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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Actually, it would've meant I had to flip a coin. Which I did and Aman would've still been kicked out.
  2. While I'm not Gamma, I can answer the question. Basically what happened is that Nyali tried to change your target to someone else. Initially nothing was said in the PM so Nyali thought that meant she was successful. But later Gamma said that the action failed. He said this because you didn't put in an action to be redirected so to him Nyalis redirect had failed but by that stage a very good portion of the turn was over and Nyali had already outed her role in thread. Nyali was greatly upset by this. (I'm going to leave it up to Nyali to expand on this should she choose to. If not, then that's her choice to make and we will respect it.) Nyalis action was actually successful despite not having an action to redirect as it simply changes the target of the action not the action itself. It was just a miscommunication/mix-up at exactly the wrong moment.
  3. Night Six: Dead men tell no tales Kipper has been lynched. He was a Village Mystery. I never received his PM so the best I can tell you is that Kipper was a Villager. Anything else he has taken to his grave. Sart was scanned. Their Role and alignment will be revealed to a random Senator. There are four Senators so we will have both a Recall and Election this night. Vote Tally: Kipper (8): Aman, Ecth, Eol, Len, Bard, Senate Aman (2): Orlok, Straw
  4. Sadly, it turns out that Mckee did indeed give Aman incorrect Scan results. I dislike doing this as it reveals certain information but it needs to be done and with full clarity. Aman was told that Bard was a Village Duelist. That is incorrect. Bard is a Village Merchant.
  5. Senate Wars: Battlefront Aeleus stared across the battlefield at Opalin. Sweat beading his brow as his forces moved according to his orders. Opalin looked back cooly. Her eyes unblinking as her armies moved forward. Already she had taken out key parts of Aeleus’ forces as she cut through the middle of the battlefield. A smile tugging at the corner of her mouth. Aeleus stretched forth his hand and deftly ordered one of his troop formations to move to the side cutting off any hope of retreat for Opalin. Opalin finally seeing what Aeleus had planned quickly turned half her forces around to insure they wouldn’t be attacked from behind but that was what Aeleus was waiting for. He moved his forces from the sides cutting Opalins in half. Defeat can swiftly for Opalin afterwards. “Merciful Domi! I knew I should’ve challenged you to Tooledoo.” “Well for someone who has never played ShinDa, you did remarkedly well.” “I am a woman of my word so I shall step down as Senator. Though I still think you’re making a big mistake.” Amanuensis has been kicked out of the Senate. Bard was attacked but survived. Day Six has begun and will last 24 hours. Recall Votes: Aman (4): Ecthelion, Orlok, Sart, Kipper Bard (3): Bard, Aman, Landlord
  6. Night Five: Dulas: The Battle for Sel Sheon Idris plastered on his most winning smile. He knew he would have to be at his best for what was to come. From the moment the sun had set until dawn Sheon had been making his preparations. Deals were made, prayers performed and coins changed hands. But in the end it was all for nothing. As soon as he showed his face people were calling for his head to roll. He had made his offer and the town turned on him. After everything he had done for them they just turned on him. He was a King. Or he had been once apon a time. They didn’t even blink when he had offered to be their sword. To kill who they chose rather than to follow the orders of Wyrm. Did they not know of the power he was offering them? Did they not see that peace would be assured for the next decade? More if they would only repent and follow the teachings of Shu-Dereth. Sure, he had trained in the Rathbore Monastery but not for nearly long enough to survive the mob that was slowly enclosing on him. The daggers he carried concealed all over his body were no match for the swords and pitchforks the town used. “You are all lost. Fjorden’s armies shall cleanse this city so the Day of Empire may come to pass. Jaddeth shall return!” As he lay dying, his blood pooling around him in the middle of the town square, Sheon could’ve sworn that he saw some Svrakiss cavorting among the townsfolk. Too late. We were too late. Sheon Idris has been lynched. He was a Derethi Convert Regular. Vote Tally: Seonid: Lotsa people. Night Five has begun and will end in 24 hours. Elbereth was scanned. Their Role and alignment will be revealed to a random Senator. There are five senators! A recall, but no election, will take place tonight! Player List:
  7. Day Five: The Mudbeer Unleashed Opalin and Ashkelon wrestled with each other trying to throw them out the door. Aeleus and Locke jumped into the mix throwing their support behind their chosen combatants. They fought for what seemed like hours without either side gaining any clear advantage. Ashkelon stepped back from the fight suddenly causing Opalin to fall on her face. "This is silly. How about we settle this the old fashioned way. Over tankards of Mudbeer. The loser leaves." "Very well but know that I once drunk an Elantrian under the table." Not long afterwards all combatants were soundly drunk and had completely forgotten what they were fighting about. No Senators were recalled. Recall Votes: Elenion (1): Orlok Amanuensis was attacked but survived. The Young Bard was attacked but survived. Day Five has begun and will last 24 hours.
  8. I loaded the game onto my iPad just to see what was around and in the area I am currently at there are 4 gyms and 8 poke stops showing on the map. And that's just the parts that showed up. For a small town of less than 1000 people that seems like a lot. /sigh I really need to get a smartphone.
  9. I will neither confirm nor deny anything but it's possible that I don't have all the relevant information so there will possibly be some mistakes. Maybe.
  10. I'll talk. Just as I have all game. In the Penrod Doc. I wouldn't have voted for you this early if it wasn't for MR15 though. Keeping track of that game is now at the top of my list. At least until Mckee comes back and I can't guarantee that I'll be aware enough to vote later on like normal. I'm not surprised that you are enjoying the outed eliminator RP. It really fits your style.
  11. That's easy enough to fix. Elbereth.
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