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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. My orders are already placed to secret vote for Ec3. But I'm not going to confirm that by voting such in thread. There's no fun in that now is there. You will just have to let the tension build and build and build until you burst. Or am I really a Changeling that's going to stab everyone in the back even as I pounce on them from the Shadows.
  2. If Crimsn had died later without Generoisy then yes, it would've invalidated the passings and opened Seonid and Brightness to being lynched but since he died with it, they were proven to be villagers. Crimsn's death was very useful to the village in more ways than one.
  3. I wouldn't say no vote, just no public vote. I've been keeping an eye on the votes and should it be close, I was planning on secret voting to help tip the scales or at least balance them in case the Changelings tried to tip them. However, it seems to be clearly tipping to Ec3 with little chance of manipulations being able to mess with it too much. Guessed? That would be one storming good guess. I would've had to know that the original holder was dead and who they passed it to. The Gods of Luck and Chance favor me but even I wouldn't push their luck that much. (Okay, that's not true. I would but only if I had fixed the odds somehow.) As for you and Brightness not being fully cleared, you are now. With Crimsn being killed while holding Generosity, it proves the two of you weren't lying and since there is no way for the Changelings to influence where Generosity goes once one of them holds it, there's no way it's an elaborate plot to gain trust. As far as I'm concerned, you and Brightness are hard-cleared. Also, while I wouldn't be opposed to being Honesty scanned, I feel it would be better used on those that are suspicious. Like BB or PK.
  4. Vote Tally: (adjusted for earth ponies) Jedal (1-2): Seonid, Brightness, HH Brightness (1): Ec3 Ec3 (2-3): Jedal, Brightness, HH HH (0): BB HH, your vote is still on Jedal at moment.
  5. Simple. If the confession is true then they as basically finished. Conatus was being lynched and there was no other pony with any votes on them so it was very unlikely that it would shift. Crimson has Generosity and would be outed as an elim in two cycles when unable to reveal who they passed it to and Quiver is inactive. They didn't have much of a chance so I'm guessing that Crimson decided to go out with a bang and get in some evil RP. (Which is the best type of RP) The reason I voted for Conatus over Crimson is that shifting a vote that late in cycle isn't easy and might've lead to Generosity being lynched instead, at that stage I didn't know that Crismon was the current holder, and that's a bad thing. Since Conatus was one of the ones listed as evil in the RP it's better to test the claim on them than someone more active. Just in case it was trolling. Thankfully, it seems it's true so we know who to take out. Also, if the elims are planning on taking out one of their own and we lynch another leaving only one inactive then this might be the last cycle. Get your RP in while you can. Twilight Star couldn't believe her luck. Two ponies were heading her way. One carrying the other. Double the pony, double the fun. She waited until they were almost past her and then she pounced, gleefully laughing as she soared towards her victims.
  6. Did you just admit to being evil in RP??? And you named your fellow evils?? Not the first time it's happened but still, if true, it's a game changer. Best way to find out is to lynch one of you three and since Conatus already has a few votes, he's the nominated pony. Twilight Star had been hiding in some bushes waiting to pounce on one of the ponies in the clearing when she overheard what they were saying. It can't be. Are they the ones kidnapping the others? I must tell everyone.
  7. There is one planned. Or at least there was one planned. Hero is/was going to run a Star Wars game when VII came out but with the cutback on non Sanderson games it might not be run at all.
  8. No she won't. You have already admitted to being in a PM group with the new recipient which means the whole group is suspect until the last person in group is publicly cleared by an outsider. Only then can the whole group be trusted. And if it is sent to a single Changeling before then it's all wasted. At best, it will be two cycles until the three of you are cleared assuming there is only three people in that PM.
  9. That's nice in theory but it has one major problem. It's all happening in PMs. It's very easy to lie about what's happening in PMs and given that you are one of the few PM ponies left, it would be very easy to break the trust group and all your work will be for naught as none of you would've been publicly cleared. One of the main and vital parts of Rand's plan was that it was public for all to see. For what it's worth, I think you are cleared but there is no proof and in SE, Paranoia reigns.
  10. Why did you do that? Seonid had to reveal that he passed Generosity to you first. Now we don't know if he's good or not. It doesn't work if the one who got it reveals that they got it before being named as now Seonid can just say that yes, he did send it to you. No you can't. Thanks to Brightness, both of you can't be cleared at all without going through the Generosity pass again and given that you apparently know who Brightness passed it to, that means that all three of you are now suspect. For all we know, you are a Changeling and it passed to an inactive and are using the 3 cycle inactivity rule to clear your whole team.
  11. Hmm, I am not a fan of lynching all our PM ponies. I'll change my vote from HH to Flash, but I have my reservations.
  12. I gotta admit that when I read that, Twilight Star laughed or rather she giggled. She really wants to pounce on the doctor now. Although Ec3's post made her fell sad for him. She might pounce on him next to cheer him up.
  13. Chocolate comes from cocoa.  Which is a tree.  Which makes it a plant.  So chocolate is a salad.  Yes?

  14. Halfway through the cycle so let's have a Vote Tally: Nothing Hmm, no votes at all. Guess I'll kick it off. Hemalurgic_Headshot. Why so quiet? If fact, you haven't voted at all this game which seems very out of character for you.
  15. So, it seems that everyone is waiting on baited hoofs to see if anyone will claim to be the original holder of Generosity. Well wait no longer for it was I, Twilight Star, that started with Generosity. And as proof, I reveal that it was to Seeing Eye (@Seonid) that I passed it to who has hopefully passed it on. I was hoping that another would try and claim but sadly that doesn't seem very likely.
  16. "What do you think you're doing?!" Twilight Star looked at the strange looking pony in front of her. She seemed angry for some strange reason. Something she ate no doubt. "I'm pouncing. What did it look like I was doing?" Twilight Star said, winking at the white pony standing next to the angry pony. "You should try it. You might even smile." Giving a flick of her mane, Twilight Star headed over to the buffet table. Who should I pounce on next?
  17. Well, we are doing a fantastic job of protecting the Elements from being kidnapped. Twilight Star was sad. She was in the shadows again waiting for somepony to pass but it seemed like there were fewer and fewer ponies around everyday. Oh, and for those wondering, my secret vote is the one on DA. I wanted to see how it would be shown in the write up with it being secret and on someone with an automatic -1 vote.
  18. Time to close up another of Wyrm's fantastic games. As always, your write ups were great and kept us all entertained even while you ruthlessly butchered someone. I for one really hope to see a game like this rerun. The two-headed mechanic looked vastly entertaining and helps to open communication between players that might not normally talk to each other. And if there is one thing we should all be doing is talking to each other. After all, it's only polite to let your victim see your face before you knife them in the back. Many thanks (and upvotes) to Wyrm for running his game and congratulations to the Sons of Honour for pulling off the win. The Ghostbloods shall have their revenge. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  19. I'm around. Just had a bad 24 hours and needed some time to myself. Twilight Star giggled. She had been hiding for hours now and the other ponies had only just begin to notice her absence. This is it. This is the time to pounce. She crouched down waiting for the first pony to walk past. Their shadow arrived before they did giving all the warning Twilight needed. She pounced and landed on top of the pony. Twilight Star laughed with pure joy as the two ponies rolled on the floor. She tried to catch her breath but was having too much fun. At least she was until she saw just who it was that she landed on......
  20. "Um, sorry. It was me. I was in the shadows waiting for somepony to pass so I could pounce out at them and I guess nopony saw me vote for Straw."
  21. Vote Tally: HH (0): Jon Jon (0): PK PK (1): Jedal, Bridge, Brightness, Frozen Brightness (2): PK, Drought, Straw Straw (4): Rand, Ec3, Jon, Brightness Twilight Star hid in the shadows waiting for an unsuspecting pony to walk by. "Teehee" Hours later Twilight Star was still in the shadows but no longer waiting. "zzzzzzzz"
  22. Those eyes.... I wasn't going to play but those eyes.... Name: Twilight Star Type: Pegasi Cutie Mark: Stars Cosmetic Role: Twilight Star loves spending time in the shadows and enjoys leaping out at people. They are never surprised as she tends to glimmer but the other ponies are too polite to say anything. Every post will contain Twilight Star either hiding in shadows or leaping out at someone.
  23. Saw this and thought "Jain's back? Awesome!" But sadly not. #missyouJain Also, how could you lock me up Captain? That's so mean of you. So very, very mean.
  24. Given that you were the one that wanted to kill Lopen first, I think it was fair that he killed you. You wanted him dead almost as soon as you joined us.
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