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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. No way. The full profile contains far more information than any ten game profiles. Two games of your choice set to your conditions but that's it. I can agree to that on the condition that in pursuit of said Shard, I don't have to part with any of my items unless I decide to. i.e. I'm not trading my Odiums for Ambition.
  2. Also for slander. I said that thieves irritate me not that I despise them. There is a world of difference between those two statements. My lawyer will be in contact with you, just as soon as I can find one that isn't lynched the following day. So very, very wrong. I tend to ask a lot of questions in my GM PMs. Heck, I was well into the second page before N0 finished. For one thing, I learnt that Cognitive Spirits don't need to use the privy. You ask enough questions and the GMs tend to slip and reveal things they normally wouldn't. Most information is kept secret as I don't like to give elims ideas but I have most of it in my Will so if you want it, kill me. It wasn't serious. I fully intended to remove it once Straw posted. I'm not a fan of D1 lynching so I would've remained voteless if Straw had posted. When he didn't and I saw that he had said he was going to be away but was still logging on, I was torn as to keeping my vote on him or removing it. I chose to keep it there as I'm also a huge fan of tied lynches being random. It gives us a lot more information when two people are up for the lynch. If I had seen that Clanky had broken the tie, I would've removed my vote to tied it back up as that's a lot more fun. In fact, I would, as always, be happy to be lynched so long as another is tied with me. Let the Gods of Luck and Chance decide our fate. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain. Dude. I am ALV. Holder of three Odiums. Breaker of Sanities. Harvester of Organs. I always look evil as that's my style. Part of the reason few can get any real read on me is that I play as if I'm evil in every game. I would've joined you but I suddenly found myself in the need of a new lawyer. Nice to see others having some fun with the game though. After all, if you're not having fun, what's the point of playing? Ah Road, how little you know me. I only point out how evil I am if someone makes a comment for me to use, like Drake did above. Bringing it up all the time is boring. I would much rather wait until someone says something so I can revel in my evilness as I respond.
  3. I'm not saying we had a huge advantage but with unlimited Lifeless and conversions, a Shattering Kill and the ability to reforge Shards, Autonomy had the edge. And if we weren't going for peace then I would've had Odium attack you rather the Bard as I was fairly sure you held Ruin. You were after all the very first holder of the Shard. Ah, so that's where you went wrong. The Hoidities only had to outnumber the Village. Not everyone. If we kept a few villages alive while converting the Hoidities then we could've both gotten our win together. It would've taken work and talking between the teams but it was possible to do in a max of five cycles. But that's all in the past now. No need to dredge up the past like stale vomit.
  4. Technically Autonomy and Hoid teams could've won together that game. All we needed to do was kill Hoid. Team Hoid wasn't in the lead either. Autonomy had the advantage as we knew some of their members but they didn't know ours. Not until you stabbed us in the back that is.
  5. What makes you think Cloud is the Voidbringer? The Parshendi think it's Mint but aren't entirely sure as they haven't revealed. Why do you think I have the Blade? This is the first time I've been attacked. They are what four unaligned Alethi still living so why is peace suddenly not possible? For what it's worth, we have discovered that Striker is a SoH.
  6. Given that the Voidbringers half lost at least half their members while the SoH will hopefully by the end of this cycle have lost only a single member, it's actually better to lynch another SoH next cycle and then lynch a Voidbringer to keep the sides even. You know, in the name of peace and all.
  7. Everything's fine. I'm just really busy. Had family pop round unannounced yesterday so am way behind on getting everything done today that I was meant to do yesterday. Sami would be my best bet for Yitzi's comrade. She voted on me using the reasoning that everyone else thought I was evil when the only votes on me were joke ones. She also took her vote off me once it became clear that I wasn't going to be lynched and decided not to vote so as not to kill someone random. To me it sounds like an inexperienced elim trying to sound village.
  8. Well, that's very interesting. @OrlokTsubodai I have my suspicion for you. After a very careful read of Drakes posts, I've come to the conclusion that Yitzi is very likely to be evil. @Drake Marshall Great work. At least I hope you are who you say you are and aren't just making a sacrifice play to take out a power role for the village.
  9. I think it's cause we used our Marks last cycle and therefore can't have placed ode Problem with that line of thinking is that we can place two actions each night so long as we didn't use any during the day which would, I'm assuming, include the kill. I admit that I am currently unsure if an Incorporeal player can place kill orders.
  10. Stink didn't die of inactivity but rather because he didn't use his Mark. Sorry, I was setting up a meeting with Odium. Nonsense orders like attacking Cloaky or having a secret meeting with Odium don't count as actions so you can go crazy with fun but fake orders.
  11. Wait, does this mean that you don't know who killed Mega? So it wasn't a Highprince retaliatory attack? If Brightness is lynched this cycle, I would honour Drakes side of the bargain should he die this night.
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