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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. No. As I said, I haven't read or seen anything to confirm or deny it. It does however seem to be a common belief/theme in this and other threads so there might be a source. I just don't know of it.
  2. True but do you really see Hoid tying himself to another being even if it gives him a slight power boost? And it will only be slight as he already has several abilities from other magic systems. Given that it seems the bond is limited to Roshar, although I personally haven't seen anything confirming or denying it, going off world for any length of time will cause harm to the Spren and Hoid is unable to do that in most cases. No, Hoid has a plan for that spren but it doesn't involve him bonding it. At least that's my opinion.
  3. ♪♫♪ Oh, he's Joxter the Mighty, he's really tidy. Everybody likes him 'cause he has a funny grin. Joxter! He's Joxter the Mighty! If you're in jeopardy, don't call the cavalry. There's a better remedy. Although he doesn't work for free! Righting wrongs and singing songs. Being mighty all day long. He’s Joxter, he’s Joxter the Mighty! ♪♫♪ Joxter sang his song as he entered the building, his staff tapping in rhythm at his side. "Never fear noble, um, Nobles. Joxter the Mighty is here to root out the evil plaguing your land." Decked out head to toe in mismatched bits of scrap armour, Joxter the Mighty tried, and failed, to pose in what he felt was a heroic posture. A few of the others gathered glanced his way and almost all had a smirk on their faces. Joxter the Mighty didn't care that they all thought him a bumbling fool. It was after all exactly what he wanted them to think. It made them underestimate him for it would be all the sweeter when they saw just how effective he was. The looks on their faces then would be worth the scorn he received now when he saved them all and they had to humble themselves as they thanked him.
  4. Ron is honoured you remember him. QF6 was your first game iirc. Ron enjoyed his time working with Roger De Dree. Alex Wunkel, not so much.
  5. I don't trip.  I do random gravity checks.

    1. Tesh


      First thought:


  6. Ron, the agoraphobic cook, bustled about the kitchen. So far 21 guests had shown up for his baking. He carefully arranged the cupcakes on their silver platters. Each of the baked treats carefully placed in their ideal spot so that each cake was enhanced by its neighbors. "Perfect. Mr. Leeds never did appreciate my art fully." Just because there is no rp or anything other than votes during the game doesn't mean we can't have some fun beforehand. Who wants to try one of Ron's cupcakes? (Warning: these may or may not be made following the same recipe he used in QF6.) Also, try not to drop any crumbs on the counter. Ron likes everything neat and tidy. He also carries a large cleaver!
  7. ♪♫♪ Joxter the Mighty, Master of geography, Here to guide you on your way. Stick to me, you'll never stray. And if you're in a land that's new, I'm the man who'll get you through. Even if you're slightly rude. I'm Joxter, I'm Joxter the Mighty! ♪♫♪ Joxter singing, er I mean, signing up.
  8. I'm just trying to fill in any loopholes you may have missed. Speaking of, is the wording we use to vote for someone set or are we allowed to go on long tangents in our voting? I am voting for Wyrm. Retracting vote from Kas. or Hmm, I think I will have to vote for Wyrm this round. After some thought, I withdraw my vote from Kas. I make no such promises.
  9. What if we just list their name in green? We didn't vote for them in that post so technically we wouldn't be breaking any rules.... Yeah, I already knew his response but it helps to get things nice and clear before the game starts. Kinda like the one above. I was thinking of you and your codes during QF6 when I asked that question too. You are after all, one of the code masters of SE. I concur. That looked very much like Kas was signing up to play.
  10. I got the impression that he wasn't trying to bond the cryptic but rather keep it safe from those looking for it. We know that there were three Bondsmith Spren and that Dalinar has Bonded to one of the three spren. I suspect that the Cryptic is the second of the three. There are three great spren cities or nexuses in Shadesmar. The cryptic and honourspren have two of them and I can't remember if the spren of the third was named. The Stormfather "birthed" many honourspren so he could be and likely is a honourspren so, to me, it makes sense that each of the cities is founded by one of the three Bondsmith Spren. Given that, I really don't see Hoid bonding with the Cryptic but rather protecting it so Odium doesn't get his hands on such a powerful spren to corrupt. If it was just a normal spren, why would Hoid be there given his admission that Odium would wipe out the entire city just for the chance of killing him. No, there is something special about that spren.
  11. I got to name my characters. It's how I connect to them and how they let me know what they want to do. Glad to amuse you though. Hmm, what are your thoughts on Bold, Italics, Underline and Strikethrough? We allowed to code our messages with them? I already know you will say no but this is to let everyone else learn that before the game starts. What about emoji?
  12. Better late than never. The Collective is simply a group of my characters that have banded together with the goal of killing OW (Original Wilson) and/or take over the Cosmere and remaking it in their image. I do intend to one day add a full breakdown on the Collective and it's members to the SEA but they are surprisingly difficult to pin down for questioning. I personally disagree with this. Incentivizing one type of play over another is not something that should be done by anyone. Yes there is a sad lack of RP in games but catering a game or giving rewards that affect gameplay for one type of playing over another can and does lead to unbalanced games. I'm not saying it breaks games but giving an advantage to one set of players over another is not an easy thing to balance. It can also lead to the problems we already have, just on the opposite side. At moment the players tend not to RP or they break from it when they are getting lynched/attention. In a game that rewards RP, those that don't like to RP might decide not to play the game and if that happens to be the first game they look at playing, then we might lose a player that could be the next powerhouse. Should there be more RP in games? Yes! Storms yes! I love reading everyones RP. Should players be rewarded for one type of playstyle over another? No. If you want to RP, great. If you don't, then you shouldn't be punished gameplay wise for choosing not to. The GMs job is not to decide how we play the game but rather to provide the setting and boundaries for us to play and explore within. It is up to the players themselves as to how they play the game.
  13. Interesting. A simpler version of QF6. I'm in. Sign me up as Ron, an agoraphobic cook.
  14. That sounds like a challenge to me.
  15. Really, not even half an hour before you called me out? So mean. But I forgive you because you called me amazing. While true, it's still nice to hear. Added to what I said about creating a character, don't box them in. Once you have the basic outline of your character done, let them decide what happens next. You are not them after all. You can give them an object to overcome but it is up to them as to how it is done. As for awards, make them up if you want one. I have a nice collection of them and all but one were self given. If you think you did something amazing then give yourself an award for it. Or if you died in a really horrible, funny or unusual way, award yourself. It only takes a couple of people to start something and before you know it, everyone wants to join in. So if you have a fun idea, run with it.. Go on, be a trend setter.
  16. I'm not one for long winded posts or deep thoughts like those above. I love them, but I just can't reproduce them as I'm a simple uncomplicated person. As such, I agree with many of the points above by Bard, Seonid, Steel and El. Edit: and Sart. I liked what Sart said too. He just added it when I wasn't looking. Sneaky, sneaky Sart. I would quote them and go into more detail but then my first sentence would be moot and we can't have that now can we? Instead I'll just say that if you want to join the meta, then it's fairly easy. Just create a character and play them. Make up a backstory and see how it plays out over a game. None of my characters set out to last more than one game but those that did are the ones that I really connected with. Each one of my living characters embodies a part of me. For example, Ratel is my scientific side that developed when I was young and Spock was a huge influence in my life. He also contains my more curious about magic side that formed when I was a teenager and studied dark rituals like demon summoning and raising the dead. It's an interesting mix. Alv is my mischievous/pranking side. I mean he did board up all the latrines and put laxatives in the chouta. I think we all know which part of me Edaan holds. Add a part of yourself to your characters and you will be surprised at how they come to life. Once the game is over, if you liked how they turned out then bring them back, either for another game or even just a cameo in your next characters origin story. Weave your own meta and it will join the big mess that everyone calls the narrative. Seriously, it's just a big mess that many see as a whole instead of parts that fell on the floor together and look like something. If you want a more direct line, then PM someone and work on a story together for a future game. Heck, if you want, I'm more than happy to provide a list of unplayed Collective members that someone can use for themselves. Or even help set up a RP meeting between one of my characters and someone elses. Or even just help flesh out a character or two. Now then, on to the part of having fun. The tough part is that there is no correct way to have fun. Some players love the part where they get to hunt down elims by analyzing posts and patterns. Other just enjoy RP or being part of a group involved in the hunting. Some elims enjoy trying to con the other players while others enjoy making plots and plans. Even others just like to kill folks. Everyone has their own definition of fun and every single one of them is correct. The hard part is when they conflict with each other. Those that like to go over every word looking for hints have a tough time with those that just want to RP. There is no hard and fast way to correct this. Instead everyone just needs to remember that there are other people on the other side of that screen you're looking at. If they want to RP, let them. Sure it might be a trick to hide their evilness but that's a risk you should take. Nothing is more important than having fun. Typecasting, heh, type, get it? Eh, you got no sense of humour. Typecasting is a problem. Some players are known for their long analyzing posts but when they try to do something different like RP or just have a different kind of fun or just not post as often, even when they say so before the game starts in the sign ups, players tend to think that means they are evil and try and lynch them. Or the elims themselves try and use it as an excuse for their votes. That ruins the fun for that person. I admit that even I am guilty for doing that both as a villager and an elim. Even if it's a player known to be erratic, any time they try and become more serious and help the village, they tend to be ignored. We had a player long ago Lightsworn Panda, who played the same character in every game. Jain and his stuffed Panda. He was by his own admission erratic like someone on crack. He was great fun to play with and his RP was fantastic but he never really did any serious analyzing. Until LG8, where he really stepped up and had the elims pegged. Sadly though, he was completely ignored by the village which let the Kandra win. We didn't even kill him until the last round as even with tagging us, he was no threat because no one took him seriously and joined his votes. It's hard but the best each of us can do is treat each player as if they are new. No preconceived notions or expectations. No added weight to their words just because they've played a pile of games or found all the elims by themselves once long ago. A clean slate for all players each game. And finally, comradery. Docs are a great place to talk to each other and really, really, should be used as such. Over the years I have seen a sad decline of Doc use. Spec and Dead docs used to be full of stories from both the game itself and about players lives. Sadly these days the Docs are less lively than a graveyard during a thunderstorm. Two games are running at moment and both Spec docs only really have the GMs and Mod talking in them. There is the occasional part from a newly dead but it doesn't last long until they are sucked away to the Beyond. Discord is part of the problem but it started before then as many became friends and started talking elsewhere either in PMs or over social media sites. Sadly that lead to a big decline to Doc use and those that come in later find that after death, there is nothing. If we really want to be welcoming to new players, we need to use the resources we have already. I'm not suggesting getting rid of your PMs or anything, just be more active in the Docs. Check in at least once a day and make a comment about the game. It's not that hard is it? Well shoot. I only really wanted to comment on a couple of things but I seem to have rambled a bit. That's alright though. I'm sure no one is going to call me out on it and how it completely contradicts my first sentence. Right?
  17. Well folks. This marks the end of the game. You can find the aftermath thread starting here. But I advise you to follow the thread one post above for the full story. You wouldn't skip to the end of the book to see how it turns out, would you?
  18. Well folks. This marks the end of the game. You can find the aftermath thread starting here. But I advise you to follow the thread one post above for the full story. You wouldn't skip to the end of the book to see how it turns out, would you?
  19. Well, it is long, long past time we closed this game up. Congratulations to the Court and many thanks to both Aonar and Joe for running this game. Running one game is time consuming but the two of you were basically running two games at the same time. Very well done. (If you ever run a game like this again, I will hunt you both down and kill you in a suitably horrible fashion. Separate threads? Really?) The game was fun to watch unfold but very confusing to keep straight. In order for this game to remain readable for future readers, the three threads will remain separate. I wish you future readers luck in keeping up with what's going on where. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Wilson, Orlok Tsubodai, Seonid or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would rather keep some detail secret or are self conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be, while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Elbereth, Amanuensis, Aonar Faileas, A Joe in the Bush, and Stink) would be more than willing to help you out in private.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  20. As much as I loved this, some of my characters have been very insistent that I set the record straight. Ratel and Alv being the loudest. (Seriously, those two have been yelling at me for over 16 hours) Good news is that it has allowed me to flesh them out a little more. Hopefully I can get their Bios out soon(ish). LG12: All good here Interim: Edaan didn't join the Collective. He went to them to ask for their help in locating the families and loved ones of those responsible for the death of Kiireon. In his rage and grief fueled state, Edaan fails to inquire about the price of their help. While looking into his request, the Collective learn that Kiireon was/is Original Wilson. At first the Collective doesn't want to help anyone associated with OW but Ratel convinces them to help while he implants a small silver of Pandamodium's Odium Shard, that they only recently acquired, into Edaan to observe what happens. Edaan is unaware of this. LG14: The Odium Shard here is Parodium for those keeping track. Interim: Edaan returns to the Collective of his own accord as he now needs help to contain the surging Hatred that is growing inside him as they helped him before so maybe they can help again. Ratel is ordered to find a way to separate the two so the Collective can gain the Shard for themselves. (He finds a way during LG26) LG20: Swift and Janco find Edaan thanks to the small amount of Odium investment that Swift holds. Swift is infused with all 16 Shard Investments via a very selective breeding program, however the investments are small due to several generations of diluting. Interim: Ratel didn't only gain Parodium but also got his hands on Jodium. He hasn't revealed that fact to the Collective so shhhhh, let's not tell them. The Collective know about Parodium and have allowed Ratel to hold on to it to study. After being in an Elantrian for so long there might be some changes. And indeed, there does seem to be something different about Parodium.....
  21. Just popping in to remind everyone that this is a game with other people. They will have different playstyles and ideas. Every game is different and similarly everyone plays differently. If someone wants to try out a different style than they normally use, let them. It's not the end of the world and it may end up being fun for everyone. I fully understand how a different play style can signal alignment but if you only have that to go on, think about going after someone else until you have more solid reasoning, after all, maybe they just want to try something tasty. The entire point of these games is to have fun and anything that takes away someones fun is discouraged.
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