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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. You might want to check again Harambe. My results are different and been confirmed correct.
  2. Lorna finished oiling her crossbow, checked her bolts and got ready to hunt. She had a goal and no one was going to stop her this time. First on her list was Magestar. The bounty on his head wasn't high but it would be enough to replace the daggers she lost in Urithiru after that little incident involving those pesky Diagrammists.
  3. So it's a massive game of criss-cross? I go to Kas who is a member of House Urbain and ask him to kill someone in Penrod ,my house, in exchange for killing Wyrm who is also in House Urbain? Or a three way kill off. Or a four way massacre. Sounds like fun. Only downside is that everyone's going to want to use the kill action to stop such plans forming. Does the game end as soon as one house has one living member left or does it keep going? Also, what happens if there's two or more members in your faction but the others are all dead? Can we vote for our Housemates?
  4. Only one extra vote was placed. You owe me 25 gold Joe. Hopefully I'll survive the round to collect. Shame Len couldn't join the party but nevertheless it's Stick and Alv in the Thunderdome. Who will live and who will die? Stay tuned to find out! This should be fun.
  5. Fun is the reason I play. If you're not have fun then what's the point? My fun comes from the uncertainty. Normally lynches are a forgone conclusion. You know who's going to be lynched at the end of a cycle and all that's left is the results. But with ties you don't know who it's going to be. You've already drunk some of your wine but I'll still take you up on that bet. And I take it you mean last to die. First to die means they can't collect. Now if someone would be kind enough to tie it up again.
  6. Why don't we really up the fun. Let's have one vote on everyone! Whoever breaks the tie is an Elim and they get lynched the next cycle. What have you got to lose? Edit: Or better, you do that next cycle. This cycle it's between Len and me in the Thunderdome. Two enter, one leaves!
  7. Stink. Len Vote Tally: Stink (0): Len, Alv, Mage Stick (2): Sart, Ari Len (3): Kas, Nyali, Mage, Alv Alv (3): Kas, Stick, Joe, Len Really? Com'on people. I'm willing to be one of the tied in the lynch. Why would any elim want to be in the lynch? Should I live then tie it up with me again next cycle. And the cycle after...... Edit: Storming ninja-Joe
  8. Ah, but I did say so, just not in the way you expected. I wanted to see if anyone was going to try and change the lynch target closer to the end of the cycle. When no one did it made me think that the Elims were happy with the lynch target therefore most likely they were innocent. I am doing the same thing this cycle but using a three way tie to see if anyone shifts the vote away from a tie. Apart from those tied that is, I expect it from them. It's easy enough to move away from a tie but doing so when an Elim is up for the chop makes it a little easier later down the line.
  9. Vote Tally: Stink (2): Len, Alv Stick (2): Sart, Ari Len (0): Kas Alv (2): Kas, Stick Aww. Kas voted on me. Warm fuzzies. Well, I said I would be willing to be one of the tied votes but I was really hoping it wasn't going to be this round. Stink. Care to join the party? BTW Mage, I only got one bottle of wine. Len kept the other as Lopen was unable to claim his.
  10. Hmm, there seems to be a few items missing from the Lootcrate. If possible, I'll take the hidden Grand Soul Gem. If not possible, the Silver Mace will do. What do people think of having another tie vote this round? We pick three people that haven't been up for the lynch lately and see which one the Gods of Luck and Chance frown on. I'm even willing to be one of the three.
  11. Ari. Cloud. I'm not liking the fact that there doesn't seem to be anyone defending Ari so instead I'll make it a three way tie and leave it in the hands of the Gods of Luck and Chance. Sorry Hael.
  12. I can't elaborate and/or justify my suspicions. As I said, the past days lynch and kill felt too similar to the MR game. As such you and the others named went up in terms of my suspecting you. There is nothing more to it.
  13. I even had that in my main Tally but somehow it didn't transfer. Must be because I'm missing a hand eh Mage?
  14. Stink. Ari. While I do still think that at least one of Stick, Stink and Orlok is evil, there is little chance of any of them being lynched this round. So instead I'll go for the one that was second in the past cycle. Since I know everyone is wondering what my motivations are, I'll try and explain them. I have played over 30 games yet I still have this inability to find eliminators via discussion. Sure, I've gotten lucky a couple of times but that was luck. I am using this game and the past MR to test out a possible way for me to overcome my lack of discussion reads. And before you ask, no I'm not going to tell you what that is. Vote Tally: Stink (0): Alv Ari (4): Kas, Nyali, JUQ, Kyne, Alv Stick (0): Ari Joe (0): Kas JUQ (1): Kas Kyne ((3): Doc, Mage, Ari, Rae Cloud (2): Sart, Joe Rae (2): Stink, Ari Non voters (9): Darkness, Len, Assassin, Kipper, Elodin, Orlok, Cloud, Stick, Burnt
  15. Dang Claincy. That is beautiful. Where did you score that from?
  16. Stink, Orlok, Stick and another not playing were evil and they killed Lopen first cycle. I'm not sure why but this feels very similar. Edit: There was also a bandwagon on an innocent player for making a simple slip up.
  17. Ladric (Stink). Lopen's death feels similar to MR18. Plus I wouldn't put it past Hael to have almost the same team to teach us a lesson.
  18. And that brings to a close another of Joe's great games. Once again your games keep us on our toes and making us question everything we think we know. I don't think anyone would've guessed that you gave the Nobles two Seekers. Crafty. And the Nobles did a wonderful job of staying under the radar for as long as they did and almost pulling off a fantastic come from behind win. I'll be keeping my eye on some of you in future games. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those who are interested in learning about the joys of stabbing the backs of fellow Sharders, LG29: A Mote in Adonalsium's Eye is open for sign ups so feel free to join in the fun.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
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