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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Ec3 and Rebecca have taken their spots, they just haven't been added in yet.
  2. One spot remaining. Who will take the last seat at the table and who will be left out in the cold?
  3. Flash has been robbed of his extra life but Stick and Sony have managed to clone themselves. We have three spots remaining. Get in while you can before the clones take over and someone places Order 66.
  4. 23 spots gone, only 8 remain. If you are on the fence about joining then you better make up your mind soon or miss out.
  5. Sign me up as Jace Blood-Axe. A simple humble woodcutter with red hair.
  6. I know of someone who claims to have been the one to "trade" with you on C1 if that's who you're after.
  7. Well this is boring. I'm all for random lynches and all but we could at least do some voting. Sadly, you lot lynched the one person that was openly willing to share information. Why? There must be a reason. Eternum I can see as they openly said they didn't want to be randomly lynched. But Ari and Mark added their votes when they weren't needed as Mint already had the required two vote minimum with no one else having even one vote on them and zero sign, that I have seen, of any vote manipulations all game. In a game where there has been so very little information revealed in thread, why would you want to lynch someone willing to pass information around?
  8. Interesting. Your use of "someone else in the Cabal" makes it fairly clear you think they had something to do with it. Why? Why not the Reckoners or Malcontents? Or maybe it was the Neutral they were hunting that found them first?
  9. Given that Mega has posted every cycle, no, I don't find it weird at all.
  10. I'll take one of them there PMs iff'n you don't mind Minty. An information trade sounds most interesting.
  11. Hmm, so we don't get to learn Crimsn's role? Does that mean we have a Bodysnatcher/Janitor type role out there as well? Interesting.
  12. Day 5 and Night 5 was a Meeting and you can find the Thread here.
  13. Day 5 and Night 5 was a Meeting and you can find the Thread here.
  14. Blackout games are always fun. And this being a Seonid game, the fun is going to be amped up. I had one item stolen and another traded for some drugs. I suspect there is a Drug Dealer out there trading items for drugs as well as a Thief.
  15. Well they do claim to have a scanner so I'm assuming that they can discover the Epic name that way if all else fails. Or they could always reveal who they are hunting and it's possible that another has already found them and is willing to trade that information.
  16. Okay, now I'm ticked. Whoever stole my items, I hope you enjoy them while you can because I am coming after you. Both of you. Also, congratulations to Majestic for getting their goal on Day 2. Very, very well done.
  17. Is it bad that I now really, really, want you to be randomly lynched? I would laugh so very hard if that happened. While my pull with the Gods of Luck and Chance is higher than many others, even I can't claim to be able to shift the odds that much. Besides I think it only happens when you choose to vote for me. Don't vote on me and you should, theoretically, be safe. No promises though.
  18. I suspect it was because Jon was the first to vote and thus break the tie/random lynch. If no one voted then there would only be a 3.846% chance of one particular player dying. The odds are very good you would survive. However for those in a faction, the odds increase quite a bit for them to lose one of their own. If there are five members then that's a 19.23% chance of them losing one of theirs.
  19. That would be telling. Take a bite and find out.
  20. Disappointing. I was hoping to remain in the Shadows a little bit longer before anyone mentioned me. Ah well. Enjoy your congratulatory cookie. I am however with Mint. Let us cast no votes this cycle and allow The Gods of Luck and Chance to have their say.
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