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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I need a vacation.  Someone kidnap me please.

  2. Deep in Imre, in the darkest recesses of the darkest corner of the darkest tavern sat a man wearing a cloak of black that covered him from head to toe. How long had he been there, no one knew. In fact no one even knew he was there at all. Which was probably a good thing seeing as he was dead and had been for quite some time. Elsewhere an innocent, unassuming student finally arrived at the University. Little did he know what was in store for him. Signing up as Stryker Nox.
  3. Ratel was disappointed. He removed the Heart from the flame, marveling again how the seared flesh faded as new healthy flesh formed. He had spent days, weeks, months even subjecting the Heart to numerous experiments. Knives, needles, flames and even acid hadn’t been able to permanently mar it. He had tried carving off pieces of the Heart but they fell to dust as soon as they were severed from the main organ while new flesh had replaced what he took. How was he meant to unlock the secrets of Immortality like this? In order to learn the secrets of the Heart, he needed to find a way to stop it from healing, even temporarily. But if he succeeded in that then wasn’t it possible to stop the healing permanently? And if so, then was it true Immortality? Ratel sighed. I guess I just need to keep trying. After all, discovery requires experimentation. Just like Kiireon. She had approached him months ago with a deal. Find a way to free Edaan from the Shard of Odium he had and the Collective got to keep the Shard. It was a fair deal as far as deals with the enemy go. An Odium free from influence for him to study to his hearts content and all he needed to do was find a way to free it from its vessel and contain it indefinitely. No pressure. A light tap at his door brought Ratel out of his thoughts. Is it time already? She must be very worried. Edaan sighed. He had been here for months yet he still was losing himself. He had hoped that being so close to Kiireon would’ve helped to keep the encroaching Hatred at bay but while it had slowed, it hadn’t stopped completely. Sooner or later Odium would swallow what was left of his soul. He looked around his room. A simple wooden cot, his third this week, lining one wall that like the others were spotted with scorch marks. A chair, his fifth, and a desk that had somehow lasted two weeks, against the opposite wall. At first the Order had outfitted his room with all the finest of furniture and tapestries but after having to replace them several times a week they had changed to giving him the basics. For which he was grateful. Edaan always felt a wave of guilt and shame break over him each time he emerged from one of his episodes. The hatred he felt while in one of the episodes was so powerful and each time he awoke from one, the red film at the edges of his vision was a little deeper. And it is all Kiireon’s fault! She gave you this burden! She’s the one to blame for everything! You should kill her! You should kill them all! “NO! I will not!” Footsteps echoed up the hallway and stopped outside his door. Soon after, a key was inserted and turned. They are coming for you! You should kill them before they kill you! “They wouldn’t dare. Kiireon would rip them apart if they harmed me.” Unless she’s the one that ordered your death! The door swung open and outside stood Swift and several members of the Order. Edaan felt a sense of smugness from his Shard. Told you so. And by the way, Swift is trying to suppress me. “It’s true then. All of it.” he whispered. He could feel the Shard rage inside him, fighting to take control. Kiireon really has turned on me just as Odium promised. Edaan closed his eyes and surrendered to Hatred. Swift smiled, pointed at Edaan. “Take him.” The others surged forward. Edaan blinked, shook his head and then blinked again. His jaw ached and if his pained breathing was anything to go by, he had fractured if not broken a couple of ribs. The ceiling of his room had changed. Instead of the featureless grey stone he was used to his new ceiling was massive and long, awash with blues, reds, oranges and purples. At one end was a sun inlaid with gold, showing it rising over the earth. Directly above the center was another sun representing Noon and at the opposite end to Dawn was naturally Sunset, glowing red with oncoming night. Turning his head to one side, Edaan saw that instead of being in his room he was instead in the vast meeting hall. White marble columns streaked with veins of orichalc ran down the sides. He tried to rise but he had been strapped onto an altar of some kind. The sound of a door opening at the far end of the hall had Edaan sitting up as much as he could, which thanks to the straps was very little but enough to see two people talking as they entered the room. ‘No. It couldn’t be. Why would he be here?’ She has betrayed you! ‘She wouldn’t. She couldn’t. Could she?’ You can see that she has! Why else would he be here? Ratel. One of the leaders of the Collective if not the leader. Sure Alv was the official head of the organization but that could just be a feint with Ratel being the true power behind the shadowy group. The Shadow behind the Shadow if you will. One that even Alv was unaware of. And he was talking to Kiireon. Ratel entered the chamber walking alongside Kiireon, his Lifeless following along behind as the carried two wooden crates between them. “I know you wanted me to remove Odium but my studies have only shown one way for a Shard of such power to be removed without the Vessels consent. Only an Elantrian can draw the necessary Aon and only someone close to him can convince him to surrender something that has become a part of who he is.” Kiireon looked at him for a long time before steeling her resolve and nodding. After directing his Lifeless workers to place the crates next to the Altar, Ratel pried them open and removed two Dragon Claw stands, one jet black while the other was a deep red, and placed them next to the altar. Each claw coming from a couple of mature Dragons that resided on Yolen. Next he removed a pair of crystal glass orbs, each one crafted from the White Sand found only on Taldain. As he placed each of the two foot wide orbs into the waiting claws, each claw closed to hold the orbs securely in their talons. The fruit of months of long labour. It had taken him a long time to acquire the Claws and Orbs and even longer in research and experimentation to find a way to contain a Shard without a living Vessel for them to inhabit but if it worked, and it should, then it would all be worth it. With one Orb sitting next to the Altar, Ratel took the other and left the chamber with his Lifeless in tow.
  4. While there is still a little time left for voting but it does not appear that another will overtake Aman for the right to represent us in the Championship games. Congratulations Aman, you are about to be killed by a whole new group of people. Should the unthinkable befall our chosen champion and he be captured by the nefarious of all nasties, Real Life, then Orlok shall take up the sword. And now, to arm our Champion. I bequeath unto you,, the ambiguity of the Shadows so that none many know the true intent behind your words.
  5. Voting time. There haven't been any new nominations for a while so it seems everyone has had their say. The nominees are: Aman Lopen Orlok Rand Everyone can vote for up to two nominees. If you would rather do it via poll, pension Wilson for only she has the power. She keeps all the good powers for herself.
  6. I am very interested but sadly I have to pass again this year. While it's likely I will have the time for the May match, I can't guarantee it. Thanks for the nomination though.
  7. And the voices cried out with a resounding Yea. So be it. I have opened the old Mafia Champion thread up for our nominations so we don't clutter this one up more than we already have. (There was a reason I asked if we will send someone, not who we will send.)
  8. I have reopened this thread for our nominations as to not clutter the Q&A thread. Please nominate your chosen sacrifice here.
  9. We have little time left to decide. Are we going to enter the Championship games or not? This is the question we need an answer to first. Nominations for who we send can come after. So what say you SE? Yay or Nay?
  10. As you can see we have received an invite to this years Mafia Championship. Last year we were represented by Haelbarde and while he died early, he learnt a good deal from the experience. So, first things first. Do we wish to send someone to represent Sanderson Elimination in the Mafia Championships?
  11. If you want you could contact an Admin and see if they can merge your accounts together. I know they've done it before for someone but am unsure if they still can with the new website.
  12. There is word but Meta has chosen himself to be the one to reveal the winners. I highly recommend summoning him with @ signs and PMs. We wouldn't want him to forget now would we.
  13. Surely not everybody was Kung Fu fighting.  Someone had to be streaming to youtube.

  14. Another Shard game has come and gone. Many thanks and upvotes to Seonid for running another of his games. It's nice to see games be rerun and have different outcomes. I do hope to see it run again in the future. While I was very sad to be stabbed in the back by one of my own, (One that I had given a Shard to no less.) I greatly enjoyed my time as Autonomy. And Cultivation. And Odium. Congratulations to Hoid and his team. You used your conversions well and your team did a fantastic job of winning when you were on the ropes. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  15. Well, it's long past time we locked this game up. While I didn't get to play, I did enjoy watching and trying to guess what roles the Eliminators had. Many thanks and upvotes to Wyrm and Kas for running another great game and those write ups were just fantastic. I also enjoyed the searching mechanic. The idea of finding a useful item or role at the cost of possibly creating another eliminator was really well done imo. Especially when it was up to the Gods of Luck and Chance as to who was turned. I hope to see this game rerun next Halloween. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  16. Sadly not. My time is about to become very limited so I won't be playing any SE games for the next couple of months. So if you feel up to it, kill a couple of players for me would ya.
  17. I never said I regretted it. Just the opposite in fact. You are doing just what we wanted you to do. Sadly yes. I highly doubt I will be able to pull off another miracle escape this time. Do me a favor though. Vote Doc into jail next cycle. He's been voting on me for so long that it's clearly a concentrated bussing attempt. Why Doc why? Hmm, tell you what, keep me out of jail for this cycle and I'll totally vote to pardon you next cycle. You can trust me. Yep. Completely trustworthy.
  18. Shh, we only hinted at it being you. They don't know you really are the Elsecaller.
  19. Why did we decide to free you again? *a voice whispers from off stage* Right. Now I remember. I wouldn't say the unbonded elim doesn't matter. In fact they might be the most important member of our team. I mean he's perfectly placed for all those kills. Nah, it can't possibly be DA. After all why would Ec3 and I vote on DA if he was our elim buddy? It must be Joe. Or maybe it's El or Doc or Rand or maybe, just maybe it's you!
  20. Click on the arrow next to your name up top and select account settings. Once there, click on the signature tab and viola.
  21. It was raining. A soft silvery drizzle that held the chill of the winter that had yet to arrive. Torches fizzed and flared as signs creaked and groaned but otherwise the streets were quiet. Outside one inn loomed a shadow. The shadow had it's head cocked to one side seemingly in contemplation. After a while, the shadow reached up and removed something from his head and heading towards the door of the in. Rolan sighed. He had been waiting at the Dancing Jester for the better part of a week. The innkeeper, a large man with more than his share of chins, brought over Rolans evening meal. Boiled pork, boiled cabbage and couple of sliced of thick bread with a very thick coating of flour. The sound of wood splintering brought a flurry of heads turning followed by several shrieks of fear as a Koloss shouldered his way through the cracking door frame. At seven foot tall the Koloss' head barely passed beneath the wooden beams of the inn. Rolan idly wondered if the Koloss would've bothered ducking if he had been tall enough for the beams to be in his way. The Koloss made his way over to Rolans table and stood there looking at him. Rolan swallowed the lump that was quickly growing in his throat and looked over the Koloss carefully. He thought he had enough health stored in his goldminds to survive a fight but no amount of health helped when you are ripped in half. It didn't look like that was going to happen however as the Koloss already had his hands full. In one hand held a hat that looked to be made for someone smaller than the Koloss while the other hand held a ..... hand. Ah, so Rovan failed. Or at least he failed to live but at least he managed to acquire the hand of the Hunted One. "Follow me my big friend. I have a feeling that you and I have a lot to talk about." Without looking to see if the Koloss followed, Rolan headed towards the remains of the door. Once outside, Rolan lifted the hood of his cloak to shield himself from the rain while the Koloss donned his hat. The hat looked ridiculously small topping the large blue head but Rolan knew better than to make fun of something larger than him. Heading off into the night, Rolan could be heard saying. "Koloss, I think this is the beginning of a beautiful friendship." @Magestar You might still have most of Lor's left hand but the Collective now has your right. And it's going to look good in its display case next to Katara's.
  22. Ec3. Phatt. I know Joe has always wanted a 3+ lynch so let's give him one. Even if it means my death. But hey, surviving is nothing compared to having fun. And I'm always up for some fun.
  23. Oh go on. It wouldn't feel right if I wasn't a lynch target. You know you want to. I truly can't say why I slipped away from the noose so many times. It's not like I'm being saved by the same people each time either. I've been saved by Headshot, Jondesu, Ec3 and Lopen. Two of which (HH and Jon) are proven villagers while it's looking very likely that Ec3 is one as well and as for Lopen, I guess we will just have to wait and see.
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