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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Since I'm dying a couple of final thoughts: If a Blue Drafter/Slave finds an Eliminator they should speak up in thread. Once they are confirmed, via lynching the suspect, any Reds and Yellows should protect that person. Red on odd cycles, yellow on even so that you don't break the halo. Greens should block the suspect so they don't get off a final kill before death. Remember, you only have a limited amount of time. 10 cycles may seem long but it can go by very fast. And to the Blackguard. Good luck. Sorry I couldn't protect the Prism-elect for you.
  2. Yes. If I could I would just kill them myself but I can't so I'm pushing for them to either turn up or be lynched. We are under the clock here and time is fast running out. Good, good.
  3. Yes. But I dislike any inactives so I would've voted for Con the next cycle if he hadn't shown up.
  4. Con hadn't been online so it's unlikely he saw his role as such it's unlikely if he was an eliminator that he would be talking in Doc. So it ruled him out. It's not foolproof. If he had PM email notifications he could enter doc without ever being online but it was the deciding factor for me.
  5. As I said. Chaos was a new player and I like to give them some breathing room. Con hadn't be online since the game started so that only left Meta.
  6. It's very clearly in the rules: Drafters Standard Village faction. Note that although the faction is called Drafters, not every player will be a drafter. Win if they kill all spies within 10 cycles. Spies Standard Elimination faction. One kill per cycle, with a google doc in which to conspire. After 10 cycles, the Spies win even if they have not outnumbered the Drafters. This is the first cycle and thus is the prefect time to kill off any inactives. If we wait until the third or fourth cycle then we will have more to go on for the active players and are less likely to target inactives. If we wait until the eliminators fail to make a kill for two or three cycles just how much closer will we be to losing? three cycles is 30% of the game gone. And at what point do they stop placing kills? after five cycle when we finally catch one? That leaves us 2 cycles to find the inactives. Not much time. If I wanted to take you out Meta, then, no offence, I wouldn't have voted for you. Not this early. Voting for you just beings attention to myself and that's something I try to avoid. But since you have posted, you are not inactive so, Meta. Con however is still to appear and is my only hope of living. Not that I expect to. Sadly, I knew as soon as I got my role that I wouldn't survive long. But once I'm dead, know that killing inactives early is the only way the village will win.
  7. Normally, I wouldn't bother voting on the first round but this game has a time limit. 10 cycles. If there is even one inactive eliminator then it becomes that much harder for us to win. The longer the game continues the less active players there will be as we will be the target for the eliminator kills. By using the lynch to kill inactives now rather than later we keep active players alive a little longer and remove the threat of losing to an inactive eliminator, both of which is good for the village. I'm suspicious of Ec3's claim of being roleless but am willing to let that slid for now in the hopes that a Blue Drafter or Slave would check him out this cycle.
  8. I think Inactives are the biggest problem right now. An inactive Eliminator can easily cost us the game if left unchecked. As such I think we should use the first two lynches to target inactives and any sub-reds can do the same with their attacks should they wish to set anyone on fire. Of the current inactives we have @The_Lady_of_Chaos, who's a new player, @Metacognition, who admits he might not have the time to play and @Conquestor, who is almost always borderline inactive. Of those, Con is the only one that hasn't been online since the start of the game. I would rather not kill a new player so Meta has my vote. Vote Tally: Assassin (0): Bard Stick (0): Bard Con (1): Bard Meta (1): Alv
  9. So there's no PMs this cycle is there since we have to order them via GM the cycle before yes?
  10. If a blue drafter shows up then they must be an eliminator as as you pointed out, they can't kill with their colour(s). The yellow flare reveals role and alignment so that tells us a Blue is evil and given the limited number of players I would guess at two maybe outside chance at three that can use Blue. Narrows down the suspect list no? Assuming of course that people reveal their colour(s). Sadly though, I've just seen that the Yellow has changed. They now only give out one torch instead of two and it reveals players name as well as role and alignment. So this whole problem is now moot.
  11. It's very useful. If someone dies and the killer is revealed to be a Blue Drafter then that narrows the suspect pool rather dramatically. I have finished the first book and am well into the second so feel free to give me all the secret roles. I must say that the series is very good and I am sad that it took me so long to read them.
  12. Another game has come to a close. Joe, your games continue to keep everyone on their toes. Thank you for running this game. I enjoyed it immensely. Congratulations Stink of fulfilling your win and helping me with mine. Thank you also to Lopen, Elenion and Orlok for not turning me in or killing me when you had the chance. Sorry for asking Lopen to kill you Elenion. Also, well done to the Jeskeri Cultists. Your attack on Night Three took everyone by surprise and wiped out a sizable portion of the village. And farewell to Maill. This was his last game and he will be missed. I'm sure all of us here wish you a safe and successful mission. We look forward to your return in two years. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, Quick Fix Game 18: The Black Prism is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so get in quick to join in the fun.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  13. A most enjoyable game has come to another close. Many, many thanks to both Stink and Amanuensis for running this game. We all look forward to more games from the two of you. Especially if they are as much fun to play as this one was. Although maybe next time leave out the Pokemon that can't attack. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, Quick Fix Game 18: The Black Prism is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so get in quick to join in the fun.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  14. Well, it's long past time we closed this game. Congratulations to Dow and the Spiked team for the win and a hearty thank you to Renegade for running this game. It was most enjoyable. The Kandra spies and Koloss army were very interesting mechanics that I thought went underutilized this game. Hopefully they will make a comeback should this game be rerun. (Hint, hint) If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, Quick Fix Game 18: The Black Prism is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so get in quick to join in the fun.Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  15. I'm a little over 20 chapters through the first book. I'm hoping to at least finish that one before the game starts. So far it's shaping up to be a very good series.
  16. You could always use the Sennti games settings and the Announcer Al Vron from MR5 and MR16. (Totally not a shameless plug for Sanderson Elimination. Nope. QF18 is open for sign ups. Come join the Slaughter.)
  17. Voral Grim is in. I haven't read the books, they are next on my list I swear, so I have no idea what this game will be like but that's part of the charm.
  18. Reminder: Do not talk about anything Game related in Discord or other out of game mechanics!
  19. Heh, that was kinda the idea. Everyone wanted Cuddles but getting it just meant you had a target on your back. Despite that, no one was lynched holding Cuddles. Came close though.
  20. Randomized would be best. It allows for more varied match ups. And to insure at least one of my nominations makes it: Gaz x5. I suspect he's going to be revealed as a surgebinder in Oathbringer. Characters aren't given POVs for no reason.
  21. Indeed. El would've been revived at the start of this cycle but the game ended right before it so she remains dead. Personally I was really hoping that Nyali was going to last minute vote for Len so he was lynched as Lopen was killed leaving her as the sole survivor. But alas, it didn't happen.
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