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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Semicircles. Sorry. Thankfully I returned as a Villager though I fully understand if you don't take my word for it. I suspect that in order to "change your outlook", it has to be an elim that brings you back to become evil. Or visa versa.
  2. Sure. Some of the dead say that Roadwalker is village. None that I was aware of. Mostly we sat around doing RP. Well Flash and Yitzi did at least. Yes. There is a role/item/ability that lets someone talk to the dead. If that person would contact me, I would appreciate it. I found out nothing. I sadly didn't ask any questions while dead as I figured I wouldn't be coming back. Oops. That's a very good question. I have no idea. It might have something to do with me having used two Marks before my death though as I was brought back by the one with overlapping circles. Nothing was changed in my Will.
  3. It was raining. A heavy rain that almost drowned out the thunder that cracked throughout the night. Ratel worked long into the night and dawn was mere minutes away. He had had to call in several flavors to acquire the body before him but if it worked then it would be worth the price. It would be worth any price. After checking everything was in place, Ratel removed the Heart of the Divine from its protective case. Taking a quick sip of whiskey from Heatherlocke's flask, Ratel carefully shaved off a sliver of Heart and, with trembling hands, inserted the sliver just under the skin of the body above it’s own heart. Replacing the Heart and locking it away Ratel next took out a Gold Spike, and with three quick blows, drove it through the sliver and into the bodies heart. A great clap of lightning lit up the sky quickly followed by a booming peal of thunder. The body’s hand twitched once. Ratel held his breath. It twitched again and a third time. It wasn’t long until more parts were twitching. After what seemed like an eternity, Mr, Red Facemask sat up. His eyes slowly coming into focus. “It’s alive. ALIVE!!!!”
  4. Oh comon! Next you'll tell me that Burnt and Claincy are joining.
  5. You finally converting to the Gods of Luck and Chance? As it should be. As it is written so shall it be. The Gods of Luck and Chance rule us all. That would require you to protect Joe tonight as if the Lynch turns, then I'm going to be Blading him.
  6. Bard, Mage and Winter are all playing??? Of all the games for me to sit out. Ah well, I'll just have to hunt them down later.
  7. Naihar slides across the ground coming to a halt just outside the camp. A long coil of vines wrapped around his body. Sniff. This is a joke right? A first attempt to train Knights? Do they not know their history? I was a squire long before their Kingdom existed. ******* Above the camp, crouched atop a pillar was a solitary figure. Her long hair flowing in the wind while her custom made crossbow was strapped to her back. Lorna took one look at the gathering mob and shook her head. "These folk have no idea what they are getting themselves into." Not playing but both Lorna the Elsecaller and Naihar the Edgedancer felt the need to comment.
  8. They can have PMs. There have been a couple of games where they knew each other but had no Doc. It was a fun challenge.
  9. What?? I never had any intention of attacking you. I had no need to. The village was going to lynch you before there would be any need for me to attack you. Besides that, I was actually considering helping you get the Voidbringer win. Not too seriously but it was in the back of my mind. Guess there's no chance of that now. Goodbye Cloud.
  10. No talking about ongoing games please. Wait until after the game to discuss this part.
  11. Sadly I have not killed anyone this game. Yet. I could go through and link several games where I was pro tied lynch with me as one of the lynchees. But I'm feeling lazy. If you really want me to though I can find game where I was both good and evil and gunning for tied lynches but that won't help you. It will however show that I do back up what I say. I'm happy to be tied lynched every round until I die. It makes it that much more fun waiting for the write up. Did I die? Am I alive? Was there vote manipulations involved? If you haven't tried it, you really should. It's a nice rush. Sadly, I currently have no vote manipulation powers but even if I did, I would only use them to try and insure a tied lynch. Maybe even a three way tie for more fun.
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