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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. No, I have two protects. One Lurcher type and one thug type. I would have a third if there was still a Lurcher around but as far as I know both are now dead. You can only swap with someone you have targeted on a previous cycle and Lopen have used his vote manip on me cycle one. I've only just gotten the role so I'm still asking questions about it myself so I can't really give you much more as I don't have much more.
  2. Indeed and that protect is one, extra life another and the redirect the third if you happen to know a Lurcher which I was and known by everyone. But hey, feel free to kill me. I like the thrill of not knowing until the write up.
  3. His role allows him to swap with another. He swapped with me last round as he had used up all his protects. I'm the Elantrian now so feel free to target me with your Spear.
  4. Not necessarily. There has been a game where even if you don't place an order, you still use the item to kill a random person. Plus Lopen did say he had a redirect so there's always a possibility that another can use/activate Assassins role. I too am village so you're not alone unless of course you are the solo elim.
  5. If only. Then at least I would know if there was an eliminators. I have reason to suspect that Assassin has a kill ability even if he's offline/inactive. But sure, let's kill each other. Assassin, Ec3.
  6. Really? Almost 24 hours and Lopen is the only poster. I would've posted hours ago but was having too much fun watching the new Logan movie which btw, is totally worth watching so if you're on the fence, get off it and go watch Logan. Mage, anything you want to tell us?
  7. Lopen. I'm not 100% sure of Lopen being evil but at same time I can't see why Ec3 would reveal himself as the Truthwatcher if he's lying. I don't see what he gains from it. Sure Lopen is sent to jail but Ec3 wasn't really in any danger that I can tell. But I also don't want to be lynched so I have to vote on Lopen. Joe, just what have I done that you find suspicious? Apart from survive a couple of lynches that is. Oh and, Drake, Ari.
  8. Honestly, I have no idea what I said that made Lopen change his mind. He did say he wasn't sure which of us (me or Ari) was an Elim. Right before he changed his vote he asked if I was the Willshaper and I said I wasn't going to say and since it seems I'm going to jail he will just have to execute me and find out. Then he said he was confused and I said that if he's taking suggestions then I recommend Ari. He then changed his vote but said he done so before reading my last PM. He hasn't responded to any of my PMs since then, although to be fair there was only two. What sneaky things have I done? If you're talking about not being lynched, then I can't defend that as I had nothing to do with it. Chapter 4 I was saved by Jon and Headshot making and breaking the tie, Chapter 5 I was saved by the Willshaper and this last chapter it was Lopen that saved me. Why they did so? I don't know. You will have to ask them.
  9. I sent out a text today saying "I've lost my phone, can you call it?"  I got eight calls......  I need smarter friends.

  10. Just how have I been staying under the radar when I've been a talked about topic for the past 4 cycles? I don't know about you but to me, your radar seems to be set fairly high if you think I'm flying under it. Guess my hand is forced again and I have to vote for Ari in an attempt to save myself. Although he still is at the top of my suspicion list. I'm sorry Ari but anytime someone is so certain of things like Elims numbers, it always gets to me. I can't help but see them as having inside information.
  11. Assuming they are villagers. If you are evil then feel free not to post. As for me, I'm voting for Drought. Nothing concrete but I've been watching him for a while now and something looks off.
  12. Who said the Willshaper saved me specifically? Could it not be that they jailed Drake specifically and saving me was a byproduct?
  13. Nope. You still have a couple of lines spare.
  14. So many dead catshes. Those nasty mean spiked. How could they be so....mean? The catsh didn't hurt anyone.
  15. Did anyone else read this and was then disappointed because Lift didn't come sliding in to save the day with her Awesomeness? I'm not sure about that. If Quiver is an Unjust then it's very likely that they will want to keep him alive so they can order him to kill prisoners. Unless they wanted the execution to hit Joe instead but I don't think Dalinar would be blind enough to kill the wrong person. Although, seeing as he's on the Plains, it would make sense story wise for it to happen and then it's discovered after everyone returns.
  16. Despite the extra 24 hours, I haven't been able to come up with any RP. I still hope to get some up but it's not looking good. The lack of votes this cycle for pardoning Drake shows that we need to cull the Inactives. However since the only inactive with a vote on them is JUQ and voting for them will only give us a three way tie, I'll instead vote for Shqueeves as of the two players leading the votes, he is the one most likely to go fully inactive.
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