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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Welcome Doc. We always have a need for someone in the medical profession. The mortality rate here is extremely high for some strange reason.
  2. No killing on day one. Going to have to wait until day two before you can sate your bloodlust.
  3. Sleep deprivation combined with frustration most likely. I greatly dislike being called an eliminator under false pretenses. You want to cal me an eliminator, fine, just please make sure you have the correct facts like how many religions there are in the book. It's happened before, LG14 I believe. I actually was an Eliminator that time but they tried to lynch me with incorrect information. Vote Tally: Aonar(2): Lopen, Con Bard(1): Sart Con(4-6): Rae, Len, Alv, Stink, Duke!Len?, Duke!Stink? Alv(1): Aonar Lopen(1): Bard
  4. Yes. As far as I'm aware there are no secret roles or alignments. Sure. I'm working on a Spec Doc at moment and will send out the link once it's ready. No. You can both vote and take any action you role/items allow. Does this mean you're signing up?
  5. Reserved for Player List and Rule Clarifications. Rule Clarifications: Will Al Vron be commentating? Of course. Can't have a Sennti game without Al Vron. Are there any secret roles or alignments? As far as I'm aware, no. Is voting considered an action? No. Can I spectate this one? Sure. Once I get a Spec Doc done that is. Players: 1. Elentari - Elbereth 2. Keisha - Little Wilson 3. Mandos - Elenion 4. NCL - The Young Bard 5. Parth - Conquestor 6. Serenity - Burnt Spagetti 7. Rynth - I_am_a_Stick 8. Lamron - Mark IV 9. Ryth - Silverblade 10. TBD - Ecthelion III 11. Star Thief - TheSilverDragon 12. Ialla - Nyali 13. Hadrian Penrod - Araris Valerian 14. Dunquaivel - Daniyah 15. Volke - TheMightyLopen 16. Straw - Straw 17. Leyton - Stink 18. Bob - Bugsy6912 19. Guilty - Master Elodin 20. The Healer - Doctor12 21. Magestar - Magestar 22. Jonly - The Only Joe
  6. Sign-ups: Obligatory Introduction Phase You and a group of others have been mysteriously transported to some city ruins. None of the others look familiar but strangely you feel a connection with some of them. You can see cameras flying around watching your every move. There also seems to be some kind of cheering in the distance. A voice booms over hidden loudspeakers. “Welcome Contestants. You are here to compete to the death in order to see which of your respective worlds is the best. To the winning team/competitor goes the glory and prestige.” “Introduce yourselves to the watching audience and your fellow rivals/allies. We shall begin soon” General Rules apply apart from the following exceptions. Day cycles only and will last 47 hours. Cycles will end at 4:00pm NZT – 5:00am BST – 0:00am EDT. This will be followed by a one hour gap so I can work out what the Chull happened before I post the next cycle. I think I got the conversions right First cycle is a meet and greet. 24 hours long. No votes or kills allowed. Other abilities can be used. Write ups will reveal deaths only not failed attacks. Death will reveal factions but not roles. All deaths will be anonymous. No one will know who their allies are at start. You’re going to have to find out as you go. Anyone who doesn't post at least once every second cycle will be killed! There are no docs apart from the dead/spec one. PMs are open and unrestricted. You don't have to include the GM if you don't want to. Action Equation is: Votes + Lottery - Void Sphere - Vote Manipulations + Role Blocks - Protections + Seekings - Deaths = Fun. Last team/player standing wins. Roles/Teams: Scadrial: Sel: Nathis: Roshar: Independent: (May or may not be included depending on GM’s mood.) Lottery: Every even numbered cycle there will be a lottery that anyone can enter. To enter the lottery, players must send in the order via their role PMs. Those that enter the lottery forfeit taking an action that cycle. Votes will still count. If you enter the lottery and have a passive ability or item (like an extra life) then they will not be active. Items will be given to randomly chosen players that enter the lottery. Winning players will not be revealed These items cannot be passed to another. The items will be revealed at the start of the cycle it is drawn for. Items: For those interested this is a great game for RPing. Check out MR5 for ideas. Quick Links:
  7. /sigh. I am not the Patriarch. Here is what I do know: Do I have a secret role? Yes. Am I immune to the Cultists Mega Kill? Yes. In fact I am immune to any actions taken by a Cultist excluding votes and I can give that Immunity to one person for that night. Do I know who the Patriarch is? No, but I have my suspicions. I have it narrowed down to two/three people. Is Sart the last Cultist? No. Bard is also a Cultist. At least he is if he really did scan me last night cycle as I was told that I was targeted by a Cultist. Is Sart a Cultist? Maybe.
  8. Problem with that is that Awakening a Strawman is a Night action not a Day one. But that can be gotten around by the following: N1: Create Strawman and Enter Lottery N2: Give Breath to El and Retrieve Breath from Strawman. I would like a spot in the Spec Doc please El.
  9. So you all are willing to lynch someone who is not and never was able to attack when there are others that can and will attack? I am disappointed. While I can in some small way understand, I was hoping that you would at least give me a chance of actually being able to play the game on equal footing. But if that's the way you wish to play, so be it. To my fellow Metapod user, I wish you the best of luck and hope that somehow, despite the impossible odds that you are able to evolve so that you at least stand a chance.
  10. Orlok. I have a confession to make. I don't have a Diglett. Never did. I have a Metapod. It's only ability is Harden which prevents all Damage. That was how I survived two lynchings and two attacks. Sadly it only had 5 PP and they are all gone. With a STR of 0 I'm not really a threat. I also have only 5HP so there is no need to lynch me today. I'm hoping to convince Aman and Stink to let me evolve to a Butterfree. It's not going good but they said if I can survive one more cycle they will consider it. So what do you say, let me live one more cycle? Please?
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