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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. Despite the late hour, the market in Highprince Roion’s warcamp was still abuzz with activity. Torches lining the streets while oil lanterns hung at intersections. On one corner people crowded as they watched a Horneater breathing fire while another corner held a puppeteer putting on a show. Some street vendors hawked their wares in loaded voices while others had dark eyes moving among the crowds carrying trays that held small samplings of what they had on offer, criers selling the latest news arriving via spanreed. But Alv didn’t have time to enjoy the sights. He had business to be about, though he did stop to grab some chouta from a vendor. Quickly making his way through the market but not so quickly that he attracted any notice, he headed into the less crowded tavern area. He stopped outside one particular tavern, The Westward Warden, and listened to the murmur that drifted outside. A mix of drunken singing and slurred shouts overlying the discordant music. Once he was sure no one was following him, Alv swiftly slipped into an abandoned building next to the tavern. Discarded and scattered pits of wood and stone littered the floor. Enough so that any who didn’t know their way through would make plenty of noise. Alv knew his way through, he owned the building after all. It made a good meeting place most of the time but tonight, something more was needed. Exiting out a side door he entered a small walled off section of an alley. Two shoulder thumpers stood just outside ready to catch any that came through without being invited. Four other doors led back inside. Behind three of the doors waited a loaded crossbow ready to send it’s poison tipped load into anyone foolish enough to open the wrong door. The fourth held something even worse. Fortunately Alv didn’t open any of the doors. Instead he pushed against a hidden section of the wall and entered the back of the tavern. He stepped into the room, the door closing with barely a click behind him. Three men and two women were seated at a table that dominated most of the room. Two more figures stood at the back, wrapped in cloaks with swords strapped to their waists. Neither one seemed to be paying any attention but Alv knew that they saw, and heard, everything. Alv knew each member of the gathering. He was after all the one that had gathered them together. Ratel however was the only one that held a rank equal to his. Easily taller and more muscled than Alv but covered from head to toe in strange markings. “Where is Second?” he asked as he approached the table. “Looking after Edaan. The Collective didn’t think it was wise to bring him here.” Ratel replied as he took out a chunk of dried meat from his pouch that he always seemed to carry around with him. “It seems that Kali has gotten wind of our meeting.” ******** Second lay unconscious on the floor along with three others. What had once been a silver inlaid table was now nothing more than fancy firewood. Standing in the midst of the carnage was one man. He was bare chested with bands of steel ringing his arms. He looked over to the only remaining conscious person left in the room before walking over and opening the door revealing another man. This one slim of build yet clearly in charge. “Edaan? I am Swift. You will want to come with us.” “And why would I go with you?” “Kiireon wishes to see you.” Happy birthday Wilson.
  2. Megan's damp hair glistened in the sun like nose hairs after a sneeze.
  3. OK, I gotta know. Just how do you think my voice sounds? I admit that I'm kinda hoping for some tinge of madness underlying a baritone. Or maybe a whisper quiet voice that one has to strain to hear like Jaqen H'ghar's.
  4. The earth shakes and walls tremble as yet another Highstorm batters the Warcamps. This time however something is different. There is a tension in the air. Almost as if the world itself is holding it's breath. As the winds died down and the rain slackens, the huddled masses of people, Light-eyed and Dark began to emerge from where they had hidden from the fury of the elements. In the war camp of Highprince Roion those that had emerged stood in shock as they saw a figure calming walking into camp. This figure carried a halberd over one shoulder. His eyes were of two vastly different colours, one a pale grey while the other a deep forest green. A deep scar ran across his right cheek and had disfigured his upper lip. As this figure passed, people turned to each other whispering excitedly to each other. While it had been foreseen but no one had believed it possible. Alv had returned and with his return, chaos was sure to follow. I have been waiting for this game for quite some time. Alv is back. As the first run of the game was one of my favorite times as an eliminator I shall be RPing as a Ghostblood regardless of what role I have. I just hope I can find my old RP notes from almost two years ago.
  5. Congratulations M'Hael. I bequeath unto you a cloak fashioned from the Shadows themselves. May they allow you to hide in plain sight. Bring forth all your might and rally your wit for the path before you is paved with deceit and death.
  6. I was kinda hoping everyone would start talking about Pi and forget to bid but it didn't work. 16 Wealth
  7. 3.141592 I'm bidding pie. That's right, pie. Surely those Fjorden devils like pie.
  8. From the dead Doc: 1: What can I say; the Gods of Luck and Chance love an Evil!Alv. 2: Sorry but we've both had kill roles now. 3: No I wouldn't. As much as I would've loved to kill you, I still would've gone after inactives. Only after they were dead and if I didn't have any leads on who the eliminators are would I start on my revenge list. Strategy before revenge. 4: I had no idea people questioned my tier level. Folks, please remember that it is Wilson that put me on that tier. Wilson! If she thinks I'm dangerous enough to warrant my own threat level then it's a really good idea to listen. I might not be very scary at first glance but I am deadly when I have information. Or a Dagger. Sadly, it's because of that that I don't get information just in case I'm evil. 5: Hang on, I don't think I've ever broken one of your games. That's Aonar's job. I sometimes just see something in the rules that lets me use them in ways the GMs don't expect. 6: I agreed with this. It's why I didn't change my votes when Lopen lynched me. I had plenty of time but decided to go with it. Sadly it didn't go the way I wanted. I was hoping we both ended up with same number of votes and would have a coin toss to decide our fate. Let the Gods of Luck and Chance make the call. 7: You mean I could've had three Daggers at the same time?! Dang it Lopen. Couldn't you have waited one more cycle? 8: If I had known that there was a chance of becoming a SK, I totally would've kept the key. Heck, I would've helped Lopen to lynch me.
  9. I'm back.... Edit, I bid 1 wealth.
  10. Sadly, I too have to decline. While I would love to murder some new people, I haven't the time.
  11. If you're going to vote on who's let out of prison, then please don't vote in purple as that might end up with me being impeached and I really don't want that to happen. Stink, have anything meaningful to add to the conversation? Lopen, were you or were you not attacked at the end of Round 6? Maill, why did you lie to me about what you found on Firemuffin's corpse?
  12. Heh, like all mass murderers, I keep a spare. I got my second Dagger when I killed Curious. I had, until you stole one, two daggers during Round 5. I was greatly hoping to start killing two players per cycle once I became Gov but thanks to you, that shall remain a dream. Also, there is supposedly another secret that hasn't been discovered yet. No one has even come close apparently.
  13. Hmm, so losing our PMs is the consequence of Jailing Yosef. I would guess that Jailing Heatherlocke loses us the ability to buy items, and Jailing Wilson means we lose the ability to vote/jail others. Note that this is purely based on what jobs they have and is a guess. In other news, I used a Warrant on Heatherlocke and got The Jailkey. It is a one time use item and lets one and only one prisoner out of Jail. Afterwards the guard is doubled and no more prisoners can break out / be released. Sadly, I didn't get the whiskey flask. After all the killing I've done, I could use a drink. Edit: Nevermind. I got the Flask. Also, apparently releasing Yosef will not give us our PMs back. They are gone for good I fear.
  14. Well, I'm not with Stink. I greatly dislike the idea of jailing me in particular, although the "electrocute the guards" part I do like. As stated in the write up, the dirty conners will obey Yosef over me if it came down to it. After all, they are both on my hit list. Edit: So, it turns out we can use a Warrant on the conners. We can also kill them. Each of the three conners has an item but Joe is being evasive as to what those items are. So, who has a Warrant?
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