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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Are you saying that when we lynch you, you still won't die? Also, I suspect that Ruin didn't attack anyone the last couple of cycles was because they were inactive and have now lost their Shard. Hopefully they can kill Harambe should they survive the lynch. I'm doubtful of that happening given all the other lies/misdirections that's happening but still.
  2. I agree with Harambe not having protection. Assuming they are telling the truth then they are a very, very tempting target for Hoids Conversion as it gives the Hoities a kill and I for one would really rather they not get one. If there is known protection on Harambe then there is little reason for Hoid not to Convert them. While if there isn't then Hoid has to worry about wasting a Conversion on a deadman.
  3. Well, it's that time again. Time to close another of our games. Many thanks to Young Bard for creating and running a Discworld game. While it had some problems, I felt that for a first time GM you did a very good job. I look forward to seeing it run again once some of the kinks are worked out. Sadly, this game is the last for one of our long time players. Luckat. You will be missed. Hopefully the community can get together as a whole to help solve the problems you brought up and we can make these games something that you might wish to rejoin. I for one would love to see you return but fully understand if you choose not to. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those who are interested in learning about the joys of stabbing the backs of fellow Sharders, Mid-Range Game 19: Return to Urithiru is open for sign ups so feel free to join in the fun.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  4. You're wrong there Straw. In SE we constantly have these things called 'gut votes' and no one expects someone to explain them. Nor do we expect long in depth arguments or even detailed explanations. It's nice to get them but we don't expect it. If someone doesn't want to explain their reasoning then they don't have to. Your post and vote feels like an attempt to join a bandwagon without any suspicion landing on you. And I an going to place my vote on you for it. Stick. Straw
  5. Looks like I missed a bit while enjoying and recovering from christmas and I'm too lazy to go over everything just yet but I shall weigh in on the Autonomy topic. Keeping the inactive alive , for now, was best for the Village IMO. Autonomy has to waste their conversion ability on them as well as the active players. If we kill the Inactives then we only help Auto by giving them a smaller pool or having them go after active players. I say we let Auto convert inactives as they can't do anything to help them, while we look for Auto themselves among the active players. Stop the corruption at it's source rather than going after the symptoms. Admittedly we don't know if Auto is active, they could be an Inactive Shard, at least for now.
  6. All he had to do was change his vote from Lopen to someone else who already had a vote on them and he would've lived. Joe didn't need to use Cultivations ability so he could've still Invested in Elodin to prove he was who he said he was. Only Joe can clear this up so until he turns up we should pass on this discussion and move on to who we think should be lynched. Just because we have an extra 24 hours doesn't mean we shouldn't vote. Beside, many of us are going to be fairly distracted over the next couple of days so lets get talking while we can. Stick, why did you jump worlds last day cycle?
  7. The write up does suggest that Jond was killed by Odium. So that at least tells us something. Odium is an active player or at least one that's been on during the Night phase. Harambe most likely thinks you have Culty as Joe did say he was giving it to someone he trusted as much as he trusted you. I interpered it as Joe Investing in you and giving the Shard to another. It could've been a double bluff but I don't think so. I don't see Joe putting all his eggs in one basket on the first day. Speaking of Joe. Why didn't you save yourself with Cultys abilities?
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