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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I'm not really happy about possibly lynching two players either but there isn't really anything else we can try. Besides, maybe it's a killer couple elim team. But, as always, if someone has a better idea, speak up.
  2. The jury had been dismissed and the cases either closed or forgotten. The courtroom was empty but for two people. Mr, Red Facemask stood facing his attorney Locke Tekiel. No words were spoken for none were needed. What you really mean is that you can't think of what to say. =P Stay out of this Phil. Never!! Ahem, as I was saying. No words were spoken between the two. Instead Mr, Red Facemask handed over a glowing container that held the Shard of Ambition. Oohh, shiny. Hands off. But... it's so sparkly. A look passed fleetingly over Locke's face as he took possession of the Shard. Whether it was one of greed, one of hope or something else entirely, only Locke knew. I know, I know. No one cares Phil. Just for that, I'm getting Remnant. Oi Remnant, old buddy, old pal. Can you come kill this guy again? Remnant? Where did you go? Footsteps continue to recede.... After securing the container, the two shook hands before walking out of the courtroom. Well, it's been over a week with no new posts so I think it's safe to close this game up. A big thank you to Ecthelion, Elenion and Jondesu for running this game so smoothly even with all the curveballs the players threw at you. Especially you Ec3 for adapting your game to fit with what the players were doing. To me, that is the sign of a fantastic GM. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Wilson, Orlok Tsubodai, Seonid or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You over here Remnant? You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would rather keep some detail secret or are self conscious about posting in thread (there's really no need to be, while we do slaughter each other, we are very polite about it), then I'm sure one of our fantastic committee members (Elbereth, Amanuensis, Aonar Faileas, A Joe in the Bush, and Stink) would be more than willing to help you out in private.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games! Rem? Hello?
  3. If I'm right about there being a 'limbo' between Holders then no one has the Doll right now. (Of course I fully expect someone to chime in saying they received the Doll and destroy yet another of my theories.) And on top of not ending the game, we also lynched our alignment scanner which would've been useful even if it had only been a one shot thing. But if there is an Elim team, then why are they not killing every cycle? Cycle 1, 3 and 6 are the only non lynch deaths. Even the numbers don't add up except for a triangular sequence and if that is true then the next kill isn't until Cycle 10. (Yes, I'm grasping at straws now. Don't ask how long I spent trying to get the numbers 1,3 & 6 to fit into a Cosmere theory.) We haven't had any tied lynches yet so that might trigger Aman's Scapegoat role. I'm even willing to be one of the votees. I'm willing to try almost anything to get that bit of information that will break this game open. So, Alvron.
  4. Interesting. If my latest theory is true, and I fully expect it to be wrong, then there might still only be one Doll. There is a pattern to support it, just not much of one. Cycle 1-2 Rebecca had the Doll. Cycle 3 it was in Limbo. Cycle 4-5 Bard had the Doll. Cycle 6 limbo again. Cycle 7-8 Seonid has the Doll. Of course that doesn't explain the kill on C3 or the death of Bard on C6 so I'm not holding out much hope that I'm right. Unless of course it's Wilsons death on C1 that is off the pattern. But then that raises the question as to what/who killed Wilson. Yeah, I got nothing. Best bet is we lynch Seonid and hope it ends the game. Or at least gives us more information.
  5. Fairly sure everyone is lost and confused. At least going by thread activity. The Doll should be passing this round. Hopefully to me but if not, then any active player would be good. Maybe we should lynch inactives so at least we have a greater chance of the one who gets it revealing themselves. Although I still suspect there is a new rule in place about not being able to talk about having the Doll until it passes.
  6. Voodoo Dolls??? Ratel wants both Dolls now. All the Dolls!
  7. I wish. Sadly it seems another holds the Doll for now. I do appreciate Bard trying to pass it to me. Shame it didn't work. I wonder if the reason the Doll was given to Bard on Cycle Four instead of Three is because fRR got very busy and was unable to send him the PM about the Doll. That's all I can come up with for the discrepancy. But that doesn't really explain why there was a kill that cycle.
  8. Well, isn't that interesting. If we ignore the lynch deaths as they were caused by us, then we have a pattern. Cycle one Wilson was killed Cycle two no one died Cycle three Steelrunner was killed Cycle four no one died My current theory is that the Doll is responsible for the deaths. It kills on one cycle and then passes to someone new on the next. If I'm right, we should have a kill this round. Other current theories I am considering are more end game. The Doll needs end up in the hands of the Scapegoat. Since not voting clearly isn't killing the Scapegoat, something else has to happen. Or maybe Aman is being kept alive by his Lover. It's possible that they act as a counter to the Scapegoat death. or The Doll needs to pass between all living players until everyone has been in possession of the Doll at least once. I suspect that you can only hold the Doll once. I'm leaning more towards the second option myself. Either way, we need to lynch the Holder of the Doll sooner rather than later. Rebecca has already had it so is unlikely to get it again if I'm right about only holding the Doll once per game. The cycle 3-4 Holder is also likely cleared so they really should claim. I suspect that there is a new rule given to Doll Holder(s) that they can no longer claim to have been given the Doll as that would make it fairly easy to kill them.
  9. I wouldn't dream of taking such a coveted role from you dear Aman. An Evil Doll is enough for me. Although I do now wonder what would happen if the Scapegoat ended up with the Doll.
  10. No we don't but I'm hoping it can be and even if it can't, I tend to have some luck in getting what I ask for like when I said I wanted to be taken by the Shaod in LG12 and was taken the very next rollover. The Gods of Luck and Chance are known to smile upon me and I hope they continue to do so.
  11. Whoever has the Doll, please consider passing it to me. After a great deal of thought I have decided that I really, really want an Evil Doll in my Collection. Once I get it, I will happily be lynched to test the theory that we need to lynch the Holder to end the Deaths. On second thought, if the Doll is Chucky, then please do not pass it to me. Even the Collective wants nothing to do with that Doll.
  12. We chopped him up for spare parts. I really don't see him coming back from that. That said, nothing is impossible in a SE game.
  13. I'm going to hold off on voting. I've just finished a 16 hour shift and would really like some sleep. I should be able to vote next round once I've read up on everything.
  14. Didst thou forget about his divine appearance in LG6? It may take time but I am confident that we can get Chaos to join us for at least one game. Even if it's just so we stop pestering him.
  15. Most likely was just a Spam PM to get things flowing. I got one as well and am considering the offer it contained. Might want to hold off until next cycle for that so everyone has a fair chance of getting their PM before they reveal something they shouldn't.
  16. All good on your harvesting. Metacarpals are one thing. Same goes for Ribs and Kidneys. Brain and Heart however are clearly different parts and shouldn't be lumped together.
  17. We could always kill you early if you would like. It seems there is a booming demand for Admin organs. Don't be so greedy. One body part per customer.
  18. Still waiting on my GM PM. Man, I'm really sad that Rubix died before the game really started. Don't suppose there is any chance of harvesting something from Rubix's body? I mean how often do we get the chance to kill off a Head Admin. Not often enough for my liking. Although, it is @Chaos that I really want to see playing SE. Such fun he will bring to our little blood stained corner of the Cosmere.
  19. Oh please tell me that the sword being talked about is (S)laughter and it just happens to be in this game. That would be so amazing.
  20. Simple. I guessed. I knew Lemon was lying about the number of Epics in the group and given the number of dead Epics by that stage of the game, PK being my new contact was fairly obvious. He did after all just tell me that he was an Epic.
  21. I was your Informant but I only sold out PK. I have no idea how the others were killed.
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