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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Of course I'm not telling you the extent of my pokemons abilities. I said so during cycle two that I wasn't going to.
  2. I read the title and thought "Crap. Someone had a Voltorb and used Explosion". I fully expected to see a long list of dead players. /sigh Maybe next game.
  3. Really? Maill lies the most when he's a villager. And he was leaving for two years. You think he wouldn't take the opportunity to give us one last troll. Or more than one. How many other landmines has he left us? Even if what he said is true then the Jeskeri team would have to be larger than normal otherwise there is very little chance of them winning and I don't see Joe messing with the Meta that much. Thankfully Stink got the same message so I doubt you're lying but Maill instead played you very well.
  4. Hey, I never said anything about the alliances forming nor have I questioned the validity of your claim. All I have done is posit possible ways you could've had your attack redirected. I'm actually looking forward to seeing which person in each alliance is going to stab the other members in the back first. So by all means, team up. Makes it more interesting for me. You want to bluff, go ahead and bluff but expect everyone to question your claims as this is a free for all and everyone will be looking for a reason, however small, to get another killed. Even if you tell the full untainted truth, expect it to be challenged. But if you are going to call someone out, please make your facts are correct. To me, this reeks of you trying to shift focus onto us by making it look like a conspiracy against you and your alliance.
  5. Just went through the wiki and Mirror Move is the only one I can see being the culprit. But again all that does is copy the attack rather than redirect it. Edit: Maybe Thorns, but it also doesn't fit with a redirected attack.
  6. I think there is a Reflect ability. Kadabra, Alakazam and Mr Mime can use it but that only increases Defense. I also doubt there are Pokemon that high in this version of the game.
  7. Diglett It's not unknown now. Because I really really didn't want Meta to die first cycle. I hardly ever get to play with Meta so the longer he's around the better. At least until he kills me. You sure of that? For those wondering, my Pokemon is a Diglett. It has the ability of Dig. This allows it to dodge all incoming damage for the turn it's activated. The next turn (this one) it pops back up and attacks my target, which I selected the cycle before when I activated Dig. If the one I targeted is knocked out first then I don't get to select a new target and the attack is wasted. Now, the question is, who did I select to attack last cycle? Which of you is about to be attacked from below?
  8. Next time you poke me, don't use a sharp stick. Drawing blood like that makes all the sharks circle. Edit: @Metacognition, vote for me. My Diglett will protect me for this cycle. And with that, I'm off to see Suicide Squad.
  9. Really? You lot are voting for a cripple. How could you? Bad enough he will never know the joy of walking or running but to gang up on him just because he's different is going to far. I retract my vote on Myself in order to vote for myself, er I mean Alvron. And I encourage all those that wish to stand up to those able bodied bullies to vote for me too.
  10. Normally I would be upset at such a betrayal but I have been a big part of your deaths in the last two games we've played together so it's kinda expected. Still not sorry though. Random? There are four votes on me, how's that random? But that's fine. I like a challenge.
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