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Posts posted by PrncRny

  1. My questions came out of the Big List of Questions thread:


    1)  Q:Did Hoid have anything to do with Bavadin showing up on Sel?


         A: RAFO. (Though interestingly, he asked me why I asked this question. I said I got it off a question list here and he stated that people had been trying to get him to say something on the subject for a while. Trying to pry information from him. Hence the RAFO.)


    2) Q: How much of Harmony's manipulation of Wax was Hoid aware of?


        A: He knew what was going on. That's all I'm going to say.


    3) Q: Is an Snapped Allomancer more likely to pass on the Allomantic ability than an UnSnapped one?

         A: Not necessarily. (I asked if it was pure genetics, then, and he initially said yes, then appended that with 'not just genetics. there's a spiritual aspect to it as well.')


    4) Q: Is the flute that Vin saw in the Lord Ruler's secret room in WoA the same flute that Hoid gives to Kaladin in tWoK?
        A: RAFO. The origins of that flute will be revealed at some point.



    I hope that helps some people out!



    EDIT: To the poster above me here: What con were you at when you got that photo with Jason David Frank? I've always wanted to meet that man. A childhood hero there!

  2. As the holidays are in full swing, it seems out dear Brandon will be in Idaho Falls again.

    Barnes and Noble tells me he is doing a signing on Saturday the 28th at 4pm.


    So. Pick some fun questions from the Big List, and let me have 'em.

    I so enjoy this every year. Kinda makes me feel like a bigger part of the board!



  3. I've been re-reading a lot of Cosmere novels for the last year or so and, after finishing Shadow of Self, it struck me:


    I am very impressed. Like, very. The way that the tie ins and hints and things are unfolding slowly over time. In the first novels, there was little. You really just had noticing Hoid running about.

    In the original Mistborn trilogy, specifically HoA, you got Sazed's little hints towards the bigger picture.


    In the Stormlight Archives ones we have thus far, things are get alot more blatant.


    And now in Shadows of Self we have the stuff in there.


    I am amazed at the patience, timing, and forward thinking that it took, and is taking, to bring this out in what feels like such an organic and original way.


    When I read The Wheel of Time I didn't think a serious could possibly get much more intricate or detailed (boy was he detailed! nauseatingly at times. lol), but now, watching the Cosmere unfold, Jordan has met his match.


    Ok. I'm done. But seriously. Wow.

  4. It'll be interesting to see the mythology that has popped up around the rings, assuming that's what they are, over the past three (?) hundred years. Considering how...tweaked...the history that we know is understood by modern society after all that time, there are bound to be some interesting stories surrounding those.


    I like that about Sanderson. I feel like it's almost like actual world history. There's what really happened, and then there's the way we understand it. As close as we come, sometimes we are VERY wrong.

  5. I just watched it myself.


    I agree with most of hte posters on here. Seemed kinda lazy, production seemed kinda shoddy, and it felt a little off.

    If you're going to do a whole episode for the prologue (an idea that i'm not against, mind you), you should at least show the last part with the creation od Dragonmount and the death of Lews Therin.

  6. Ok. Good. I knew i didn't remember a flower among his artifact.

    Nice to know i'm not going crazy. :D


    Now...theories as to what exactly the items are? Gemhearts are a given. But are we assuming some of these items come from other Shardworlds, based on the assumption that he is a Worldhopper?

  7. I don't have my copy of WoR with me right now, but I've been reading a lot on the forums about Mraize.

    I'd like to see a list of all teh artifact descriptions we have thus far. I may have missed some things there. I've only listened to it twice. ;)

    For instance, I didn't get at all that he might have a Tear with him.

  8. Our store isn't set up to hold a reading, though I was chatting with an employee the second time I was in line about how some other places have done signings with readings/Q&As. They'd have to clear out a whole mall intersection for something like that, or rent a space at the library/hotel/convention center-ish place.

    This is me! I'm glad you posted it, since I've been working since the signing and wasn't sure I'd be on tonight even. :P My exact question was "Are the Elantrian pool and Horneater lake connected?" His response was just as you said, and it was clear from the context that it wasn't the same lake (obviously, again just affirming). I knew we had a rafo on this one before, but I've had some luck with getting actual answers. It might have something to do with my early (~2007, before we knew of the cosmere as a whole) questions about the Elantrian pool getting a "that is an interesting idea you have there" response, i.e. the pre-Robert Jordan era RAFO. ;)

    Of less interest, but maybe still worth logging:

    Q: Any news on Alcatraz 5?

    A (paraphrased): He said he wrote the book last summer, and is waiting for the greenlight from Tor to hand it off, basically. They want to publish books 1-4 first, followed by this one. But the only thing needed is a schedule and edits! Still sounds like an early/mid 2016 thing to me.

    Q: Where's Marsh? (An inside joke for a friend, but still a fun answer.)

    A: Investigating the Southern Continent of Scadrial.

    My next tactic is to ask if the shardpools are Stargate-esque transportation areas. (I'm telling you, my indirect strategy works - sorta. Although now you lot have me wondering if there is anything in the MB2 scene with Vin in the well to indicate this....) But that won't be until I manage another signing, so someone else is free to take that and run into the rafo wall. :) I would have pressed myself, but I had to leave quite suddenly. (And I've noticed immediate follow-ups tend to get shut down anyway...and it was my second time in line that day....)

    I can't remember anything else, but if I do I'll make a quick edit here. Glad to see fellow sharders in my locale, and to meet a handful of you there!

    Nice meeting you on Saturday! Did you get that video posted to your blog?

  9. When you are sorely disappointed with just about anything else in the fantasy genre because of simplistic magic systems, generic archetypical heroes, and plothole-ridden stories.

    Jordan, then Sanderson, have ruined me for much of the genre. And I couldn't be happier about it.


    (I was going to quote a similar thing as this posted earlier,b ut i couldn't find it. I simply wanted to say "THIS!" lol)

  10. Ok. It's been 3 days.

    I'm posting the one question I overheard that was news to me.


    A woman in line ahead of me asked Brandon if there was a connection or similarity between the Elantrian pool and the Horneater lake.


    His response: "They are the same thing."


    Not in the same place, obviously, but the same thing. I did not expect that of the Horneater lake. lol

  11. As with many of you, I first heard the name of Brandon Sanderson after the death of Robert Jordan. I watched an interview on YouTube with him and miss Harriet explaining the decision and his reaction to it.


    At that point, I knew I had to read some of his stuff to see if he was worthy of the mantle he was picking up.


    I started with Elantris and thought it was just OK. Then i read Mistborn and i was hooked. I flew through the rest of his works (which at that point didnt' include much) but when The Way fo Kings was finally released, I knew I had found something truly special.


    I now have joined the rest of you down this rabbit hole that is the fandom of Sharders. And a helluva ride it's going to be. :)



  12. Just got back. and, while its fresh, i thought i'd get this stuff down.


    Q: What connection is there between Lifeless and Shard-severed limbs?


    A: They are similar, but different. With Lifeless it's due to the soul being drained away, shrinking to nearly nothing. With Shard-severed limbs, that portion of the soul is sheared clean away.


    Q: Can any Oathgate go to any of the 11 locations?

    A: As far as they are aware, the gates can only go to Urutheru.


    Q: So Alethi hair "breeds true" based on the individual's ancestry, why then does Renarin have more black than Adolin?


    A: As with us regular people, different shades of skin can be had within the same family with the same parents, its just a matter of how their DNA falls out. No different here. Nothing special with Adolin and Renarin's hair.


    Q:  Why is Breath not consumed in Awakening, unlike most all other uses of Investiture?


    The answer to this question was a bit beyond the depth of my Cosmere knowledge, but i will attempt to paraphrase as best I can.


    A: Not all investitures are "used up." Must like energy, it isn't typically created or destroyed, just changes for. With Breath, in what it's used for, it is just more easily and readily recovered than in other forms.


    I may be a bit wrong on the details, but that's the jist of what he said.




    Forgot one.


    Q: How and when is the type of Misting you become determined? Can you tell what type of Misting you are before you Snap?


    A: It's determined at birth. The Cosmere by combining 3 aspects of self. Your physical self, mental self, and spiritual self. The spiritual self is tied to the Investiture of the world that you come from. When an Allomancer snaps, a piece of their soul is broken and some of that power leaks into them, giving them their abilities.



    **END EDIT**


    I heard one or two other REALLY cool questions asked, but I know the girl who asked them is planning to post. So I'll let her do that.



    This concludes my report. ;)

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