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Everything posted by Alvron

  1. I must admit that I am disappointed in you Amanuensis. If you think I would use the same trick so soon after the last time, and a failed one at that, then you are not as much of a threat as I have you down as in my profiles. Also, I have no problem being arrested. By all means, vote for me. All that I asked was that you look at others first as they may use this as a reason to either vote on me or to abstain from voting. Either of which helps them to hide. Hey now, I never said that I only got a dagger and ledger from Ripple. Anything else I may or may not have gotten remains a secret. Edit: No I can't. If I am right, which I'm 99.99999.....% sure of, the Corrupt will have and use a Search Warrant on me this round giving them a Dagger, Ledger and anything else I have. Thus I will not be able to clear anyone. Or they could just kill me but with the number of votes on me, it's unlikely they will get everything I have.
  2. Storm it Maill. I was going to take that bet. 50/50 split? I have publicly stated several times that should I finally gain a kill role then I would target inactives. They provide a place for eliminators to hide. Not to mention that in this game, they have items that we can use and might even need. You don't need to worry about me killing anyone anymore though. Since I've outted myself as having a Dagger and Ledger I highly suspect that someone will use a Warrant on me taking away all my things. I'm still going to place orders though. Just in case.
  3. I never said I was finding eliminators by killing them. I'm killing inactives so it matter not what side they are on to me. The items I get however are helping to find eliminators. I have no problem being sent to jail so by all means vote for me but you are losing an opportunity to find eliminator via debate if you continue to vote for me.
  4. Of course it makes me look suspicious. I killed Ripple. I started with a dagger and I got it back when I killed Ripple. The way I see it, inactives have items we can use and if they aren't going to use it then I'll kill them and take it from them. In case you're wondering, Ripple has had a ledger. It's now mine and I plan on using it this cycle as well as killing another inactive. I suck at finding eliminators via voting so instead I'm doing it this way.
  5. Previously on Sanderson Elimination: The cemetery was quiet except for the distant sounds of celebrations echoing throughout the caves as the villagers enjoyed their victory over the Spiked that had tried to kill them all. Off to the side of the cemetery stood a line of five tombstones. Each one representing one of the Spiked that had died. One grave was still open, waiting for the last of them to be killed. Another, set in the middle of the line, had a stuffed panda sitting on it. At the foot of this grave stood two figures with long billowing cloaks enshrouding them. Neither of the figures spoke as they waited. They didn’t have to wait long. A small tremor ran through the cemetery, after effects of the main cavern collapsing, causing the dirt on the graves to shift slightly. However the dirt on the middle grave didn't just shift but sunk as a hand reached up and grasped the panda. The hand squeezed the toy panda, causing the stuffing to shift so it looked like it had a very surprised look on it's face, before pulling it beneath the ground. The hand reemerged from the grave, followed by another one that was missing a finger. Shortly afterwards a pair of arms made their way out of the grave just before the head. The two watchers then moved and each grasped an arm and helped the dirt covered Rolan from what should have been his grave. Once Rolan was freed the watchers handed him a water bottle. "Easy there friend. Small mouthfuls. My name is Alv and my companion is NaVorl. We would like for you to join us. Your skill set is of particular interest to us." ********** Rolan stood on top of a hill watched as the twinborn moved about their city below. He hands clenched into fists, knuckles white with pressure. He could feel his nails digging into flesh and the blood as it dripped to the ground. How he wanted to rip the city apart to get his revenge for the pain they had caused when they tried to kill him. But he was forbidden to do so. Instead his orders were to watch only. Turning away from the city, Rolan moved over to the slabs of stone piled up by his covered wagon. He may not be allowed to interfere but that didn't mean he couldn't be productive. Perhaps carving epitaphs for the dead would sate his hunger for revenge. *********** I have waited for this game to be rurun so Rolan can make his comeback but instead I'm the Mod so I'll take a spec doc link please.
  6. My Epic powers: Precognition: Can learn the gang and role of a player. If your target is in the Pub, you will also learn if target player is a Government Agent Weakness-Peer Pressure: If in City Hall/Government Building 50% chance of learning the gang and role of another random player. You will not be told that your target was switched. Still think the Epic known as Jack Daniels should've been included. What other types of Epics could players have become Maill?
  7. The belief in a supernatural source of evil is not necessary. Men alone are quite capable of every wickedness.

  8. N1 you were in the Govt Building N2 Govt Building N3 Lab. You jumped across the river. N4: Back in the Govt Building having jumped across the river again N5 City Hall. Guess what. You jumped across the river again Proof enough? Plus here you stated that you donated 3 of your 5 points. You can't do that. I tried and was told it's all or nothing.
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