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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. That a kill order wasn't placed. Either by an Inactive Elim or as a ploy to make us think it's an Inactive Elim.
  2. I don't think there was an attack. If a Thug successfully protects then it's shown in write up and Lurchers can't stop a Noble kill.
  3. Going by my post tallies, Sheep should've been Inactive killed but wasn't. So either they were active in PMs or Doc. Or Joe missed a death.
  4. Unless you're teammates. Or you left her alive just so you could use her as a reason why you're not an Elim.
  5. I'm going to place a vote on Dankness. Still a gut read but it's the same gut read I got from Jondesu's posts C1. The only other one on my radar is Sart. Also from a gut read but slightly weaker than the ones I got from Dankness and Jon's posts.
  6. With both Jon and Doc being proven evil, I highly doubt Rae is. I don't see three Elims voting for Aman to save Doc.
  7. No worries Orlok. I took no offence. You stated your opinion clearly and concisely which is all one can ask.
  8. I have finally worn Joe down and learnt a little of the secrets he has in this game. Sadly I'm not allowed to share what I've learnt but nothing was said about revealing that they exist or how to find out. If anyone wants to learn about them, ask Joe. He will PAFO the first three or so but afterwards, depending on how you word the questions, he will start giving out hints. Bad news, we only have until the end of the third cycle to learn about them. So get asking.
  9. I give my opinion when I feel it's necessary. But if others have already said what I'm thinking then I feel there is no need for me to say anything. If someone I'm suspicious of is being lynched and has enough votes for it to be a foregone conclusion, then I feel there is no need for me to vote. This is simply who I am.
  10. You would like to hear my opinion on what? Weather? Sport? Anything not Politics related. It's nice to be wanted but if you can't provide a subject then you won't get much out of me. Now if you want my opinion on who should be lynched then I think Jondesu. I was suspicious of him and Dankness C1 and it only grew after the lynch results and Lopen/Wonko PM reveal but there are already plenty of votes on him and have been from the start of the cycle so as long as he's being lynched, I feel no reason to vote for him or to express my opinion. Vote Tally: Jondesu (6): Nyali, Bugsy, Len, Wonko, Dani, Rae Rae (3): Aman, Ripple, Ec3 Aman (1): Jondesu Orlok (1): Lopen Alv (1): Magestar
  11. Dankness, Doc. Vote Tally: Doc (5): Wonko, Elbereth, Nyali, Lopen, Alv Aman (4): Orlok, Rae, Doc, JondesuLopen (1): Orlok, Ec3Ec3 (1): Lopen, Elbereth, Ripple, NyaliElbereth (1): Sart, Ec3Len (1): AmanNyali (1): SartDankness (0): Alv Wonko (0): Lopen
  12. Non posters: Winter Devotion Eolhondras Nathanvanduij Vote Tally: Lopen (1): Orlok, Ec3 Ec3 (1): Lopen, Elbereth, Ripple, Nyali Elbereth (1): Sart, Ec3 Doc (3): Wonko, Elbereth, Nyali Wonko (1): Lopen Len (1): Aman Nyali (1): Sart Dankness (1): Alv Dankness Ascendant gets my vote. Something feels very, very off about his and Jondesu's posts. Sure they haven't played many games and I haven't played with either one at all but something about their posts just screams Elim to me. Aman, what makes you think the Elims will kill you off just because you asked? You said that you're going to be inactive due to RL commitments so leaving you alive and going after another player benefits the Elims more than killing you does. Now, if you claimed an important role that the Elims wouldn't want to fall into another's hands should you go inactive for 48 hours, then it might be worth killing you.
  13. Just to clarify, is it three people or three PMs we can talk to/in? If people: What if I have a PM with Elbereth another with Lopen and one with both Elbereth and Lopen, would that count as my three? Or can I have one with Orlok, another with Orlok and Lopen and a third with Orlok and Elbereth giving me 6 PMs total? If PMs; As we can have up to three people in each PM wouldn't that mean we could have up to six people? Two in each. Also, do you want to be included in the PMs?
  14. I'm in. Lor has been bugging me to let him play a game for a while now. He is around 5'8", bald and missing his left ear. He has burn scars down his right arm and side which he keeps hidden as much as possible.
  15. The time has come to close this game. While I didn't play this game, I found it very entertaining to watch even if there was no dancing clothing like I hoped there would be. Congratulations to the Returned for their victory and another round of applause (upvotes) to the GMs Joe and Elbereth for a wonderful game and fantastic write ups.. I for one look forward to more games from the two of you. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  16. "The band has left, corpses removed and the last of the fans are dispersing. That must mean we've reached the end of another game. And without a zombie apocalypse this time. I would like to thank the fans for their enthusiasm and the contestants for their bloodlust. Mandos and Ialla walk away as our Champions. I'm sure they will be just fine after a few counseling sessions. This is Al Vron wishing you a good night and we'll see you next season Sennti fans." If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  17. Would Aman's killing of the last constable in QF14 count as a mass kill given that it wiped out all remaining players?
  18. @Chaos @Rubix @firstRainbowRose Any chance of getting an update?
  19. Greetings fellow Sanderson Eliminators. As some of you may have noticed, there have been a couple of changes to some of the threads. One of which is the repurposing of this thread into a General Q&A. Another of the changes is some new and more clearly defined rules. This is the perfect chance for everyone to reacquaint themselves with the old while learning the new so head on over to the General Rules & Etiquette Policy and check them out.
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