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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Storm it. Thanks Ari. Once more I feel the fool for not reading the rules fully.
  2. Not really since we could vote for both. If the votes were exclusive then we wouldn't be able to vote on both execution and pardon.
  3. Saw a couple of errors. Votes: Rand (0): Doc Shqueeves (2) Ari, Rand, Lopen, Ari, Ari Alv (0): Ari DA (2): Jon, HH, Rand Jon (0): Ari JUQ (1): Rand Kill Drake: 3/9 Doc, Ec3, Ari, Rand, Lopen, Jon, Mage, Ari Pardon Drake: 8/14 Doc, HH, Jon, Alv, Rand, Ari, Mage, Shqu Kill Quiver: 3/9 Ari, Alv, Shqu Also, got an answer from Aman. We can't execute two people on same cycle but can kill one and pardon another. Not sure on pardoning two at a time but that doesn't seem likely for this cycle so not an issue.
  4. I vote to pardon Drake. I only voted on him to save myself and don't think he's an Unjust. As for being a Duskbringer, I'm not sure if it's a good or bad idea on having one roaming around. Especially since their identity is revealed. I'm also voting to execute Quiver. Am waiting for Aman to confirm it but I see no reason why we can't vote on both prisoners. We had plenty of votes willing to kill Ari but fell one short when it came to Quiver last round. As for who I'm going to vote for this round, and yes I do plan on voting, I'm not sure. I kinda got distracted the last couple of days again.
  5. Seems we have a longer cycle than normal. I going to revote for Seonid. And no, I'm not trying to get your item. I really think you're Spiked or at least evil.
  6. I care not for your item. It sounds like it doesn't work so why would I want it. I just think that there's a 50% chance that you are evil and that makes you my best lead. Unless you are revealing your item because you want us to think that your not the killer because why would the killer reveal himself in such a way.
  7. I'm going to vote on Seonid. He claimed to have the Spear and given that it's one of the two items that Dani had when she died, there's a 50% chance that he killed her.
  8. Well, I can honestly say I was not expecting that. I went to work fully expecting to go to jail as I thought the Willshaper was going to add a vote to Quivers execution like they did last cycle. Don't get me wrong, I'm pleased to have survived another round but it's thrown me for a loop as I spent a good deal of time at work planning some jail RP.
  9. May the Gods of Luck and Chance bless your choice Willshaper for on your shoulders lies the fate of two people.
  10. That's alright Drake. I fully expected to be jailed today. And I'm sorry too for I know I'm innocent but I'm not as convinced you are, so Drake.
  11. Len. You hurt Lorna's feeling when you betrayed her and she wants some payback. I'm disliking this bandwagon on DA. No one has defended him so it's unlikely he's evil. (And yes I know that me saying that is technically me defending DA which completely invalidates my post but I'm choosing to ignore that kind of logic.)
  12. Naihar had finally made it to the tavern when everyone was going to meet up. After a brutal couple of days, everyone needed the chance to just relax and unwind. As he entered he noticed a few eyes swivel his way and a noticeable drop in conversation. Trying his hardest to ignore the looks from his fellow Initiates, Naihar took a seat at the bar and ordered a mug of ale to drink while he waited for the inevitable to happen.
  13. Aman told me that when a bond is broken, the invested honour for that spren is reset to zero. Harsh man, just harsh. Voting for me just cause I already have votes on me. I bet the real reason you're voting for me is because Naihar has one eye a light blue and the other a dark blue. It is isn't it?
  14. No problem. Transport me to the planet and back and you shall get your copy.
  15. Can I get a ticket to this planet?
  16. That's what I would like to know too. Well we know it's not an killing item given that you aren't dead or in the write up. And if you were attacked by the Spear, you should've been told something.
  17. To be fair, he did say last cycle that he was going to Soothe Ec3's vote to prove that he had a repeatable Soothing role rather than an item.
  18. Nope. I simply asked my PM contacts when they contacted me if they were sending out PMs to everyone. Two said no, one said yes and one hasn't responded.
  19. Only known? I know of four other Tineyes or Tineye type roles. I'm a little surprised you haven't been contacted by at least one of them by now.
  20. So you didn't gain the spear when the kill on you failed? Interesting. And unlikely given that you didn't make it into the results write up. So either you're lying or it wasn't an attack but something else.
  21. Ari likely wouldn't have enough honour to rebond with his spren even if no one has gone for Edgedancer. When a bond breaks their invested honour is reset to zero for that spren so unless Edgedancer takes two honour, I don't see Ari rebonding this cycle.
  22. I believe he's referring to the lack of role/alignment reveal from Ari's death. Phatt, we don't learn the role or alignment of those that are killed. Only those that are lynched reveal their deepest secrets.
  23. The night was cooler than Naihar expected but then they were up in the mountains so some chill was to be expected even in summer. Naihar idly wondered if it snowed in Urithiru. The towers draped in snow like a Brightness wearing an elegant white gown. He stopped outside one of the many inns that had sprung up to house the influx of darkeyes and low ranking lighteyes while high ranking lighteyes and Radiants slept in the tower itself. “I thought you might be stopping by,” a woman said, stepping out onto the porch and wrapping her cloak around her. “I was watching for you through the doorway.” Naihar had never known anyone like her. She was clever and intelligent beyond reason and she was more open and sincere than anyone he had ever met. She was a paradox to him, an impossible mystery he could not solve. Kali was an honest person. “You have good eyes. Not many people see me when I walk at night.” “You must’ve wanted to be seen then. You were coming to visit me right?” “I just wanted to make sure you were safe. A lot of strange things have been happening lately.” Kali smiled and as she did, Naihar couldn’t help but notice how her hair shimmered in the moonlight. “I’m as safe as I can be. No one is looking for me anymore.” She stepped closer and took his hand, her touch a soothing warmth against the night's chill. “You already saved my life once, you don’t need to keep looking out for me.” “I have no idea what you are speaking of. I was nowhere near Vedenar that night and I can prove it.” She was staring at him now, her emerald eyes searching for something. Naihar turned away, letting go of her hand thought the warmth continued to seep into him. “You’re a strange man Naihar. I wonder if I truly know you at all.” “You know me better than most. More so than is really safe for both of us.” “Be careful.” “I always am.” With his cloak billowing in the wind, he walked away. She watched him until he entered a shadow and was gone. Edit: Since there doesn't seem to be much in the way of votes of in depth discussion, shall we jail another Inactive? I think Ecthelion III, JUQ, Shqueeves and The lazy anarchist are the ones yet to post this cycle.
  24. Ah, I think I see where the mix up is. I said I had two reasons for the vote and wasn't going to reveal them yet and you assumed that meant that the reason I gave wasn't one of them. When I say "yet", I mean "not right now", not "in the future". It can mean that "I've already said it but don't feel like pointing it out again". I enjoy seeing what kind of reactions I get when I do something like that. And just to be clear, one of my two reasons for that vote on you is to see if it's moved again. The other reason, I'm not telling you, yet.
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