already taken over half the planet and shrouding it in eternal darkness. Join with me today to cast this vile serpent from our lands before it's too late.
  24. Hmm, I do want a tie but something about Joe's post feels off. Almost like he really wants a three way tie to lessen his chances of being lynched. It's ringing bells almost enough for me to vote for him. But storm it, I love ties and random lynches. Joe, if you turn out evil, I'm going to be very upset at you and myself. Roadwalker.
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