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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I was planning on doing myself that but sadly I haven't been able to make the Bone Tar I need. stupid Anker's 10% fail chance. grumble grumble. I'm sorry but that won't do PK. You can't just say I'm evil and that you have proof and not reveal it. Not when it's me. At the very least you should give anyone accused a fair chance of defending themselves. Yes, I have tons of experience being evil but I also have tons being good. I am also very proficient at toning my posts so that almost no one can get any kind of read on me as well as wording posts in a way that you see only what I want you to see and think what I want you to think. None of which alter how I play or the odds of me being one over the other. If you have something to go on, please share. Until then, I'm going to assume that your contact is afraid of drawing my eye upon them for they are a Skindancer and is using you to get rid of me. PK.
  2. I think it's more that those that aren't expelled are all as high as they can get and are slowly working their way to becoming a Master.
  3. Um, thanks. I can't really dispute that as I have carefully cultivated a rep for being evil. I am the Lord of Shadows, Giver of Paranoia and have been evil more times than any other current or former SE player. The RNG of Troll, The Three Fates of Evil and the Gods of Luck and Chance stand behind me. I am the Holder of Three Odiums and the Breaker of Burnt's Sanity. I AM ALV!
  4. Um, it's not gone. It the first one on the list. So, I think your mind is gone instead. Edit: Ninjaed Storm it Aonar. Go die already.
  5. Ooh, someone gave you information about me? Did your Namer friend spy on one of my PMs? By all means, share what your contact revealed to you. I am most interested in hearing what they have to say. Until then however, let us talk about your list. Given that I was one of the ones at the Pony that round, I felt and still feel that having a list of them to vote on for those that want to reduce tuition would be useful. Could the elims use it to kill rich folk without protection? Sure but then they attacked Mage the cycle before when he was at the Horse and Four which has a 40% protection chance so I don't think they really care about the odds. Wrong. I was voted on in Term 1 month 1 as well as Term 1 month 2 and my posts didn't change. My posts don't become longer because of votes. They become longer because I have something to respond to. Same as with this post. And I still might. I expected to have been sent to the Crockery long before now and have been working on some RP for when I break out. As I said the cycle before, the Crockery gives a good chance for some RP. I believe you yourself had some RP planned for your time in the Crockery. Again wrong. My posts become more game-relevant when I have something to say. If someone has already said something that I would normally say, I say nothing as it has already been said. And I was posting more game-relevant posts as you say, long before Aonar was revealed. I posted several theories as to why there was no sabotage on Term 2 month 2.
  6. I disagree there. If I was a Skindancer I would want Aonar to get lashed as it would mean the village spends another cycle dealing with him giving me and fellow Skindancers a free cycle to cause havoc. Sure he's roleblocked but he could easily bluff and say he had some Nahlrout. I admit that I voted for Aonar in the hopes of getting him expelled but that was because I saw leaving him lashed but still enrolled as a far worse option.
  7. WGG: Acronym for Wounded Gazelle Gambit, sometimes referred to as the Princess Gambit. This is when the eliminators attack one of their own, but the attacked eliminator is somehow saved from death (usually due to protection), in an effort to get them trusted by the village.
  8. Fairly good I would say given that there is a way to break out. It sets up the perfect WGG. Not to mention the chances for some great RP.
  9. Not necessarily. The more I learn about Wind, the more impressed I am. Aonar created the whole Naming mechanic so he might be able to use Wind to "send" his words to someone and "receive" the replies which give him a PM ability. I meant more that it's a shame that they revealed themselves to PK before they learnt at least two of the Skindancers. Once PK made his announcement, the results were a foregone conclusion.
  10. I don't think they were spying. I think the orders were more like, "I use Wind to bring Aonars words to my ears." There is no PM to spy on. The Namer got very lucky in what words they heard. Or unlucky depending on how you look at it. Sure Aonar is out but they could've heard Aonar naming a fellow Skindancer. In fact, whoever the Namer is, they made a mistake revealing so early. If they had waited, they might've learnt more. But then that also ran the risk of being killed/sabotaged and losing everything so,....
  11. If they were spying then likely yes. However from what I can gather, someone used Wind so lore and mechanic wise they would only hear some of the words of the one targeted. Or at least that's my best guess.
  12. Personally, I trust Wilson far more than I trust anyone else and yes, there are times when that trust has been misplaced but I'm not getting anything evil from her. Wilson has done precisely what she said she would do. Brightness on the other hand, I have mixed feelings about. Aonar however has admitted to being evil which is a shame as I really wanted to see what creative uses he came up with for Naming. Vote Tally: Brightness (3): Stink, Wilson, Alv Aonar (12): PK*2, Burnt*2, Brightness, HH*2, Stick, Steph*2, Wilson, Alv PK (0): Wilson*2 Burnt (1): Brightness
  13. You don't have to take out a full loan. Could've just gotten a loan from the amount you needed. A 6 Talent loan to buy a bodyguard for instance.
  14. There have been other games where spying on a Doc is possible. LG11 allowed one to learn 5 words from a PM or Doc of target. Depending on how much Wind lets you see, it could work without being broken.
  15. I'm not 100% sure but I think those were all Mercs attacking those on the streets. Assassin hasn't been active much so it's very likely he was on the street and the RP suggests that Ornstein and Wilson were there with him.
  16. May I suggest, Burnt, HH or Stick. Each can afford the tuition hit. But then you can take the no vote hit so maybe not voting is good. At first it was to see if you had anything to add but after reading the thread there seems to be some inconsistency in your story.
  17. Vote Tally: Sart (0): Orlok*2 Queensteph (1): Alv Cluny (1): Alv Joe (4): PK*2, Wilson*2 Didn't bother adding those that voted on expelled players.
  18. I'm not really a fan of tags. If they aren't paying attention to the game, they deserve to be lynched.
  19. Queensteph, what are your thoughts on the lack of a sabotage? You too Cluny. Both of you are rich enough to buy some protection. Don't suppose either of you were attacked?
  20. Not as complete as I thought. Turns out Wind is a role block possibility as well. There are way too many ways to role block in this game.
  21. Or it hit someone with a bodyguard/gram/bloodless. Or it was someone on the streets who placed the order and were cancelled. Or they targeted someone staying at the Horse and Four and were unlucky. Or they were role blocked by a Mommet, Fae Lore, Medica Detainment or Nahlrout. Or maybe they just didn't submit orders due to the new rollover time. Or it could be any combination of the aboves. At least that's all the ways I can think of.
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