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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Turn them all on. The following was devised by Kasimir: I am neither the Blackthorn nor his kin Even though we share but half a name. I am the gift of hope, yet a daughter’s sin By my dry hands was a father slain.
  2. I say we kill Aman today. In MR10 he was a known eliminator but no one killed him and the eliminators won the game. In QF15, Joe was a known Eliminator and the village didn't kill him allowing the two teams to communicate and they won the game. While Rae has all but confessed to being Hoid, I would still rather kill the known eliminator first.
  3. A hole. My riddle: When the Hanging Gardens of Babel grew, I read the heavens for what it knew to gesture a thing that can't be seen, with rigid arm and hand so keen. I have a marked and telling face, and never rush - I keep my pace. I'm shy of clouds and the dead of night, otherwise faced true North I'm always right. Now given gears I never sleep, and two more arms are mine to keep. Sixty to one they each will race, but twice a day they all embrace.
  4. ok. I'm just going to type out my thoughts. Stink admits that he targeted Mark with his Bow therefore; If Stink is a GB then the following didn't know that Mark wasn't passing his Plate and therefore had reason to double tap him. Alvron, Wilson, Sheep, Zas and Macen and Kyne. So one or more of them is likely GB. If Stink is Noble then it's unlikely he knew the GBs were going to attack Mark so those that knew Mark was passing his Plate knew he would be open to attack. Those people are; Nyali, Burnt and Twei. One or more of them is likely to be a GB if Stink is noble. There is no way for anyone to know that Mark didn't place his orders so the fact he didn't isn't really a factor. Either way, knowing Stinks alignment is beneficial to the village. Edit: Forgot Kyne. Sorry Kyne. Also, it's possable that Stink is the last GB and double tapped Mark on his own but I'm skeptical of that.
  5. Riddles! I love Riddles! Answer: An ear of Corn. My riddle: Come, let me tell you of Hector's demise, of Tristan's love and Mordred's lies. Tales woven by others, not a word I can claim, yet my recitings are flawless, each telling the same. Patience and I'll teach you the words of the wise, secret truths only experience supplies. You'll find me in halls of scholarly concern, the rigid tutor that knows yet won't learn. Hush and know fables both dark and grand, of Homer's epics and the Grimm's cautioning hand. They'll whisper their intrigue in a voice you own, slip the hours away till sleep calls you home.
  6. Well folks, it's that time again. Time to lock up another great game. Once more Joe has outdone himself in creating a game that changes how we look and play these games. I for one loved the ability to rob/drug/kill the GM that was introduced in this game. Congrats to the Corrupt Senators, Lopen and Orlok for managing to take the game down to the last few players after having three of your teammates killed off. I am sure that you could've pulled off a win if it wasn't for a certain bloodthirsty player with a dagger. Ah well, next time. Many thanks to all involved. It is the community we have built here that truly makes these games fun and enjoyable. If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of Gamma, Wilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but I'm sure we'd be more than willing to help out in any way we can as well! You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about! For those wanting to play, MR14: The Canim Fury is open for sign ups so feel free to join in the fun. Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!
  7. Wasn't me. I kinda have mixed feelings about Cultivation being killed so early. On one hand that means the 17th Shard can no longer get their Instant win. But on the other, it's totally unfair Culty died so easily considering how hard it was to kill her in LG14. Hael and Co worked storming hard to try and kill Culty and failed so many times only for a new Odium to do it in one night?!?! It's not right I tell ya.
  8. And I'm back. While I have been mostly keeping up with the game QF15 took most of my time so it's only been a cursory glance really. At moment I'm working my way through Day Seven so should be all caught up soon but I'm just posting here to give a belated Congratulations to Macen for his Wedding. I hope you and Mrs. Macen have many years of happiness together.
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