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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I'm not. I'm working to insure that once the Skaa are found, that the House I'm in comes out on top. We have two unexplained kills on N1. N1! That does not happen unless there is a very good reason to suspect someone or the other Houses are also planning to come out as top House.
  2. The way I see it, there are three choices for me today. Asterion, Road and you. Road leads the lynch, Asterion has almost no chance of being lynched and I still really want to see what happens in a tie. I'll be keeping my vote on you unless it looks like I can make a tie elsewhere.
  3. Drake was the first of the group to gain two votes and given that you were the first one of those votes, you not remembering seems fishy. The first two votes in the cycle were both on Drake. Sorry Phatt but not remembering a lynch you basically started seems very suspicious to me.
  4. I don't think it's the case either but it's never a good idea to lock yourself into one train of thought. As long as we can keep an open mind, we have a better chance of seeing any discrepancies . At moment, well for the whole cycle really, I'm leaning on voting for Phatt. A first cycle vote on a fellow elim isn't all that uncommon so I'm a little suspicious of Phatt for that. (Now that you've said that, I just got to have your brains in my jar. ) You want to identify me? Good luck with that. Many players have tried to track me down and learn my real name and where I live.
  5. Nice. That's three brains in the jar. Just need one more set. Anyone? Anyone at all? Vote Tally Time: Mega (1): Lopen Sami (0): Mega Asterion (1): Mega Road (1): Manukos With less than four hours left, we could do with some more votes. And yes, I know I'm one of the ones that hasn't voted. I'm waiting to see if we can make a tie again. What's your excuse?
  6. I switched to Drake to see what Phatt would do. As expected he moved his vote back to Drake where it started and all I had to do was remove my vote to make the last couple of minutes mean nothing. Was fun. Ooh, can I get a list of whose heads exploded? At that point, I wasn't really paying full attention to the votes but rather just trying to keep a running tally in my head. It didn't work too well and I kinda got lost at the end. Yay. More brains being splattered. I think he accepted all of them as he did say that the cycle closed 33 minutes after it was meant to due to him sleeping.
  7. Ah, it seems I was indeed wrong. Ah well. Live and learn.
  8. “One should never sell themselves short little lady. I remember a story told to me by my now departed parents of a female warrior. It was a time long before the Lord Ruler. When the ancient gods were petty and cruel, and they plagued mankind with suffering, a land in turmoil cried out for a hero. She was Annie, a mighty warrior forged in the heat of battle. The power...the passion...the danger. Her courage changed the world. ♪♫♪ Annie Banannie, she kicks fanny. Dangerous with sword and knife, learned her skills in a past life. Never will you outfox her. She's as good as ol' Joxter. She’s Annie, Annie the Mighty! ♪♫♪ It was the story of Annie that inspired me to become who I am today and if someone like Annie can stand up for what is right, so can you. Sure, you might be wrinkled and old but you can still make a difference. Joxter the Mighty believes in you!” And with a tip of his helm, Joxter stood up, bade farewell and strolled off whistling to himself. Another person inspired to stand up and face the evil skaa head on. You know Joxter old boy, you should think about going into politics.
  9. Don't rule out the possibility of it being a Mistborn that killed Bugsy. We know that there are secret roles as Steeldancer was an Aluminium Misting and Bugsys death write up does talk about Mistborn using Atium. I could see Drought giving the Elims a Mistborn but only able to use each ability once or something. But if that is the case then it seems very unlikely the elims would hit two Seekers on the same night (esp N1 before any seeking could happen) without someone revealing their roles in Doc.
  10. Joxter watched as the boy tried to form a coherent sentence. Ah, he’s a fan! Marvelous. Hmm, maybe I should give him some advice? Yes. That’s just the thing. “Eat all your vegetables little one so you can grow up big and strong, just like Joxter the Mighty.” And with that sage advice, Joxter stood up and continued on his way. The sun was rising and with it, evil. What was his name again? Durwood? Dum-dum? Darvey? No, that's not right. Aha! Darquez! That was it. ♪♫♪ Darquez the Dirty He’s always outside-y. Never hurts the other boys, Even when they steal his toys. It might seem quite grim, But you should take a swim. Once clean your skin will gleam, And you will be a girls dream. You are now in my song, But now I must move along. He’s Darquez, Darquez the Dirty. ♪♫♪ @ShaneysRus
  11. As the sun set and Belmark Entrone was dealt swift justice, Joxter felt a surge of relief as it was proclaimed that Belmark was one of the sneaky Skaa that had infiltrated the Noble Houses. “Haha. Never fear for Joxter the Mighty is here! Not only do I already have the evil Skaa on the run but I have, with the help of some fine upstanding locals, taken down one of their leaders. Even now the remaining evildoers quake in their boots for they know that they cannot hide from Joxter the Mighty.” But of course, the great Joxter was once more ignored by the gathered crowd. No matter. They will soon be singing my praises once I single handedly take down the rest. After all, I’m ♪♫♪ Joxter the Mighty he's very shiny. Everyone admires him. He's so handsome, it's a sin. He's every man's trustee. And every woman's fantasy. Plus, he's good with company. It's Joxter, Joxter the Mighty! ♪♫♪ Joxters voice rang throughout the hall. As he finished a verse he felt a tugging on his faulds. Looking down he saw a child beside him looking up with large eyes with tears beginning to form in the corners and a quivering lower lip. Looking around and seeing no one else paying Joxter any attention, he knelt down next to the kid. "What's wrong little one?" @ShaneysRus Why wouldn't I want a tie. I love ties, I'm against first round lynches and I love a mystery. When Drought PAFOed what happens in a tied lynch, I just had to find out. It's who I am. Really? Vote manipulation is rarely used in a first day lynch and even rarer in a faction game. As pointed out above, vote manipulation is not often used in a first day lynch but when it is, it reveals quite a bit of information. I did not forget to account for it. The whole reason I tied the vote after Phatt broke it was to disrupt any last minute manipulations. I could've waited until the last minute to tie it up but instead I did it with 15 minutes to spare. Why do you think that is? Please, if you haven't learnt by now, I'll spell it out for you. I don't protect. I am more than willing to let my housemates/teammates/elims/whatever burn. Heck, I'll even string myself up if it looks to be fun. As long as I'm having fun, it matters not who is lynched. And that last minute vote surge was heaps of fun.
  12. And with a few minutes to go; Vote Tally:Drake (2): Phatt, Bugsy, LopenBugsy (0): DrakeCloud (1): Legend, AsterionBard (0): RoadRoad (2): Brightness, SteelAsterion (2): Budgie, Rae Budgie (1): Asterion
  13. Vote Tally: Drake (2): Phatt, Bugsy, Lopen Bugsy (0): Drake Cloud (1): Legend, Asterion Bard (0): Road Road (1): Brightness Asterion (1): Budgie For some reason, I really, really want to vote for Drake but I'm fairly sure that it's House politics talking. I will likely not vote this cycle as I'm not a fan of first day lynches. Although seeing what happens when the vote is tied might be fun....
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