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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Well, it's long past time this was wrapped up. My thanks to all who played the game and another round of congratulations to the Shinigami for winning the game and ensuring that no crime shall go unpunished. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can. You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, MR15: The Dula Revolution is open for sign ups but will be starting soon so feel free to join in the fun. Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  2. I would think that those that vote for you would have a better chance of winning unless you plan to do quite a bit of RP this game. Also, if you wouldn't mind using a different colour text it would be appreciated, as the gold colour is typically used by Mods for important announcements.
  3. Nooooooo. I was looking forward to the dance off you and Maill were going to have to do.
  4. Going purely by the OP, I would say we are just after TFE and before/during TWoA. No balls were held in Luthadel during that time (or after for that matter) but there were some held in Fadrex.
  5. I could see knowing the Kandras names as being useful. If you know your own Kandra and then it's stolen you could find out which team stole it and therefore know one of the allomancy powers that faction has access to.
  6. Hmm, an Inquisitor with Spikes that convert others. Sounds familiar. Will any of the Inquisitors Spikes have "enhanced" abilities like say Uber-Tin? Does Iron downgrade a normal Steel action or only Flared Steel? Olvar is signing up. An accomplished apothecary with a large stock of chemicals, drugs, poisons. He is very relaxed about all the murders and poisonings that goes on between the noble houses, but does prefer it when there's less death as it makes it easier for him to operate his business of selling various pharmaceuticals.
  7. Intriguing.  I just got a couple of upvotes on some old status updates.

  8. Every new beginning comes from some other beginning's end.

  9. *distantsoundofwaterdripping*
  10. Yep. 13 more and I can get a Squeezable Odium of my very own. Although having Second hold all 16 Shards over various games will be fun to try. Lets see, the stuffed panda has Mashadar and Odium (Trepidation). Edaan is blessed by Devotion and has Odium (Enmity). Second held Dominion and Odium (Domination). Edit: Also, given that Kipper is a follower of the Bloodthirsty One and was Hoid in LG10, Wilson could claim a second Hoid.
  11. You thought I was Cloud. For all you knew I was that new a player. Even your "trap" failed to catch me. BTW, I wasn't going to kill either you or Lopen when I said I was. I suspected you were the Troll as soon as I saw Joe's name so wanted to see your reaction if I said I was targeting you. Didn't disappoint. My target that night (N2) was going to be Burnt. But then I got some information from Lopen and decided to go after someone else. Shame. Would've been a different game if I had. The game isn't over so you shall have to continue to wait. And I did say I needed a new title for being the only Odium having survived a game. I'm thinking Shadium. Great game Seonid. Vastly enjoyed playing. Looking forward to seeing the sequel.
  12. I disagree. Since Odium supposedly no longer has a Champ, he can kill at most one person per cycle. The Hoidities on the other hand can kill two thanks to having Ruin as well as their faction kill. Plus their vote manipulations would make them the bigger threat. Teaming up with Odium might be the better choice for the village.
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