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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Only problem is if another gets the spren you want first. Then you have to wait for them to die or lose it. As I haven't decided which Spren I would like to go for, I will be saving my honour. At least for now.
  2. I believe Rae was more intending it to be used on those in jail to see if the elims reveal something in PMs that way as they can't use the Doc while jailed. Also, being able to spy on just one PM doesn't mean it isn't useful. It just takes a bit of luck like any role. I've had a PM spying role before and it's very useful if one spys on the right PMs.
  3. Well there goes my plan of asking three question per cycle. Guess I'll have to think of something else for honour harvesting.
  4. Naihar sat at a table, his head bowed and eyes closed yet he was not sleeping or even dozing. Instead he had one hand pressed flat to the tabletop while the other repeatedly plunged a dagger between his fingers. He wasn't sure if it was the speed with which he was doing it or the fact that his eyes were closed but it wasn't long until his opponent lost concentration and nicked their own thumb and fresh blood stained the table. A few spheres changed hands between the watchers as those that won collected from those that didn’t. Sheathing his dagger and pocketing his share of the winnings, Naihar stood, nodded to the watchers and made his exit. Night had already fallen and if he didn’t hurry then he was going to be late. And those that are late tend to stand out even more than those that are early. @Amanuensis What exactly counts as a discussion post? Does asking a question about the rules count or does it require something more?
  5. I agree but the question still needed to be asked. And answered. More information can only be a good thing.
  6. Will you tell us if someone does bond a spren? And if so, will we learn which one so we can place our honour elsewhere?
  7. It's all good. It's nice to see someone paying attention to the roleplay of others. That makes two of us. While I have a couple of theories, Naihar hasn't yet filled me in on all the details.
  8. Thanks for ruining my lovely surprise twist. Plus it's very fitting as Naihar made his first appearance all the way back in MR2, the Shadowdays of SE.
  9. The lamps faded as their stormlight was drained. Warm sunshine flooded into the room from the opening that now stood on the other side of the room from where it had started. An excited chatter started up as the others began to file out. Naihar waited until most of the group had exited before joining them. Near the back but not at the back. Those at the front will be eager and will stand out while those at the back will stand out for a different reason. Naihar was in no rush. His place among the Knights Initiate was assured. Palms had been greased, threats made and words whispered. All to get him into an organization that he could’ve easily gotten into himself simply by revealing his ability to Lash. But then his sponsor didn’t know about his ability to draw objects to whatever he was touching at the time. In fact no one did. Well almost no one. Naihar thought ruefully. The Famed Gamin, the smuggler Wurum and Aladdin, a street urchin, were the only ones that knew his secret and thankfully none of them were here. As his eyes adjusted to the light he stared up at the looming tower before him. One hundred stories tall and still standing. Remarkable. Shaking himself free of his stupor, Naihar made his way towards the tower while subconsciously fingering the folded piece of paper in his pocket. It was time to get to work. While Naihar really wanted to play he also wants to make it perfectly clear that he has committed no crimes. What happened in the small coastal town of Telmont in Alethela is still under investigation.
  10. Yeah, so not going to happen. You would need 5 Odiums to get your overarching profile. At least 5. And 2 for each of your village/evil/other stats. You seem to be overestimating the value of an Odium Shard. So far there are 5 in circulation and there will be more. All I need to do is wait and I'm very patient.
  11. I have one profile per person per game as well as a overarching profile. I'm also working on separate profiles for evil, village and 'other' stats. So lets say you've played 20 games, that's 20 individual profiles, 1 overarching profile, 1 village profile, 1 evil profile and 1 other profile for a total of 24. How many games have you played again?
  12. That was a very enjoyable game. Thank you Seonid and El for running it. I really enjoyed being given both Cultivation and Odium. I was however most sad that I died right at the end. I was perfectly willing to work with the Hoidites as long as Hoid died but sadly the one mole, which I worked out too late, chose not to reveal themselves to us. Ah well, next time maybe.
  13. Well done Bard. I was thinking you were going to have to use your Survival Investment. I had forgotten about Devotion's allowing you to survive a lynch. Odium, Ruin and Voidbringers. Please kill Bard. His Stolen Investments can't keep him alive for much longer even if the Hoidites have Honour.
  14. There are plenty of poisons that won't kill you. But the stomach cramps will make you wish you were dead. Just imagine the fun that could be had with a Cook serving everyone poisoned food that keeps them in bed for a day or two.
  15. Unofficial Player List: Assassin in Burgundy: Fuzzy - Jaist Elenion: Cassius - Cassanova Seonid: Senn Conrad - Past Lives A Joe in the Bush: Jack Tormander - Past Lives Jondesu: Remart - Glutton and Handicapped Manukos: Enias - Neat I_am_a_Stick: Stick - Forgetful Wyrmhero: Wyl Sharpe - Guardsman Nyali: Nyah - Mistwraith ate my Parents Herowannabe: Herwynbe - Steward Arinian: Arinian - Forgetful and Past Lives Conquestor: Mr. Hoid - Joker, Forgetful and Prophetic Silverblade5: Ryth - Excitable and Gollum Magestar: Carmichael - Narcissist and Compulsive Gambler Arraenae: Nicki - Theorist Straw: The Puddle of Vomit - Mistwraiths ate my Parents and Gossip Doc12: Rin - Tinker and Neat Hemalurgic_Headshot: Joe - Useless Araris Valerian: Aralis - Cynic, Elderly and Bearer of a Large Thwacking Staff DroughtBringer: Drought - Handicapped Stink: Stink - Insane Ecthelion III: Unknown 1 - Elderly Kipper: Kip Pikker - Narcissist TheMightyLopen: Sothe - Unlucky Madagascar: Matilda the Mad - Drunk Dalinar Kholin: Reginald Canuck - Kleptomaniac Drake Marshall: Felix - Survivor Priest and Scholarly Bugsy6912: Annix - Scholarly, Terrisman and Hobbyist Gamma Fiend: Grumbles - Insane little wilson: Whistler - Neat, Compulsive Gambler and Hobbyist Sart: Sart - High Imperial OrlokTsubodai: Locke Tekiel - House Lord Wonko the Sane: The Abundance - Organization Elbereth: El - Hopeful Orphan and Past Lives No Cooks? Really? Who's going to keep the town fed? Poor Remet is going to have to eat his other leg just to live.
  16. Another Bandwagon? And started by the Bandwagon master himself no less. Oh well. If Bard is Hoid then great. If not, then I guess Len is next to die. Say Len, you wouldn't mind passing Odium to me would you? I would love to get my hands on another Odium Shard. After the game is fine should you still have it by then. Same thing goes for whoever ends the game with Odium if they get their hands on it.
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