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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Huh, was going through making vote tally and saw that I haven't placed a vote yet. Could've sworn that I did. I don't really have any suspects anymore but am wary of those that have been online and not posting so Doc I know you've been online, why no post? Note, I don't expect an answer this cycle but it would be nice if we heard from you during the night. Votes: Aonar (0): Ari, Sart, Assassin Len (1): Araris, Ari Ari (0): Len, Assassin Araris (0): Len Kyne (5): Sart, Bard, Ari, Stick, Len Alv (1): Dalinar Doc (1): Alv
  2. Not if it's more than one cell. After Davids stunning success in killing Steelheart the other cells came together, pooling their resources to bring down the High Epics. While the Epics themselves are now very concerned. The Reckoners were nothing more than a nuisance before, killing off the weak while leaving the strong alone, but now they've proven themselves to be very dangerous and have sent some of their most loyal Agents, whether Epic or Norms, to root out and destroy the Reckoners once and for all. Having it as more than one Cell would cover hem not knowing all the other members thus be unable to tell friend from foe.
  3. I believe that Sheep gave up his life to roleblock me. I was roleblocked and I like to think it was Sheep but if another wishes to lay claim to the deed then please speak up. The only ones to vote on Joe D1 were Sheep and Lopen. Both are now dead. As for why Joe was made an Agent even when he was going to kill himself, I can only theorize that it was for the location of Cultivation. Or maybe in the hopes that either Odium or Hoid would also Convert them opening up communications between the sides. Lopen didn't have a Champ at the start of D4. He could've and likely did make one once he saw he was about to be lynched. At least that's what I would've done. That or send it to an Inactive so it stays hidden for a couple of cycles before going to another player and there has been a couple of people coming out of Inactivity this last cycle..... The {Redacted} Shard may or may not exist. I for one have seen no sign of it being in use. All those that die have passed on at their appointed time. Why are you nervous about me possibly being a neutral Shard? If I am Auto then killing Hoid is in my best interest as they are the only one that cannot be converted. Killing Hoid is also good for the village. Only a Hoidite wouldn't want Hoid to die. As for valuable information, I have none. So far I have only found some people that can't be Hoid. Hoid himself eludes me. A Survival claim is interesting given that Odium is clearly still out there killing. @Arinian why did you claim so when there were only two votes on you? Not possible unless Lopen lied to me. This may sound immodest but I don't think he could lie that well for me not pick up that something was off. I was very careful in my questioning. Lopen claimed that he was using his Investment ability to find those with Shards as they couldn't be Invested. Sheep also confirmed that he received a failed Investment on the same cycle that Lopen claimed to have tried to Invest in him. I too would like an answer to this question. As for my vote, I'm not sure yet. Kas didn't come online to answer my question about if he got a role from Araris. In the mean time, have a vote tally: Aonar (0): Ari, Sart, Assassin Len (2): Araris, Ari Ari (0): Len, Assassin Araris (1): Len Kyne (2): Sart, Bard Ari: you retracted the wrong vote. It's currently on Len not Aonar.
  4. Good. Now Hoid can't get their Instant Win even if they have Culty. Plus, didn't Mage say he was going to pass Preservation? I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be a Hoidite. Trying to trick Culty into unshattering a Shard and then keeping it even after saying he was going to pass it seems like something a Hoidite would do.
  5. Who is doing your tallies Sart. It should look more like this: Vote Tally: Len (5): Mage, Doc, Araris, Arinian, Sart Mage (4): Ari, Len, Elodin, Ari, Stick, Alv Araris (0): Alv Alv (1): Dalinar Anyway, it looks like I was completely wrong about Araris so there's no reason for me to keep my vote on them any longer though I am still hoping that Kas can confirm/deny whether or not Araris had a role. Len helped lynch Lopen so I'm not inclined to vote for him, while Mage has lied about his role a couple of times and possibly lied about other things. Call it Paranoia but I wouldn't be surprised if he turned out to be Hoid. Besides. I want Lor's thumb back.
  6. Welcome back @AliasSheep. Did someone try to Invest in you D3? I'm voting for Araris this round. He's my best bet for being Hoid. Kas said he Forged swapped roles with Araris and got nothing back. Not even an empty vessel role. To me that says that Araris either doesn't have a role or is Hoid as Hoid's role can't be forged away. It's not much but it's all I have.
  7. Autonomy: The incessant meddling of the other Shards on their shardworlds is an affront to your sense of liberty. Or autonomy, whichever suits you. You will not cease your interference until all of the Shards can no longer interfere in the workings of the Cosmere. Your meddling might go against your principles, but all things are for the greater good in the end, right/ Win Con: Have all living players converted. Autonomy’s conversion ability is a Shardic ability, not a faction ability, but may be used any number of times. It may not convert other Shards or Hoid. If Autonomy converts Odium’s Champion or a member of the 17th Shard, the player gains access to the doc and win condition, but does not lose their previous win condition. 17th Shard: Hoid has returned, and his once defunct cult of followers has been given a new lease on life. You have been trusted with the task of...liberating the Shards from their current owners so that they can be reforged into Adonalsium. God must be reborn, or the consequences will be dire. Win Condition: Acquire all 10 Unshattered Shards. If not possible, outnumber all other factions combined. The 17th Shard has a Faction Conversion ability. It may convert any player except Odium, Autonomy, or Survival. This Conversion may only be used a limited amount of times - the exact number will be determined by the number of players in the game. If the 17th Shard converts Odium’s Champion or a convert of Autonomy (including an Agent), the player gains access to the doc and win condition, but does not lose their previous win condition. As I hope you can see, Autonomy can keep Converting players while Hoid has a limited number. As long as Autonomy has more Converts that Hoid has, Hoid can't win.
  8. The rules state that Hoid must outnumber all other factions. Autonomy is another faction and one with, if I'm reading the rules right, an unlimited number of conversions. It is almost impossible for Hoid to win as long as Autonomy is Converting people. Shatter Autonomy and Hoid is a lot closer to winning. Because with Culty, Hoid can restore the other Shards and get his instant win.
  9. I should've been clearer. I meant let Odium live longer not the whole game. Though I don't really see why not as long as he was helping. Harsh man harsh. Also strange. Odium, Autonomy and Survival are the ONLY ones that can't be converted by Hoid. Odium is already dead. (Sorry Lopen) So if I was Autonomy then killing/splintering me would help Hoid immensely. As long as at least one Shard is shattered, Hoid can't get their instant win. And as long as Autonomy is alive and Converting, Hoid can't get their second win. So what you are suggesting is something that Hoid would be very happy to see happen.
  10. Let him live? I didn't say that. I said we could work together. However odds are I would've let him live and even helped him as much as I could as I know how hard it is to have that role. And I kinda owed him since when I did have that role, I sort of stabbed him in the back. Odium isn't the enemy. Or at least not the only one. Hoid is the one I'm hunting.
  11. It's not much information. In our world PM Lopen claimed to have a role from a certain planet. FotS to be precise. I however had my doubts and used my ability to test his claim. It came back different than what he claimed. In fact he turned out to be a Shard. From Roshar. Now there are three Shards from Roshar, Honour, Cultivation and Odium. Two of which would be good to be removed from game like I said. Those being Odium and Culty. After my post in thread, Lopen and I got to talking and he claimed he was Odium. We talked for a while and decided that he could help us. I was going to remove my vote from him close to rollover but sadly the new time slipped by me and by the time I did get on, there were plenty of votes already on Lopen. I am very sorry you got lynched Lopen. And I greatly regret the role I played in it as I love working with you and really hope to do so again in future games. No worries Mage. I'd be worried about me too. After all, I have my rep for a reason.
  12. I'm getting some bad vibes from Lopen. He hasn't been as active as I thought he would be even with being sick. In the Sel world PM I get the feeling that he's holding something back. Straw is still my top suspect though. Even that however is mostly a gut vote. I would really like to hear from Dalinar Kholin though. Dalinar, you've been online, what do you think of what's been happening?
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