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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I'm always up for a good bet. While I think you are correct, I just can't pass up the bet. I wager my [Fur Boots].
  2. Somewhere deep in the Shadows Stub-Tail alternated between flicking his tongue between his teeth and using his dagger to pick out chucks of meat his tongue couldn't dislodge. Upon hearing his name he chuckled quietly to himself. Let these fools run around scared. While they hunt for a killer, I'll be hunting the treasure. And I already know where to start. That's probably going to be the extent of my RP for the game. Ooklathelion aka Ec3. No real reason. Just hopping the bandwagon. Yes, I know this will make me look suspicious. That's the idea.
  3. Hmm, not sure how I feel about being followed by a self confessed assassin. :P

    1. Assassin in Burgundy

      Assassin in Burgundy

      Don't worry. I only go after New Zealandites. 

    2. Alvron
    3. Assassin in Burgundy

      Assassin in Burgundy

      "Assassin son son Burgundy wore Burgundy on the day he was to kill an Alvron. The clothing was a Shardic tradition, and he did as his masters required. Though he had not asked, they had explained. 'Burgundy to be bold. Burgundy to not blend in with the night. For if you are to follow a Sharder, he has the right to see you coming.'"

  4. I wasn't going to sign up as I know absolutely nothing of the source material but there's Lizard People. I gotta play lizard people. Sign me up as a Saxhleel called Stub-Tail.
  5. Many thanks and upvotes to Aman for running his game. While I didn't pay much attention to it while running, the bits I saw looked great. But then faction games are some of my favorites. So many chances to backstab people. I mean the option to give someone a holoCam then killing them so they see their death coming would've been so much fun. Alas, next time maybe. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  6. Well, it's long past time we closed this amazing game. Many, many thanks to Nyali for creating and running it and to Elbereth for helping out. All the individual roles looked amazing and the detail was just insane. I hope we see more games like this in the future for I know I want to play one myself. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  7. What's with everyone not wanting Luck and Chance to play a part? Do you not take a chance every time you sign up for a game? It's not like you know what role/alignment you're going to get. Do you not take a chance every night when village? You could be killed at any time. Do you not take a chance when you lynch someone on the first day? You might lynch a valuable role that the village needs. These games are all about Luck and Chance. Let's roll the Dice and see what happens. Dovie'andi se tovya sagain.
  8. Yes, I would like that very much. If they are both village then I will vote for myself. But, only if we get a tie this round. However it won't be next round unless the Elims target either Stink or JUQ which raises the risk of a wasted kill. If we could also tie up my lynching should it come to that, even better. I'm willing to place my life in the hands of the Gods of Luck and Chance. Com'on Stink. Where's your sense of adventure. Just think of the heart palpitations you will have as you wait for the write up.
  9. Well that worked out better than I thought it would. Not as good as I hoped but better than expected. I voted for Stink for several reasons. Firstly and most importantly was because both Lopen and El died. The two of them are our main conversation starters and without them the thread died. Or was at least placed on life support. I saw that no one was starting any real conversation so I decided to try something. And it worked. I expected JUQ to vote for Stink to save himself which would tie up the votes then it would be up to everyone else as to which side they supported. Do they go for JUQ for reasons that have already been stated? Do they go for Stink based on nothing more than a vague suspicion and try and justify it? Do they just talk and not vote? Do they vote for me simply because I didn't reveal my reasons? No matter what they did there would more to work with than what we had. Secondly, it was Stink. Sorry Stink but your erraticness made you the perfect target. People would be more willing to vote on you rather than Jond or Dani. Thirdly, and least important, since I don't see it happening is what happens in a tie near the end of the cycle. Will the elims do nothing or will they try and save one of their own? Assuming of course that Stink or JUQ is an Elim. Personally I don't care which is lynched. As long as it's not me I'm happy to string up anyone. I think having it as a tie would be best so sorry Stink, I have no idea which side you are on but I'm going to leave my vote on you. Let the Gods of Luck and Chance make the call!
  10. Sure. I have no suspicions at moment, I would really like Lor's hand returned and I need to get into the habit of voting more. I would move my vote to Darkness as he's the only one not to have posted this round but it's too late to poke vote someone this round. Unless things suddenly change that is.
  11. The "official" vote tally is wrong. Wonko removed his vote from Doc here. I'm going to keep my vote on Magestar for now despite him posting.
  12. Orlok. Magestar. How's your hand collection going? Any chance of you increasing it this game? Vote Tally: Polking (1): Lopen Doc (0): El Orlok (0): Alv Ec3 (1): Doc Magestar (1): Alv Non posters: Rumberry (Ecthellion III) This could also be you (Darkness Ascendant) Sherlock (Magestar) Nannyberry (JUQ)
  13. Nah, he'll just take out the good stuff. Besides there's an old saying. "Always get another to do the lifting." Say, you wouldn't happen to be for hire would you?
  14. Yazava sorted out the pack. It wasn't his pack but rather the pack of the scientist that had fallen behind. He didn't have much worth keeping but right at the bottom of the pack was a bottle of Azir wine. Why the scientist brought it along, Yazava didn't know. Maybe it was for when they found the artifact? Or maybe it was as a bribe so they got a bigger share? Yes, that had to be it. "Only a fool passes up a business opportunity." Yazava muttered as he moved the bottle of wine to his own pack. I've never been a big voter and I don't see it likely to change. However in an effort to contribute to discussion and removal of inactives, Orlok.
  15. Yazava rubbed his hands together above the fire trying to get some warmth into them. Why had he agreed to come along with the expedition he had no idea. But as the old saying goes; 'The riskier the road, the greater the profit' and so here he was risking life, and more importantly, profit on a wild aviar chase. Once his hands had warmed up enough to bring back some feeling Yazava went back to his bookkeeping. He had to doctor the books just enough so he got the majority of the reward. Maybe enough of the others will die before we get back. After all, more is good...all is better.
  16. As you should be. New players can be the most dangerous as no one knows just how well they will play. (Kas) That said, well done to Nathan and the Nobles as a whole. You did remarkably well for a fairly new and inexperienced team. If the Village hadn't gotten lucky with the first few lynches I have little doubt that you would've won.
  17. Well, the time has come to close another game. While I didn't live very long, I did enjoy myself while alive. Thank you Straw for bringing the Lightbringer series to SE and opening some of our eyes to this wonderful new Luxin filled world. Thanks to both Sart and Elbereth for helping Co-GM this game, I'm sure Straw is most appreciative of your help for his first game. And finally thanks to all those that played for without you there would be no one to kill and that would just be sad. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those who are interested in learning about the joys of stabbing the backs of fellow Sharders, LG28: The Awakening at the House on the Hill is open for sign ups so feel free to join in the fun.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  18. I've gone through the thread three times and didn't see any posts from Sheep for the last two cycles. Also, if he's active in PMs why hasn't anyone come forward saying so? Sheep could be innocent or he could be an Elim. But he wasn't active during the last cycle and there was no kill. The only other player not active last cycle is Sart.
  19. Because I think you're evil and I want you lynched. I can neither corroborate nor refute your story. At no point in our PM did Ripple or Rae come up so I have no way of knowing if you were suspicious of them or not. Vote Tally: Sheep (5): Alv, Wonko, Len, Ec3, Assassin Len (3): Rae, Magestar, Lopen
  20. I hope the Elims don't just give up. They might be losing but they can make us work for a win and who knows, they might turn it around and pull off a stunning victory.
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