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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. No, I no longer suspect you because of that. But your vote on me last cycle right after Lopen says we're teammates did raise a red flag for me and that put you at the top of my suspicion list. You have lowered but are still my top suspect. Although I am once again considering voting for Quiver as I'm not a fan of inactives and with the ruling that inactive numbers count towards the total numbers needed for executions/pardons, it makes sense to me to remove them sooner rather than later.
  2. I didn't ask about how many kills/scan per cycle the elims got until this cycle as I (stupidly) went by every other game that has been played and assumed that it was one faction action per cycle. Yes, it's true. I always ask a bunch of questions in my GM PM as well as thread. I like to keep certain information out of the elims (or village) hands depending on what side I'm on. The ones I ask in thread are normally ones that I think everyone should know the answer to. Nah, I see that as a waste of the GMs time. If I have already asked a question in a PM then I will just tell the thread the answer and leave it to everyone else to decide if they believe me or not. If you want to know the jist of what I'm asking in PMs, then all you have to do is ask. For instance, I've asked if a Windrunner can block someone from investing their honour or stop someone from feeding their spren honour. I kept that secret because if the Unjust got a Windrunner and the answer was yes, then they suddenly had a way to break the bonds of other Radiants. I don't know about you but that sounds like a really bad thing for them to have. Thankfully Windrunners can't do that.
  3. Vote Tally: Shqueeves (0): Doc Quiver (5): Rand, Jond, Headshot, Assassin, Drake, Ari Ec3 (1): Doc Jond (1): Drake Ari (1): Alv Kill Sheep: (4/11) Doc, Shqueeves, Jond, Assassin, Ari Pardon Sheep: (0/16) No one I think we're all getting a little caught up in the RP and forgetting about finding the Unjust and while I'm always in favor of removing Inactives we still need some discussion even if it's just for honour harvesting. Ari, you threw a vote on me not long after Lopen said he thought we were teammates. You also have some very good insights like the Unjust being able to scan or kill more than once per cycle which is something that the Elims normally can't do. I can't recall it being asked anywhere in the thread so you had to either ask in Doc or PM. And while you are right that they can kill or scan more than one person per cycle, I would be very interested in hearing why you thought you needed to ask the GM that question.
  4. Nah. He's too busy sulking that he wasn't the first. I tried to tell him he needed to make a post but he didn't listen. He said something about story pacing. He has come up with another idea of using the vines to tie up the chasmfiend and turn it into a really big pinata. He's going to need more vines though.
  5. Naihar wants you all to know he's very put out with you all. He was planning on being the one to ride the chasmfiend. He even gathered up the vines to use as reins.
  6. Naihar watched in horror as Uther and a couple of others charged towards the Chasmfiend. They're all nuts. Not even half of us are down and already they attack. Shaking his head as the stormlight finally finished healing the broken bones, Naihar began to gather up the vines that Ranatar had cut to free him. Or some of the vines, as most slithered back up the wall. A couple of vines passed close enough to Petrik to try and grab with his one free hand. A thunderous trumpeting bellowed out from behind Naihar as he watched Petrik try and free himself. Right. Chasmfiend. Tying the vines he had gather together as best he could, Naihar made his way over to those awaiting their turn to charge.
  7. If anyone wants an idea on how to get down into the chasm that hasn't happened yet, you can start to climb down only to have Kaladin kick you in the face knocking you from your handholds. Can even spit out teeth and then regrow them.
  8. This is so wrong. So very, very wrong. What kind of training involved throwing people off a cliff? We’re all going to die. This is going to be the end of me. I’m okay!” A voice echoed up the chasm. “Make sure you’ve got at least an emerald broam’s worth of stormlight before making the jump!” He survived? He survived! Oh blessed be the Almighty. Hithon, Sareth, Kintas, Arionium, Czarn and Uther had all made the leap and Captain Kaladin the Insane was waiting for the next lunatic to step up and take the leap of stupidity. “Well, if those fools can survive then it shouldn’t be any problem for me.” Naihar said confidently. The fearspren bubbling out around him however told a whole different story and no one was fooled. A few even looked at him with expressions of amusement. Nevertheless, Naihar strode up to the cliff fully intent on giving Stormblessed a rude gesture as he leaped off backwards. The rockbud he stepped on however had other plans as it quickly retreated into it's shell causing Naihar to trip and disappear over the side with a very unradiant-like yelp. Naihar flailed his arms and thrashed his legs trying to right himself to no avail. Instead all he managed to do was entangle himself in a curtain of vines that hung down from a broken section of rock. There were snaps and pops as bones broke and limbs were torn from sockets. Naihar could feel the Stormlight healing his wounds but it could do nothing to help him when he ended his fall about three feet above the chasm floor looking for like a marionette from a puppet show. He looked at the others already down through tear clouded eyes. “Ah, a little help.” Loving your write ups Aman. They are absolutely fantastic.
  9. Well there goes that plan. Why must you ruin all my good ideas.
  10. Not necessarily. @Amanuensis will you be counting Inactives for rules like the 50% execution and 75% pardon votes?
  11. It didn’t take Naihar long to find a quiet spot with no one else around. There were many rooms that were unoccupied and many more that still hadn’t been explored. It was in one of these unexplored room that Naihar felt was his best bet at finding what he was looking for. Or rather what his employer wanted him to find. While everyone else was busy searching for ancient fabrials, Naihar searched for the one thing that was worth more than kingdoms. The Armoury of the Dead. The place dead Radiants had their Shards laid to rest. A place where there were countless Blades and Plates just waiting for someone to claim them.
  12. No, no no. I have no intention of killing everyone. Just those on my kill list, of which you are one. It was raining. It wasn’t the hard lashing rain of a highstorm or even the steady cold rain of the Riddens but rather the light sprinkle of a passing shower. Rainspren danced in and around the puddles that still dotted the landscape while the occasional windspren could be seen fluttering above. Naihar strolled around outside the main tower as he tried to collect his thoughts. Lomot was dead and two others were thinking of leaving. While it increased his odds of bonding a spren, it also would make it harder for him to be able to move about freely. He had a job to do and the murder of Lomot was not going to make it any easier.
  13. Vote Tally: Dragon (1): Headshot Mage (0): Lopen Rae (0): Joe Quiver (1): Alv Sheep (3): Jond, Joe, Mage Jond (2): Lopen, Drake Alv (1): Ari Ari (1): Drought Hey. I said Lopen could pick on me, not you. [mini rant] As for me just looking like I'm interested in bonding a spren, not so. I'm extremely interested and really want a spren. Not just game wise either but meta wise as well. I have 14 living characters that I like to use every now and then and Naihar happens to be the closest I have to a Knight Radiant. If I can get a living Shardblade then you bet I'm going to try everything I can to get one. I can promise you that I will be pushing hard to bond a spren this game, the question is which spren fits Naihar. Once you play a few games with me, you will learn that I never say people shouldn't be paranoid of me. In fact they should be very, very paranoid of me. I have my secrets. I have asked the GMs quite a few questions and I have no plans on sharing the answers until I deem it's of most worth. In case you're wondering, my GM PM is already three pages long and should hit the fourth page soon. Sorry but I really dislike it when people say I'm trying to gain trust. I never bother with that as it's not my style. I enjoy the fear people get when I sign up for a game. Especially the GMs fear. [end rant] Now that that is over, the reason I'm hoarding honour is exactly why I said I was doing it. I didn't know which spren would be of most benefit to me. Spending honour on one spren only to change your mind a cycle or two later seems like a waste to me. I have decided on which spren I'm going for and no, I'm not going to tell you, and I will be placing all my honour on the spren this cycle. Hopefully I'll have four honour if I can get some RP up this cycle. With both Quiver and Sheep dropping out I think that one of them should be voted for. Inactive pruning is something that I am in full support of at least for the first cycle or two. It removes an inactive and keeps active players around which can only be a good thing for the village. With that said, I'm off to (hopefully) write some RP.
  14. You can pick on me if you want. Personally at moment, I'm leaning towards switching my vote to Darkness as I feel that of all who have posted so far this cycle, their posts are the least helpful. Done. Interesting. So instead of killing them, now we just need to imprison the elims. Makes the game a little easier.
  15. Hmm, @Amanuensis do vote tallies count as discussion? What about placing a vote? Vote Tally: Dragon (1): Headshot Mage (1): Lopen Rae (1): Joe Quiver (1): Alv Honestly I can't think of anything for discussion so if someone wants to give me a prompt or two, it would be greatly appreciated. At moment, I'm just going to toss out a poke vote on Quiver as he's the highest on the list that hasn't posted that I can see.
  16. I meant more that if we ask, will you tell us if we got both the discussion and RP points? I know I got the RP one with my last post but am unsure if I got the discussion honour.
  17. Naihar finally made his way to the reception area and helped himself to some meaty looking food and a glass of yellow wine. He wore a simple but nicely tailored suit of sky blue with gold trim. While he wasn’t visibly armed, he did have two throwing daggers tucked into his boots. Most of the others had long since arrived and discussion could be heard in all corners. In fact it was so noisy that Naihar half expected to see a group of people dicing at one of the tables. Finishing off his food, Naihar made his way out onto one of the balconies and breathed in the cool mountain air. Ah, that’s better. Interesting. If we ask, will you tell us if we have achieved enough for both honour points? Or will we only find out once we get our results PM?
  18. You just know I have to sign up for this game. Joe in full Troll mode is not to be passed up. Besides, your games are some of the most fun games I've played. Rovan is a former solider. After the slaughter of the rebels at Holstep and the death of the Lord Ruler, Rovan has lost his way. Before, everything was going smooth. He knew his place in the world and followed orders knowing that he served the Sliver of God himself but now he just doesn't know what to believe. Was his whole life a lie? Or are the new rulers the true enemy? The only thing Rovan knows for sure is that the Lord Ruler shall return. After all, you can't kill God.
  19. Not so. He only gets to tell me 'I told you so' if liespren only cost 2 honour, not if I overpay for a spren.
  20. I'm going to save my honour until I decide which Spren I go for. I haven't decided as I currently haven't been giving this game all my attention. I'm leaning towards liespren simply because I love spying on PMs but once I am able to give this game my full attention that might, and likely will, change so saving my honour is for the best at moment. I can always give four honour next cycle towards my chosen spren but if I give two now and change my mind later then those two are wasted. At least I would consider them wasted.
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