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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Tunneling: To dig or force a passage underground or through something. But really, Tunneling, or Tunnel-vision: When a player is so convinced of another Player’s alignment that they are unwilling to look at other cases or consider that they might be wrong. It becomes the only thing they post about, and every post the other player makes is seen as confirmation of that result. This happens most frequently when someone thinks someone is an Eliminator.
  2. Cloudjumper. Sorry but Penrod doesn't care which of you are Spiked. We plan on killing you both.
  3. 1. The longest musical performance in history is currently taking place in the church of St. Burchardi in Halberstadt, Germany. The performance of John Cage’s “Organ²/ASLSP (As Slow As Possible)” started on Sept. 5, 2001, and is set to finish in 2640. The last time the note changed was October 2013; the next change isn’t due until 2020. 2. The Dance Fever of 1518 was a month-long plague of inexplicable dancing in Strasbourg, in which hundreds of people danced for about a month for no apparent reason. Several of them danced themselves to death. 3. The tiny parasite Toxoplasma gondii can only breed sexually when in the guts of a cat. To this end, when it infects rats, it changes their behaviour to make them less scared of cats. Proves that I can't be an Eliminator
  4. You didn't factor in that the loneliest creature on Earth is a whale who has been calling out for a mate for over two decades — but whose high-pitched voice is so different to other whales that they never respond. Also powerful earthquakes can permanently shorten the length of Earth’s day, by moving the spin of the Earth’s axis. The 2011 Japan earthquake knocked 1.8 microseconds off our days. The 2004 Sumatra quake cost us around 6.8 microseconds. However, in 2008 scientists discovered a new species of bacteria that lives in hairspray.
  5. No no no. You're misreading my posts. Let me try another way. In 1567, the man said to have the longest beard in the world died after he tripped over his beard running away from a fire. The northern leopard frog swallows its prey using its eyes — it uses them to help push food down its throat by retracting them into its head. Light doesn’t necessarily travel at the speed of light. The slowest we’ve ever recorded light moving at is 38 mph.
  6. Rabbits jump and live for 8 years.  Dogs run and live for 15 years.  Turtles do nothing and live for 150 years.  Lesson learnt.

  7. I'll take spot number 8 as Poke Ranger Joe. So, is there the normal lynch mechanic or just us killing each other? Are we going to learn the name / type of unknown pokemon as there are added or is it a surprise? Please tell me there's either a Scyther or Haunter. And if so, give them to me!
  8. Don't want much do you. Senate Jeskeri Derethi Korathi Spec Dead Please note that I can't lock these Docs so try very hard not to talk in them from now on.
  9. Epilogue: Peace Among Us With the last of the Derethi Converts killed during the night, the council was called together to discuss the matter of Opalin. She was the one who had done the most to root out the Converts and should be considered a Hero to the people. Yet she was also a self confessed Follower of the Jeskeri Mysteries and their laws said she was to be hanged. After many hours of debate it was Aeleus who forced the councils hand. He burst into the Council chamber with Opalin in hand, almost dragging her as he forcefully marched in front of the Council members. "Look at her. Look at her for Domi's sake! How could you even think of hanging her. Sure she's a Follower of that vile Cult but still, she's only a child. What does it say about each of you if you condemn a child to death." Each of the council members reluctantly looked at Opalin driven more by Aeleus' words than anything else. Opalin's head was all anyone could see as she cowered behind Aeleus. Her big eyes filled with fear as the council members looked at her, a single tear trickling down her face to drop onto the carpet below. As each of the council members took in Opalin, their hearts filled with pity. Surely it couldn't be her fault. She was abandoned as a child and did whatever she needed to in order to survive. Half an hour later the town had assembled outside the Council Hall. Out front stood all five Councillors lead by Ashkelon. "Hear ye, hear ye. By order of the Council, Opalin shall hereby be named Savior of Duladel. Let her name be spread far and wide for all to hear." Orlok has been killed. He was a Village Regular. Sart has been killed. He was a Derethi Convert Regular. And that's the game. The Village has won. Player List:
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