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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Round Five: Balancing the Scales. This round is one of the most exciting in years. This is Al Vron reporting live from Sennti. Some of the rounds before were real nail biters. There have been a few surprises along the way but everyone seems to be taking their game to another level. So sit back and enjoy some great Sennti action. The local favorite is Sel’s own Dunquaivel. This is her first Sennti match and she’s been groomed by some of the greats. She is rumored to have lightning reflexes and expert training. I know she’s one of the crowds favorites but you got to think that all the attention gets to her. When there are no expectations on you, you can just relax and enjoy the fight but we’ll see how well she does. I was in the Elysium Club last night and someone asked me “Hey Al, when are you going to retire?” I’ll tell you the same thing I told him. When they drag me away. I love Sennti. Ever since I watched my first game as a kid, I’ve been hooked. So until the Sennti execs give me the boot, I’ll keep giving you the play by play and they better come armed because I plan on putting up one heck of a fight. And there goes Dunquaivel. I really think that Sel is pushing her too hard. Being a rookie is tough enough but if you have been flagged as the one to bet, it really adds to the pressure. One of the advantages of being a rookie is that the hot shots ignore you until later but she doesn’t have that luxury and she’s now out of the running. Dunquaivel - Daniyah has been lynched. They were from Sel Round Five has begun. You have 47.5 hours. Vote Tally: Dani (9): Stink, Len, Wilson, Dani, Ec3, Con, Elb, Lopen, Stick Wilson (4): Nyali, Joe, Burnt, Bugsy Ec3 (1): Silverblade
  2. And that's time. Stay tuned for Round Five. Same SE time, same SE game. Now if you will all excuse me, I'm going to go cry in a corner somewhere.
  3. It will be announced at the same time as other Lottery items. At the start of the cycle it's drawn for.
  4. Round Four: Fourteen Left This is Al Vron reporting from The Arena. This seasons game is really shaping up nicely. Some of the new faces are showing some real potential and some of the Veterans seem to hitting a new level of play. The results have made for some dynamite action so far, so sit back and enjoy some live action Sennti style. In this type of match you really need to keep an eye on your surroundings. I mean look at that, one moment you’re engaged in a duel against one competitor only to have another one come from out of nowhere and take you out. You put up a good fight NCL but sadly it just wasn’t good enough. Now that's just cruel. Killing someone I can understand but to parade around displaying The Healers head for all to see is really taking it too far. After all, he only wanted to help. But the fans sure seem to love it and who am I to disagree with the fans. Magestar has taken his own life rather than give the satisfaction of killing him to the mob. A move that may well force everyone to question just who they are. Lamron and Guilty seem to be chilling out in what remains of the sauna. Or they were until it collapsed on top of them. Are they still alive? Will anyone dig them out? Does anyone care? Stay tuned to find out Sennti fans. Magestar has been lynched. They were from Nathis Young Bard has been killed. They were from Nathis Doctor has been killed. They were from Nathis Mark has been crushed. They were from Scadrial Elodin has been crushed. They were from Scadrial Vote Tally: Magestar(7): Burnt, Wilson, Magestar, Conquestor, Joe, Silverblade, Nyali Burnt(2): Elenion, Doctor Round Four has begun. You have 47.5 hours. Even numbered round means Lottery time. This Lottery we have 5 items. 1. Reviver: This handy device can bring back one player from Deaths Door. In order for this device to work the player targeted must have died during the prior cycle. Any longer than that and they would’ve passed through to the other side. 2. Detonator Glass: If you are killed while holding this item then your attacker shall be blown up into teeny tiny pieces unless they have some protection. Doesn’t work on lynchings. Inactive if entering Lottery. 3. Flash Bang Grenade: This one use grenade can be used to cancel the vote and action of one player. 4. Void Sphere: This item allows the holder to enter a void space which protects from all actions and votes for the cycle it is used on. (Removes name from lynching poll causing the next highest voted player to be lynched instead.) Users vote is also cancelled. Can only be used on holder. 5. Syphon: This diabolical device can be used to drain one life from another player and add it to your own. If the player targeted only has one life then this will kill that player. (Contains one charge.)
  5. And that's time. Did you survive the cycle? Come back in an hour to find out Sennti fans.
  6. Round Three: Bank on it. The streets are abuzz with activity tonight. That’s right it’s Arena time. This is Al Vron reporting live from downtown Sennti. Some fans like their games fast and furious. I like them more like this. The fighters are playing smart and trying to minimize their exposure. Ouch! And there goes Hadrian Penrod. A real shame to. I thought he would go the distance, I really did. And from the audience's reaction, I think they did too. Here we have a prime example of mob rule. Say goodbye to Straw folks. Six people ganging up on one. Hardly seems fair but then playing fair isn’t going to get you far in this game. Star Thief seems to be more about finding stuff to steal rather than killing the members of the other teams. Someone should tell them that poking around in those old buildings isn’t good for their health. And wouldn’t you know it, the building collapses right on top of Star. Why it’s almost as if someone made the old bank fall down. Round Three has begun. You have 47.5 hours. Straw - Straw was lynched. He was from Roshar. Hadrian Penrod - Araris Valerian has died. He was Independent. Star Thief - TheSilverDragon has been crushed. They were from Roshar. Vote Tally: Straw(6): Len, Stick, Silverblade, Araris, Bugsy, Wilson Ec3(1): Straw Wilson(1): Con
  7. And that's time. Come back in an hour to see what happens next. Maybe sooner depending on how things go. Result PMs will be sent out before the new round starts. Please don't talk in PMs until the new thread is up.
  8. 3 hours left to get your actions/votes in. Reminder: If you enter either of the lotteries you can't take any other action.
  9. That was a very enjoyable game Joe. I loved all the hidden roles. Burnt, sorry for not Converting you first night like I had originally planned. Even had the orders in until I switched to killing EC3 a couple of hours before rollover. Vastly amused that you attacked me. It was just like Dilaf attacking Hrathen and failing to kill him. Len, sorry. I asked Lopen to kill you. You were a little too bloodthirsty. Had a niggle of doubt that you were a Cultist trying to kill my team from the inside. Lopen, I'm both happy and sad you didn't kill me at the end. Happy as it means I won, sad as it means it's not the same ending as the book which would've been highly amusing. Aonar, in case you're still wondering, I call the Jeskeri as Cultist for the simple reason of it being easier to spell.
  10. Round Two: Expectations. Hello Sennti fans. It’s Al Vron reporting live from the Arena. It has been a crazy time getting in. Security is so tight that some fans are still trickling in. This match is packed with rookies which means it’s going to be one amazing fight. These guys are fighting for their lives which means that they will accept no quarter. It’s going to be a no holds barred fight today. The combatants have had their fun, now we are ready for action. Round two has begun and will last 47 hours. I am now accepting votes and kill orders. Let the blood flow. For those that didn’t post during Round One, you must post this turn or be killed in some horrible way. This will be your only warning about posting at least once every two cycles. It’s an even numbered round so that means it’s Lottery time. Reminder, any passive abilities you have, like an extra life, are disabled if you enter the Lottery. We have four items to give away. 1. Reviver: This handy device can bring back one player from Deaths Door. In order for this device to work the player targeted must have died during the prior cycle. Any longer than that and they would’ve passed through to the other side. 2. Jumper Cables: These cables and portable battery can be used to protect someone from death by shocking them back to life. However should the one protected not be attacked then they shall die instead. Battery has one charge. 3. Secret Item: Shard Plushie: This Limited Edition Plushie is one of only sixteen in existence. Throw it at another player to distract them so they are unable to take any actions. The person hit by this item then picks it up to use themselves. Warning: This Plushie may Shatter on contact when thrown, driving Slivers into the target. Players with Slivers embedded in them gain an additional role based on what planet they are from. 4. Hemalurgicly Charged Spike: This spike contains one charge of Allomantic Pewter allowing the one it’s impaled in to survive one attack or lynching. Can be impaled into yourself or another. We also have a Special Lottery with a very special prize. Cuddles: An Awakened sword found in a dusty cupboard. This one of a kind item can be used to kill another player once per cycle and remains in the game. If the attack fails to kill the target then the one that was attacked gets Cuddles. If the one holding Cuddles is killed then Cuddles goes to the killer. If they are Lynched then Cuddles goes back into the Lottery. Note: You cannot enter both Lotteries. If you wish to enter either Lottery please say which one, Normal or Special, otherwise you will be placed in the normal Lottery. What? You didn’t think I was going to make it that easy to get Cuddles did you?
  11. Round One: Ready? Wait! The sun is setting and the fans are rabid. You know what that means. That's right Sennti fans, it's game time! This is Al Vron reporting live from The Arena. Our crack security teams have finally rounded up the last of the Grak!Zombies just in time for this years games. However they are reporting no sign of Grak. Where could he be? Will he make an appearance these games? Will anyone survive? Find out as the games get underway! We have a new bunch of combatants all ready to kill complete strangers just to entertain you. The contestants are already getting into position so let's just right into the action. Round One is a no-kill, no-vote round. All other abilities can be used. It will last 24 hours. Player List:
  12. Sign ups are now closed. Betting windows are open. We shall begin in one hour. PMs will be sent just before start.
  13. 24 hours left in sign ups. Last chance to join the game and cause some carnage. Go on. You know you want to.
  14. Fairly sure there is at least one more given that Bard wasn't a Practitioner. List of suspects are: Alvron - Fairly sure it can't be me given that Aman, Aonar and Bard have all tried to get me lynched. STINK - The Mad Prince. Highly unlikely. Lopen - Possible. OrlokTsubodai - Undergoing Cultist test at moment. Sart - My top suspect. Elenion - Highly unlikely given how many he's lynched. Arraenae - Possible. Second on my list. Stink, if you happen to have a kill this night, care to attack Sart for us? Lopen/Orlok please post in thread if able.
  15. It wouldn't be all that big a leap given that Aman had already told the thread that I had claimed an unknown role. I didn't respond as they was no need to respond. However seeing as you wish a response I shall give you one. Of course I'm Unknown. I have told several people that and even had it revealed in thread. Why Con revealed himself I can't really say. He says it's because he was worried/scared of me but he also wanted my help so I'm not sure which is correct. I claimed Miller because I will show up as Eliminator. That's what the Miller sub-role does. My win condition requires the death of all Cultists. I have said this several times.
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