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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. You, Stick and Brightness were all on the short list Len gave us for possible Decay kills. While he didn't reveal who the third Voidbringer was going after it's possible that it was you. And before anyone asks, no he didn't tell us if there was three or four Voidbringers. Sadly it's more likely that there are no more Decay kills. Drake isn't the only Parshendi to have lost a life. Another lost one while protecting Len from the double tap on D1. As far as I'm aware, there are three Parshendi currently claiming to be in Scolarform. The only other scan of note however was that Sami is Alethi. Yes, which is why both Drake and myself were advocating that the Alethi use their Shardblade on Jon last cycle. But instead they choose to attack Drake, someone who has publicly revealed themselves to be a scanner and actively working towards peace. If the Alethi/SoH Shardblader had attacked Jon last cycle and this one then a GB would be dead and we could use the lynch for another GB / SoH / Voidbringer. There is no guarantee that the Parshendi Shardholder will attack Brightness. They might not have even attacked anyone last round either. That's very interesting that you claim Highprince as we have scanned someone else with that role and while we don't know their alignment I don't think it's likely that there are two on one team. Also, if you are a Highprince then you do in fact have a kill, it's just a reactionary kill. Besides, it's entirely possible that the GB didn't attack you but you were instead a Decay attack.
  2. That assumes that the Voidbringers placed a kill order. I don't think Roadwalker was planning on dying so early so it's possible that he only placed a role-block order. But given how ticked Len was in Doc, it's also very likely they decided to try and burn down some SoH while they could. You can say that but your rep says otherwise and there has been a few times that the rep was scarily accurate. In fact I think that every time they have been compared it's been true. I'm not convinced that HH is a ghostblood but he also isn't a parshendi which in my mind is more important to peace so I can accept him being lynched over Jon. Sometimes the GMs will do a vote tally during the cycle but for the most part the players have to do their own. I would do one but am currently a little pressed for time.
  3. While this is a very welcome change as it now allows us to do something besides die a slow death, I worry that it will only increase the amount of attacks directed towards the Parshendi as we can now kill which is basically what happened in MR7. Although to be fair, if the lynch was going to go ahead on Jon, as it seems likely to, I was going to ask that we be given an Oathstone so we could at least take some of them with us so maybe it was just inevitable for this to happen.
  4. He is a Parshendi. He can change forms just like the rest of us. Just because our wins aren't compatible isn't the point. You are lynching another member of my faction as your claim hasn't been proven. You want to kill him, fine. Unlike us, you have plenty of kill abilities so use one of those but not the lynch.
  5. No. Just no. We are not lynching another Parshendi this cycle no matter what your scan says! Right from the start of this game I have had the feeling that this would turn out to be another MR7 and I won't have it! Kill him if you want but not by the lynch. For this cycle and the next, an Alethi is to be strung up! For those that are unaware, which is most of you, MR7 had a faction that had no powers other than a Double life and all the other factions ganged up and killed us just because we were spies in their Doc. It didn't matter that we had no kills, no votes manipulations and fewer numbers than the others they went on a witch hunt to kill us above everyone else. It even got to the point that we had to be given a kill and an extra player just so we had even a slim chance of doing some damage as we died. Even on day one of this game there have been those that wanted to target the Parshendi just because we had extra lives. I had hoped for better from you Orlok as you were right there with me in MR7 watching us getting butchered. If you want to string up a Ghostblood then go after Yitzi. Jon was the only Parshendi not to vote for Yitzi so that's a very good indication that he's a Ghostblood too but we are not lynching a Parshendi this round!
  6. I really don't see why Len is up for the lynch. As has been pointed out, it will result in him losing a life and no new information being gained. While on the flipside, Yitzi has been accused of being a SoH and while it's a very weak read/case, it's also better than many D1 lynches. And the amount of information we get from lynching Yitzi this round will be higher than what we would get from Len losing a life. You didn't count the Alethi Guardsman and Shardplate wearers in your count. You can easily add another 3 lives to your total making it 18-16 Alethi favor at least. Given that you also have instant vote manipulations while the Parshendi have to wait at least one cycle before being able to change any votes, the Alethi have a sizable advantage this round and can easily lynch a Parshendi next round with a greater chance of killing them especially since it's 0% chance this round given the extra life all Parshendi currently have.
  7. Please edit your post Road as C/P from Docs to thread isn't allowed. Edit, I've chosen to hide it instead. Please don't do that again.
  8. Two men stood at the edge of the world. "Are you contemplating what I'm contemplating Petyr?" "Sure am Cranium. But how will we get three Chulls into one pair of Horneater pants?" "No Petyr. It's time for us to do our thing." "And what thing is that Cranium?" "Why it's the same thing we do every game. Try to take over the world." Petyr and Cranium are joining the fun.
  9. Hey now, I'm the one that collects body parts, not the one that loses them. Except for that one time but I got part of that back so it barely counts anymore. That one is mine. Why must my Serial Killers only kill once? And can they truly call themselves Serial Killers?
  10. Speaking of signatures, Chaos created a thread last year that outlined new signature restrictions, one of which is the removal of spoiler tags. If you want to keep track of comments or Stats or whatever, I suggest moving them to your About Me page. While the site update did mess with some of the new standards, we can at least keep our signatures spoiler tag free.
  11. We ate you in that game so that's one less for you. Hmm, did I add that Spike to the metal skeleton? If not, I really should.
  12. Another game has come and gone. Once again Sart has run his wonderfully entertaining game and I'm sure we all enjoyed his write ups, I know I did. Congratulations Forgotten. The Chalklings have once more overrun Nebrask and threaten to consume the world. Hopefully we can save everyone next time. (hint, hint) If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would like to play, L35: Miserables and QF24: Eliminating Elysium are open for sign ups but will be closing soon so sign up and start killing your fellow Sharders.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  13. Well folks, it's long past time we locked up this game and preserve it for all eternity. I'm sure I can speak for everyone when I thank both Orlok and Stink for running this wonderful game. The write ups were a delight to read. Congratulations to the village for finding and killing all the Spiked. Those of us who died in LG2 salute you for avenging us. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! If you would like to play, L35: Miserables and QF24: Eliminating Elysium are open for sign ups but will be closing soon so sign up and start killing your fellow Sharders.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  14. Well you are at the very top of the list of who I want to be evil with. I think the two of us would have a lot of fun in a Doc together. Yay! You're the best Burnt. Ghetti is a close second though.
  15. Well, you're not dead nor are you locked away in the Crockery so I would say that you did survive. Where's the fun in that? My idea is more that the House uses a 1d20 and the player can pick up to five numbers. If they pick just one and win then they win 20x the amount gambled. If they pick 5 then they get 4x the amount they bet. Just having a 50/50 shot at winning is boring. Naming might be usable to stack the odds in your favor. There might even be different games of chance on different cycles. All depends on how it works out. I'm sure Wilson and co will do a great job of balancing it out. Just remember that I get a cut of all profits.
  16. Yay me. Still think we should call it Alv's. All good Gambling Dens need a catchy name to bring in the punters. I'm sad no one killed me. I was hoping to make you all feel bad for killing an innocent little child. I'm going to put on display along with your hand. And again they didn't listen to you. Karaoke/Music class? Lets you practice and has a chance of adding to/boosting your Pipes score? Costs 5 Jots per lesson?
  17. @BrightnessRadiant Love it. Twilight Star is giggling away while waiting for somepony to come close enough for some pouncing.
  18. You didn't factor in BB's -1 vote ability. It was tied before you moved your vote without BB needing to do anything. But I do agree that we can't afford a tie at this stage so, BB lives for another cycle while Jedal dies.
  19. Yay. Should only be one left. Either BB or DA if they are spread between the different types and of the two BB is more active and therefore a bigger threat if evil. Also, how did someone survive a kidnapping? I thought Loyalty was the only thing that could stop a kidnapping and they're long since lynched. Kindness stops a Lynching but not a Kidnapping as far as I know. Edit: Nevermind me. Just saw that Magic has an extra life. *smacks head on desk*
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