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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Round Eleven: The Interview 22 contestants entered and now only three remain. This is Al Vron bringing you the play by play in this action packed finale. This is it folks, the final battle of the season. Ialla. Mandos. Volke. Those are our last three fighters. Which if any will take the victory? Find out right now. There seems to be a lot of talking going on between Volke and Ialla. Are they planning on taking out Mandos together? Do they know that Mandos isn’t what he seems? Do they even care at this point? Ah, I see. Ialla is distracting Volke, probably so Mandos can get the drop on him. And speaking of Mandos, there he is, just on the other side of the rubble pile that crushed the life out of Star Thief. He’s slowly working his way around so he’s behind Volke. Ooh. You could hear Volke’s neck snap all the way up here. Mandos seems to be shouting something. I can barely make it out. I think he’s yelling “Justice”. Yep, he is. I wonder why he’s yelling that? That’s it, that’s it. It’s all over, Mandos and Ialla are our winners. What an upset. Mandos and Ialla, two fresh faces to this region of the Cosmere and both walk away champs.. I haven’t seen such action since the 17th season where Joe King and Terry Bill swept all in their path. Surely the names of Ialla and Mandos will join some of the greats of Sennti like last years winner, Figgldygrak. In just a moment we will go down and interview Mandos and Ialla so stay tuned Sennti fans. Congratulations to Ialla, Mandos and Nalthis as a whole. Take a bow O' Champions of the Ruins. Extra congratulations to Elenion for holding Cuddles at the end of the match. Cuddles now belongs to you until either you give it to another or you are absent for six months or more, in which case, it is returned to the dusty cupboard to await the next Sennti games. And a well done to Luckat for having the highest amount of Firemarks. You are the Gambling Queen. I must say that I’m very surprised that no one asked for or posted a player list the whole game. Player List: Docs: Gamblers Den Beyond the Door Announcers Booth
  2. Time. Come back in an hour to see the results. And yes, I'm actually going to make you wait the full hour this time.
  3. Round Ten: The Final Three This has been a topsy turvy game but it has certainly been entertaining. This is Al Vron announcing the biggest game of the biggest sport of the Cosmere and beyond. That’s right, it’s Sennti time. 22 combatants entered and only six remain. Who will fall and who will stand on top of the rubble pile. Find out right here live. T.B.D is surrounded. No matter which way he turns, someone is there to block his escape. I know some seasoned fans think that the glory days are behind them but this season can’t be ignored. There have been some great twists and turns along the way and it only looks to get better. There goes Elentari. It took a bunch of them to drag her down. Pretty good tactics out there. If you take out the ace first you can take a breather and then worry about the little guys. There’s a whole lot of extra pressure being on top of the pyramid and it looks like today she just couldn’t take it. I hear one of the contestants has been trying crazy voodoo curses in order to win. We will see if anyone can out mojo the voodoo. Ryth the newly returned has returned to the grave. Is it for the final time or will he rise again. TBD - Ecthelion III has been lynched. He was from Roshar. Elentari - Elbereth has been killed. She was from Nalthis. Ryth - Silverblade has been killed. He was from Sel. Vote Tally: Ec3(4): Len, Elb, Nyali, Lopen Len(2): Ec3, Silverblade Round Ten brings us another Lottery. Two items are up for grabs today. Flash Bang Grenade: This one use grenade can be used to cancel the vote and action of one player. Syphon: This diabolical device can be used to drain one life from another player and add it to your own. If the player targeted only has one life then this will kill that player. (Contains one charge.)
  4. Round Nine: The Sticky and Smelly Six Al Vron here to bring you all the latest play by play and boy do we have a doozy of a match today. Looks like the action is kicking off early so let’s jump straight to the action. The field is filled with big names who have big talents. One of the new faces is Rynth who’s managed to stay alive despite the odds. She’s become something of an icon and many here hope she can take the big prize. But there is some fierce competition out there. There is so much to keep track of. She might be a new face but she’s showing a lot of these fighters a new trick or two. Would you look at that. Several contestants have gathered around the body of Keisha and are bludgeoning and ripping it apart with whatever they can find. I wonder why they’re doing that? Leyton is a career Sennti jock. This is his second year and he’s been steadily climbing up the ranks. He’s already earned a place in the fans hearts but you got to think that he wants to go all the way to the top and claim the games for himself. He’s got a real shot at it and he brings some extra intensity with him to every fight. This has been a good match. There have some good fights and some nail biting going on. I love a match where you don’t know what’s going to happen next. There has been some games where it’s a forgone conclusion as to who the winners will be but I prefer these.. Watching new talent flourish is always a delight and there is no better place for it to flourish than right here in the Arena. And Rynth has been taken out. Not just killed but also set on fire. Not sure that was necessary but the combatants sure seem to think it was. There goes Leyton. Nicknamed the Gentleman Killer he was one tough fighter. He didn’t fair so well this round but the fans sure loved him. Rynth - I_am_a_Stick has been killed. She was from Scadrial. Leyton - Stink has been killed. He was from Roshar. Vote Tally: Ec3(5): Len, Stick, Lopen, El, Nyali Stick(2): Silverblade, Ec3 Round Nine has begun. You have 47.5 hours.
  5. Round Eight: One falls while another rises. You know what time it is Sennti fans? Arena time. It’s a fine day here at the Ruins as long as you stay clear of the carnage. People are piled in to see the latest match in the Arena and as always Al Vron will bring you all the play by plays as they happen. The field is clearing up a bit and it has been a great game so far. I’m sure some of the others are still surprised to see Parth still up and running. At this point you would think that these guys would know that this rookie is the real thing. You don’t last this long without something up your sleeve. I like a fight that has a break in the middle of it. Some fights are so fast and furious that by the time you realise what’s happened the match is already over. I much prefer matches like these where you can ooh and ahh at the victories. Unbelievable. No matter which way Parth turned, his opponent was already there. I don’t think he made any mistakes but was simply outclassed by the other. Absolutely amazing. I’m on the edge of my seat over here. Beware. A player has returned from the grave. Parth - Conquestor has been killed. He was from Roshar. Vote Tally: Elbereth(3): Ec3, Nyali, Stink Con(3): Elb, Len, Stick Another even round means another Lottery. Today we have 2 items up for grabs. Double-barrel Shotgun: This handy shotgun can be used to either attack two players at once or to attack one player twice. Shard Plushie: This Limited Edition Plushie is one of only sixteen in existence. Throw it at another player to distract them so they are unable to take any actions. The person hit by this item then picks it up to use themselves. Warning: This Plushie may Shatter on contact when thrown, driving Slivers into the target. Players with Slivers embedded in them gain an additional role based on what planet they are from.
  6. Time! Now to see what happened. Stay tuned folks. grumble, grumble, grumble last votes, grumble, grumble.
  7. I loved this last year and am happy to see it's return. I think 32 would still work well but if we do hit 64 then go the team route for time maybe. Anyway, nominations: Bleeder x1 Rlain x1 Gaz x1 Scribbler Forgotten x1 Hrathen x1
  8. @Patar Not sure if you are still going to do this but thought I would give you some warning.
  9. Round Seven: The Inevitable Eight The waiting is over Sennti fans. This in Al Vron reporting live and boy do we have a slugfest in store for you. It’s been a good game so far and the combatants on the field are ready to give it their all so sit back and enjoy the action LIVE. I hear one of the combatants down there is Keira’s cousin. She’s been training with her quite a bit which is unusual for Keira. Keira has always had a bit of a bloodthirsty image and a lot of times people go after her for it. But despite her bloodthirstiness, she’s a heck of a player on the field. I wonder if her cousin has picked up some of Keira’s touch. If so, we will probably see a lot more blood spilt today. Looks like some of our fighters are ready to fall. Any moment now and things will really pick up. Dunquaivel is still standing. She’s had one heck of a game. Everytime she get knocked down she just gets back up and is ready for more. She’s a real battler. We could do with more like her. Man, look at them go. This game has some of my favorite things. Knifes, backs and blood. My partner sometimes says the strangest things. “Al” she says, “there’s more to life than Sennti.” I swear it’s like she speaking another language or something. I mean the words make sense individually but put them together and it’s complete nonsense. Ryth. A strange person to be sure. He hasn’t done as much as others but his presence has been felt by all. Anonymity is good for a while but the longer you last the less places there are to hide. Farewell Ryth. Better luck next life. And Dunquaivel is down. There seems to be some zombie prejudice here folks. Why, it almost seems that these contestants know what happened last season. Will she stay down? Will others rise? See it here first in the Arena. Well Keira’s cousin is history now. Personally I think she was pushing too hard and it backfired. Regardless she knows how to play the game. I see a lot of Keira’s arrogance in her cousin but none of her skill. And so dies Jonly. Our latecomer. You know Sennti fans, Jonly almost didn’t make it into these games. Can you imagine what these games would be without Jonly? Well, I guess we will find out. Dunquaivel - Daniyah was lynched. They were from Sel. Ryth - Silverblade has been killed. They were from Sel. Keisha - Little Wilson has been killed. They were from Scadrial. Jonly - The Only Joe has been killed. They were from Sel. Round Seven has begun. 47.75 hours to get your orders in. Vote Tally: Dani(7): Wilson, Len, Con, El, Stick, Stink, Lopen Wilson(4): Silverblade, Ec3, Joe, Nyali
  10. Of course. Oh, you meant if I could give you one? That's a different matter entirely. In that case, no. This is Al Vron bringing you all the latest action. Looks like we got ourselves a brawl brewing down there Sennti fans. Dunquaivel, our newly return participant, is surrounded as is Keisha, the so called ringleader of the Anti Sel Alliance. Both parties have equal numbers both for and against them. All it will take is one little voice to tip the scales. Who lives and who dies? Stay tuned to find out live in the Arena.
  11. Yes and yes. Revived players are no different from any other players except maybe having a slight hunger for human flesh.
  12. Round Six: It has begun…. Sennti is a beehive today as people scramble for their seats. This is Al Vron. This match is turning into a David vs Goliath battle. Sel’s own Serenity is on the field and you can hear the Sel supporters going crazy. Many are hoping she takes the victory. As you know this match has been one of Sel domination. They have four players left and are fighting with everything they have. The events last cycle really seem to be pushing them to new heights. There is a lot of energy in the air and this looks to be a great match so sit back and watch the action live. It’s Sennti time. And there she is. Serenity. Look at her go. She dodges left, she dodges right. She leaps and ducks. Grace made flesh. No one can catch her no matter how hard they try. And there goes Bob. He seemed to be doing well until right at the end there. Let your guard down at the wrong moment and it’s all over. What is Serenity doing. She escaped her pursuers only to stop just inside that old factory. Ah, it seems she’s sees the piles of reject plushies. A smile of utter contentment has covered Serenity’s face as she leaps into the piles of plushies. Seems she’s not alone in the factory. Some of the mob that was chasing her have followed her in. Serenity is hiding among the plushies for now but it’s only a matter of time until she’s found. And found her they have. Serenity has fallen but she did so with a smile on her face and a plushie in each arm. Beware. A player has returned from the grave. They must post this cycle or be killed once again. Bob - Bugsy6912 has be killed. He was from Sel Serenity - Burnt Spaghetti has been lynched. She was from Sel Vote Tally: Burnt(6): Burnt, Len, Stink, Con, El, Lopen Stink(5): Joe, Wilson, Silverblade, Bugsy, Nyali Joe(1): Ec3 Another even numbered round means another Lottery. This time we have 4 items up for grabs. Void Sphere: This item allows the holder to enter a void space which protects from all actions and votes for the cycle it is used on. (Removes name from lynching poll causing the next highest voted player to be lynched instead.) Users vote is also cancelled. Can only be used on holder. Jumper Cables: These cables and portable battery can be used to protect someone from death by shocking them back to life. However should the one protected not be attacked then they shall die instead. Battery has one charge. Double-barrel Shotgun: This handy shotgun can be used to either attack two players at once or to attack one player twice. Reviver: This handy device can bring back one player from Deaths Door. In order for this device to work the player targeted must have died during the prior cycle. Any longer than that and they would’ve passed through to the other side.
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