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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Boy, I'm glad I'm not one of the ones voting for Nightblood. I hear that those that go up against him die painful deaths. Good thing there's no Jester type role .... er .... um .... nah, there surely isn't a Jester. I mean what type of GM would have a kill role active before the game starts .... err .... hmm.
  2. As the Mediums go their separate ways, so does this thread. Day three begins here for Forest-dwellers and here for Court-goers. I must commend you dear reader for being able to follow the chaos. Most impressive.
  3. Am I the only one that really likes Nighthound? He's freaking awesome. I blame the media for the bad rap he's been getting.
  4. Day 2 and Night 2 was a Meeting and you can find the Thread here.
  5. Day 2 and Night 2 was a Meeting and you can find the Thread here.
  6. For those that are watching but not signed up, the game hasn't started. All this talk is just pregame banter so if you wish you can join in on the slaughter.
  7. What? You don't think that Ruin, Odium and Nighthound have things in common? I'm sure they will get along very well.
  8. I didn't have any of those to use. If you want, I can add a Bloodmaker Spike to increase his already OP healing.
  9. Ratel was in luck. His agents on Earth had somehow managed to locate and retrieve the body of Nighthound. After painstakingly transporting it to Nalthis, it was a simple matter to have the Epic turned into a Lifeless. A Lifeless with only one Command. To kill those that stand in the way of the Collective. But Ratel didn't stop there for there was more that could be done to Nighthound. Ratel took a Sliver off one of the Odium Shards the Collective had carefully acquired and implanted it into the brain of Nighthound. Next he carefully sliced off a piece from the Heart of the Divine One and inserted it into Nighthounds heart. Ratel smiled as the beast stood and shook itself. This is going to be fun.
  10. Heh, you think the Spec Doc is safe from the Shadows? How cute.
  11. It is time to close up this game and while I didn't play this one, I did greatly enjoy the mechanic of anyone being able to kill another using Cytonics should that person target them. It gave a whole new level of paranoia to these games and you know me, I love paranoia filled games. A big thank you and many upvotes to Sart for running this game with new and exciting mechanics, something that is always welcome. Congratulations to the Humans for defeating the Alien invaders. I hope we can keep Earth safe the next time the body snatcher come for us. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Wilson, Orlok Tsubodai, Seonid or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would like to play, MR24: Baleful Eye is open for sign ups but will be closing soon so sign up to start killing your fellow Sharders.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  12. Co'mon, Edgey, you know only you can do Nighthound justice. Just think of all these innocent people Nighthound can play with. Noooo. Nighthound must live. He is the single greatest Epic in the history of Epicness. The whole reason I started reading the Oregon threads was for Nighthound. I say we lynch the GM before the game starts. Seonid!
  13. Signing up as Anonymous. Nothing is known about this mysterious figure. Are they male or female? Or something else entirely? Are they an Epic or just someone trying to pass themselves off as an Epic? Stay tuned to possibly not find out. A riddle wrapped in a mystery, stuffed inside an enigma, drizzled with conundrum and tied with a pretty ribbon of obfuscation.
  14. Well folks, it's that time again. Time to close up another fantastic game. While I have never seen any MLP episodes, I greatly enjoyed playing this game. Hero, your write ups were fantastic, they really brought the MLP world to life. I hope to visit that world again sometime in the future. Mostly so I can pounce on more ponies. Hero is planning on finishing the drawing of the CR winners but sadly life has once more reared it's head. Once he has it done, rest assured that it will be edited into the thread and an announcement will be made so the winners can bask in their glorious prize. Well played to both the Changelings and the Citizens of Ponyville. Many upvotes and applause to each and every one of you. We shall have to see who comes out on top at a later date. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Wilson, Orlok Tsubodai, Seonid or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would like to play, LG37: Coyote Stories is open for sign ups but will be closing soon so sign up and start killing your fellow Sharders.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  15. Well folks, it seems that something has gone very very wrong and we have somehow made the main thread invisible even to the Mods. Oops. Good news is that you can still get into the thread by following this link in case you want to review past cycles. Please bear with us while we try and work out just what the chull happened. Edit: All fixed now. Please return to your scheming.
  16. You're in for quite the treat. Joe's games always keep players on their toes.
  17. Storm it, my lawyer died. Again. This was a fantastic game. Shame it ended so abruptly. I hope there will be a rerun in the future or something similar as I find blackout games to be among the most fun. Trying to work out the mechanics and roles is hugely entertaining, for me at least. So, Ec3, what's going to happen to Nightblood and the Eyes of Aman now? Are they available for purchase?
  18. QF10. The whole game I had a Merc called Ari. I fought long and hard to keep his name, even having to deal with a pillow and tent that kept whispering 'Wilson' over and over, and in the end you (GM) had him killed him off in the write up by Aman. Ooh, ooh. Can Lorna kill you off and harvest your head?
  19. Sorry DA but you haven't done enough to get on my kill list. Yet.....
  20. I'm very pleased to disappoint you and very grateful to Dani for sacrificing themselves to keep me alive. I killed Mega. I thought they were a SoH instead of a GB. I was tossing up between Mega and Crimsn that cycle as I felt they were being just a little too quiet. Sorry.
  21. I did not come back via Roads Mark. I believe that Aonar brought me back else his Will makes no sense. There is no point in leaving all your "crap" to a ghost unless you knew they were coming back. As a side note, I do hope that one day soon Aonar can play a full game without RL getting in the way. His trollish ways always keep people on their toes. Also, I am of the belief that the Mark that brought me back is the Somatic Mark that was in the lottery on D1. It was referenced in my PM when I returned, I just didn't see it.
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