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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Not true and you know it. I said I was going to vote every cycle but that doesn't mean I have to vote on you. One of the reasons I voted for you again was to see if it was moved again not just cause. No backtracking at all. I told you exactly why I was voting on you when I voted for you. I just didn't make it perfectly clear. One, to see if it's moved again and two, shh, it's a secret.
  2. Nothing more. Just wanted to see if you would deny being Spiked. When my vote was moved off you. I'm curious to see if it happens again.
  3. I agree with you on the first point. It's why I haven't placed my vote on you. All I did was point out that I am still suspicious of you. I am reluctant of executing anyone when I don't see the information reveal being worth it. In your case killing you wouldn't have revealed enough information for it to be worth the loss of an active player so soon in the game. Executing Quiver on the other hand is worth it as all he can give us is his alignment which will allow us to make better conclusions.
  4. (Emphasis mine) Just a couple of clarifying points. I don't think my rep is for rule understanding but rather for rule interpreting. I enjoy trying to find new and inventive ways for using rules, items and roles. Or in some cases, hunting down secret mechanics. For me, that's the most enjoyable part of the games. That and messing with GM brains. Yes, I said in chapter two that I will be keeping my honour. But I also said that I will be keeping it until I decide which Spren I wanted to go after. Then in chapter three, I said that I had decided which Spren I wanted and was going to place my honour there, which I did. I'm not going to say which Spren I went after nor whether or not I got it. Um, thanks. I like to think of myself more towards the genius rather than the mad side but who knows. However, I caution you in assuming that there is an experienced elim. I've seen GMs run a whole team of newish or evil-inexperienced players and them doing absolutely fantastic. On the flip side I've seen a team where they were all high profile, very experienced players so nothing is off the table. Now, onto other things. Firstly, another fantastic write up Aman. If I didn't know better I would suspect you of being Brandon Sanderson.... you're not BS are you? And secondly, I call for Quivers death. I said last cycle that his death would be more informative than Ari's. With how the votes on Ari tallied up when Quiver was on the top makes me think that there's something funky going on. If Quiver is an elim like I'm increasingly certain of then we should take a much closer look at those that voted for Ari. And yes, I know that I'm at the top of that list but I still think it's for the best. As for who to imprison this cycle, I thinking of voting for Ari again. (sorry) He is still at the top of my suspect list. The rest on my list are just gut vibes.
  5. I have no suspicions so I'm going to go back to Magestar. You escaped me once. Will you escape again? Just to be clear, I told myself that I'm going to vote every cycle so this vote is little more than that, but still, I would like to hear from Mage as to whether or not he's Spiked.
  6. Naihar was dead. He knew he was dead. The five Voidbringers who had cornered him in this dead end knew he was dead. The only question remaining was which one was going to kill him. Naihar pulled out one of his knives but knew it wasn’t going to be of any use against those that seeked his death. One of the Voidbringers laughed, or at least Naihar thought it was laughter, as it pointed it’s hand towards him, a spark of lightning erupting from its fingertips. Naihar flinched as it struck the rock just above his head causing another round of laughter from the Voidbringers. Just as Naihar was sure he was going to die, a wave of water crashed through bowling everyone over. Struggling for air, Naihar reached out and caught his hand on a small rock outcropping. Quickly unwrapping his vine rope from around his body, he tied one end to the outcrop and the other around his waist. Breathing in the last of his Stormlight, Naihar hoped it was enough to keep him alive until the water dropped enough for him to be rescued.
  7. So, hands up who has an item. Don't be afraid. We won't hurt you. Your death will be painless. Um, Joe, you can do a painless lynching write up right?
  8. Chapter Three Tallies: (As best as I can see) Shqueeves (0): Doc Quiver (5): Rand, Jond, Headshot, Assassin, Drake, Ari, Mage, Doc, Ari Rand (0): Doc Ec3 (0): Doc Jond (0): Drake Ari (7): Alv, Rae, Joe, Drought, Lopen, Rand, Dragon Alv (0): Ari Rae (1): Drake Kill Sheep: (5/11) Doc, Shqueeves, Jond, Assassin, Ari, Mage, Lopen Pardon Sheep: (1/16) Dragon
  9. I missed this before, but I do notice that you said you weren't a coinshot and I asked if you were a spiked coinshot. Does this mean you're Spiked? Also, anyone else hearing the rumours of Inquisitors and feruchemists?
  10. Naihar looked around. He had been cut off from the rest of the Initiates when he ran down the wrong chasm path and now there was a group of Voidbringers heading his way. A quick check of his inventory revealed that he was severely outmatched. A coil of strung together vines, a pouch of half infused spheres, three knives and his bodysuit made from the skin of a Midnight Essence that he had hidden under his outer clothes. I think there are 9 votes to kill Ari. Well, ten now and while I still have my reservations, the information could be useful. I still don't feel right about it though.
  11. Sorry for the lack of posts. I've been a little caught up playing Mass Effect 1&2 in preparation for ME:4 next month. I'm going to vote for Quiver. The speed in which Ari was lynched when Quiver was leading the votes concerns me. I would be most interested in seeing his alignment over anyone elses. Personally I would rather keep Ari alive this cycle and kill Quiver next, if Quiver is an elim like I suspect then it's highly likely that Ari is innocent. However, if everyone wants to kill Ari this round, I'll add my vote albeit reluctantly.
  12. Personally, I'm against killing Ari. We don't need to kill anyone. Only the Unjust need to kill and they have to kill everyone. We on the other hand just need to jail the Unjust. Sure, we get information from their deaths but killing those in jail feels like we're doing the Unjusts work for them. I too would like more discussion rather than going after Inactives. I voted for Ari because I was suspicious of him and to get some discussion going. However, as you pointed out, a bandwagon did form on him fairly fast. But seeing as they don't die when jailed, I'm not sure if it means anything. I'm also back to square one for suspicions. Watch me all you want but know that I am watching you right back. You should've been told if another player has already bonded the Spren you're after.
  13. Another game of Haels has come to a close and once again the Traitors win. Hmm, there might be a pattern here. Congratulations Traitors. Enjoy all the booty you are looting from our corpses. Many thanks and upvotes to Hael for another of his games that teaches us that discussion is the core of our games and not roles. That and our fantastic community of players. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, MR20: With Ruin Beside Us is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so feel free to join in the fun. Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  14. Well, it's well and truly long past time we closed this game up. Congratulations to the Traitors. A well fought victory. This game just goes to show that you don't need roles to have a fun and enjoyable game as well as demonstrating the value of good discussion. A lesson for all of us. Many thanks and upvotes to Hael for running the game. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, MR20: With Ruin Beside Us is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so feel free to join in the fun. Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  15. Indeed. You have opened my eyes. I know it's going to take time but hopefully one day you can forgive me for how I used to think of Elims.
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