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Posts posted by BlackYeti

  1. For the sake of completeness, here's the WoB that @jofwu mentioned:


    I've several times said something that I later decided to change in a book. I've always got this idea in the back of my head that the books are canon, and things I say at signing aren't 100% canon. This is part because of a habit I have of falling back on things I decided years ago, then revised in notes after I realized they didn't work. My off-the-cuff instinct is still to go with what I had in my head for years, even when it's no longer canon.

    An example of this are Shardblades. In the first draft of TWoK in 2002, I had the mechanics of the weapons work in a specific way. (If you wanted to steal one from someone, you knock off the bonding gemstone, and it breaks the bond.) I later decided it was more dramatic if you couldn't steal a Shardblade that way--you had to kill the person or force them to relinquish the bond. It worked far better. 

    There's not any way around that that I can see, it was really bonded to him.

  2. I've been to a few of Brandon's signings in Britain at this point (one in 2011, one in 2014, and two in 2015), so I can give you more specific information.

    Firstly, we don't know yet how extensive his visit will be: there have been times in the past where he hasn't ventured far beyond London, and then there have been others when he has toured extensively around the country. He's mentioned coming to the UK a couple of times that I know of so far (once in last years State of the Sanderson blog post and, as has been mentioned previously, once on Reddit) so I'm hoping for the latter.

    When touring Britain the overwhelming majority of his signings (including all of the ones I've been to) have been held by Waterstones. These events are ticketed, and they are not free: I remember it costing £6 in the past, though it wouldn't surprise me if it goes up in future. The first two that I went to actually reduced the price if you had a Waterstones card, but the ones in 2015 did not so I don't know if they'll do it in the future or not. Additionally at past events, if you bought the book that he's touring for at the event, they would actually deduct the price of the ticket from the price of the book. However since I always bought the book in advance of the events, I never took advantage of that and thus can't remember if that was standard for all of them.

    At every signing that I've been to there has never imposed a limit on the number of books that Brandon will sign, and he has even been willing to sign other things as well (for example I've got a signed promotional poster for the 2014 event that the staff were kind enough to give me, as well as signed copies of his unpublished White Sand and The Aether of Night that I printed out). That being said in 2015, he did impose a limit of only 3 books that he would personalise.

    I'd advise you to get you ticket in advance of the event: I don't know what the chances are of them selling out, but I'd guess high (even in 2011 the staff commented on how popular it was, and then on the last occasion Brandon mentioned that it was getting to the point that they'd have to start holding them offsite). You can buy the tickets over the phone and collect them on the day if it's awkward to go there ahead of time.

    I hope this helps. :)

  3. 2 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

    Here. He does not specifically say that they are "the only" but he does say only Odiumspren are welcome. This implies that if there are other spren there, it likely isn't by choice

    There could certainly be other types of spren there, however we do not know that there are, which was my point. To quote Shallan: "no supposition should be treated as axiomatic." Thus the possibility of other spren types on Braize should not be taken as evidence for Cultivation's presence there.

    Also, for future reference, when linking to theoryland, try to avoid linking to the search results themselves: these can change over time. It's better to link to the interview page itself. Like so: http://www.theoryland.com/intvmain.php?i=1178#23

  4. 1 minute ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    I'm pretty sure there's a difference between inside of you for the sake of burning metals and inside of you for the sake of soul interference to start having effect. Nobody seems to notice the metal being burnable the moment it's in the mouth; they only seem to notice it once swallowed.

    I'd argue that this could come down to perception again, similar to how Wayne didn't notice that the unkeyed goldmind that Wax gave him was a metalmind until Wax told him it was.

    It wouldn't really be practical for an Allomancer to carry a bunch of metals around in their mouths: the risk of the metals falling out at a critical moment, or accidentally swallowing and choking on them would be too high, plus it would make it difficult to talk. So they would instead swallow them to prevent this, thus new Allomancers would be taught that they needed to swallow them and consequently the perception would be created.

  5. On 2/21/2017 at 2:12 PM, Spoolofwhool said:

    I don't think the mouth is cognitively considered inside of you enough for you to burn metals in their and the throat feels on the edge as well.

    I'm not sure about that: after all, Zane did hide that coin from Vin by putting it in his mouth. This would seem to indicate that inside the mouth is considered to be inside you, thus I don't see why you wouldn't also be able to burn a metal in your mouth.

    I suspect that burning a metal inside a capsule could work, though in the case of harmonium doing so would open yourself up to the risk of the capsule failing somehow.

  6. On 2/20/2017 at 5:47 PM, Khyrindor said:

    If you read the descriptions, they don't quite seem to match with cryptics. Cryptics are always described as "head of lines" whereas Elhokar said "Twisted figures," (IIRC) which seems to suggest either a different spren, or perhaps influence by Odium.

    I've looked up the exact quote, Elhokar actually says:


    They watch me. Always. Waiting. I see their faces in mirrors. Symbols, twisted, inhuman …”

    [Chapter 58: The Journey]

    This sounds very much like the Cryptics' symbol heads to me. (Please note that I'm not saying that he is seeing Cryptics, only that the description sounds similar.)

  7. 2 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    You said ruin's powers on Scadrial are also 16 in number... what is his number, 1? 1 X 16 is 16.

    Why would Ruin's number be 1? I don't think we've ever seen 1 as a significant number Scadrial. 16 has been prevalent throughout all of the metallic arts, including Ruin's own Haemalurgy. I honestly think that any other number you could come up with for Ruin would be a stretch, but if you were to try, might I suggest looking instead at a base 2 number, since the metals are all organised by base 2 numbers.

    2 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    all 3 planets originally had life... Odium eliminated MOST but not all life from 2 of them.  that isn't Cultivation's fault. Life IS magical.  Spren existed on these planets BEFORE any shards arrived.  Sanderson hinted it was fragments of Adonalsium that created the original spren.  Cultivation and Honor further developed and invested into them.

    Where's your source for this? Ashyn certainly suffered a cataclysm in the past which elimited most of the life there, but how do we know that it was caused by Odium? (I'll grant you that it's likely, but I don't remember hearing confirmation of that.) Braize on the other hand, as far as I know, has no life on it at all other than the Splinters inhabiting it. (I would disagree with @Spoolofwhool here, I do consider Splinters to be life. However that's not really relevant here: we do not know the constitution of the Splinters, they could all be of Odium.)

    3 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    Odium was trapped there thousands of years ago by Honor and Cultivation, Honor died during the springing of the trap which it seems was Cultivation's plan (trapping Odium, probabl not getting Honor Killed in the process).  and yes BECAUSE of the trap he was invested enough so now he needs to eliminate all invested life to be freed once again.  That is why 2 planets have pretty much been purged.

    We do not know how Odium killed Honour. I don't see how it could have been caused by the trapping of Odium however: Hounour died post-Recreance, that's millennia after the trap was sprung.

    3 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    This also seems to be the big background struggle on Roshar, the other shard worlds are trying to prevent Odium being freed, even if it means the continued torment of the people of Roshar.  Hoid wants to help, but only if it means Odium gets splintered in the process.  If Odium cannot be splintered then Hoid will do what he must to make sure Odium remains trapped, until another shard holder can become powerful enough to splinter Odium.  At least one group is of Odium, working to free Odium, I don't know if they realize that in order for Odium to be freed all of his followers will also need to be purged.  This also plays into what I believe is happening on Sel.  Some being is gathering the fragments of Ambition, Devotion, and Dominion.  I believe the entity is a dragon buried in the ground of Sel.  I believe it has succeeded at least partially, and I had believed it was the person that Hoid wrote the letter to.  I'll quote the letter below.  Now I see that unless Hoid is being particularly facetious he is talking to yet another entity that has now come into possession of a shard.  As Hoid was present at the original splintering of Adonalsium, and Hoid has spoken to this person before this point but after the original splintering of Adonalsium then it is safe to say he is talking to someone who picked up a shard that was dropped from one of the other original shard holders who have died, or perhaps released it.

     Again, where are you getting any of this from? We don't know what Hoid's goals are, we only know that he hates Rayse. Where's the evidence for other worlds trying to keep Odium imprisoned? Which is the group that's working to free Odium, and how do you know that all of his followers would need to be purged in order to free him?

    I understand that you say that the next part is your own theory, but why do you think that there's a dragon on Sel? The letter was most likely written to Frost, why do you think that this is not correct? And why do you think that the recipient is or was a Shard's Vessel?

    2 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    Shards invest in a system, else Pres and Ruin would have been able to create a planet.  there are other systems where a shard has presence on more than one body.  I believe that they can invest heavily in one planet, or even completely in one planet or spread it out more thinly.  Other than life you don't see a whole lot of Cultivations power invested on any of the planets other than the Night Watcher.

    Granted, they can do this, I just don't know of any evidence that Cultivation has done this: "could have" is really a good basis for a theory.

    3 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    Reread Bands of Mourning... Particularly the parts about identity and investiture... You will see I am right, or at least how I came to those particular conclusions.

    I've read BoM multiple times, I'm very familiar with it: which part are you referring to? Again, it seems that I'm not really understanding your argument properly.

    3 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    An Allomancer can go to another Planet and burn the metals on that planet and do allomancy.  Hoid burns zinc and brass all the time.  "Tell me a story" "No" "Tell me a story" "Okay".  LOL.  That is a WoB by the way, that Hoid burns metals.

    Yes, I'm also very familar with the events of Middlefest, and of the WoBs that say that you can use Allomancy on other worlds and with non-Scadrian metals. This is possible because the metals, as I said in my previous post, open a conduit to Preservation. Preservation exists primarily in the Spiritual Realm which is time/space independent, thus Preservation can be reached in this manner from anywhere in the Cosmere, despite the fact that he is located on Scadrial. The Investiture does not already exist within the Allomancer.

    3 hours ago, Hawkido said:

    as to your last statement, do you not think that preservation had a number?  What about Honor?  If you don't think that those two have significant numbers that are listed as Holy, once by a Shard directly and once by WoB for the other, then I can't even begin to explain to you.  I am here looking for help scanning for info to help pin point  the other numbers... if you don't think this is a worth pursuit, then you have said you part and made your point and I respect that.  Imma still be lookin tho! :)

    My personal view at the moment is that the numbers are most likely connected to the planets themselves, not to the Shards. Thus 16 is significant to Scadrial, 10 to Roshar and Ashyn, and 9 to Braize.

    I'm not trying to stop you from looking for ways to tie the numbers to Shards, in fact I would encourage you to continue (after all I could be entirely wrong on this), but that doesn't mean that I won't point out a mistake if I think I see one. :)

  8. 1 hour ago, Hawkido said:

    On Ruin and Preservation: 1 X 16 = ?

    I don't understand what point you're trying to make here. 1 * 16 = ? ⇒ ? = 16

    Can you elaborate on what you meant here?

    1 hour ago, Hawkido said:

    On Roshar, there are only 9 currency gems (Odium Significance?), Life is the power of Cultivation... it only exists on 3 planets.  

    I think that this is a stretch to be honest.

    Firstly, where did you hear that there are only 9 gems used in the Rosharan currency? According to the Coppermind there are 8 gem types which we know are used in the currency. Now, there are 10 types of Polestones (gems that can hold Stormlight), and of these 10 only smokestone and heliodor are not mentioned in the article. I don't recall seeing anything that suggests that only 9 of the 10 are used in the currency however. Which of the Polestones is the one that you say is not represented here?

    [Edit: I've found the reference now, you were right :).]

    Regardless, if we assume that what you say is true, then this is a result of the cultures on Roshar. It does not say anything about the laws of the world's magic.

    On your second point: Cultivation exists only on Roshar as far as we know. I thus don't see how the number of planets with life on them is relevant to her.

    1 hour ago, Hawkido said:

    Remember the metals used on Scandrial are no different than any other metals (the God metals are not part of the 16.)  the investiture on Scadrial is not in the metals but in the people.  On Roshar the investiture is not directly in the people, but in the relationship between the people and the Spren. 

    I take it you're talking about how they receive Kinetic Investiture? If so then this is not correct.

    On Scadrial, the people do not have the Investiture inside them. In regards to Allomancy, when the metals are burned a conduit is opened to Preservation through which the Investiture travels: i.e. it comes from outside the Allomancer. In Feruchemy, the Feruchemist weakens themselves, and converts that attribute to Investiture to store in the metalmind. In a sense the Investiture didn't really exist, and was not therefore inside them, before they converted the attribute to the Investiture. And finally with Haemalurgy, a person's Innate Investiture is being ripped out of them and converted into Kinetic Investiture in the spike. Technically this one does come from within the people, but crucially it doesn't come from the Haemalurgists themselves.

    Unless of course you're talking about Innate Investiture, in which case everyone on every world has Investiture inside themselves.

    I'm confused as to what you're saying here, but I don't see how it supports the proposition that each Shard has a number associated with them.

  9. I really like this theory. It very nicely explains the thing that has been troubling me about the medallions since I first read BoM, and I would be very happy to see it borne out. That said I would like to ask for a clarification on one part of it.

    On 2/19/2017 at 1:57 AM, Argent said:

    So that's it. I think the secret to the medallions is harmonium. It, similarly to how it functions in the primer cubes, grants whoever is holding the medallion the ability to tap nicrosil by "replaying" a pre-programmed nicrosil tap - which they do, filling themselves with whatever ability was stored in that nicrosilmind. 

    So if we take, as an example, one of the Feruchemical copper medallions: this would work by having the harmonium grant the ability to tap the nicrosilmind which in turn makes the user into an Archivist temporarily, and thus able to tap the memories encoded into the coppermind. Why couldn't you let the harmonium instead grant the ability to tap the coppermind directly and thus remove the need for the nicrosil?

    Is it because the harmonium is only allowing the user to tap the metalminds, but not store in them? Thus if a non-Arcivist wanted to record their memories in one, they would be unable to do so without nicrosil. And more importantly, by the same logic, a non-Trueself would be likewise unable to store their Identity in an aluminiummind, so an Arcanist would not be able to create an unkeyed coppermind without nicrosil involved.

    Do I understand your logic correctly here?

    If so, are you proposing that tapping and storing are treated as different abilities by harmonium, and it can either be used to tap a metalmind, or to store in one? Or are you saying that tapping the metalmind is the real power here, and storing in it is simply a means of "charging it up", and thus outside of what harmonium can replicate?

  10. 6 hours ago, Argent said:

    It's a reasonable assumption. He has been getting around since, presumably, soon after the Shattering, and Scadrial is a good number of years after it. He is likely to have utilized his Hoidsense to get there during the events of the first Mistborn trilogy (and then back during the second one).

    He definitely had his Hoidsense during the events of the first Mistborn trilogy.



    Why did Hoid not take both beads of lerasium?


    Hoid has an innate ability to know where he needs to be and what he needs to do


    That sounds exactly like Hoidsense to me.

  11. 12 hours ago, Humpty said:

    No the diagram tells Mr T how to stop the upcoming desolation.. "There has to be an answer. What is the answer? Stop. The Parshendi. One of them. Yes they are the missing piece. Push for the Alethi to destroy them outright before this one their obtains power. It will form a bridge."  the Bridge in this quote is talking about a bridge formed from Braize where Odium resides to Roshar. Hence ushering a new desolation.  So Mr. T is not like Amaram and the Sons of Honor at all.

    That's not what is meant here according to this WoP:

    What does "It will form a bridge." actually mean? Should I take it literally?


    This is a metaphorical bridge. Basically, the Diagram says it would be super dangerous for their plans if one of the Parshendi formed a Radiant spren bond and became a Radiant. They would be able to bridge the gap between the cultures and throw a wrench into the sequence of events that the Diagram thinks needs to take place.

    In future, please try not to state speculation as fact: there are people who will assume that it's actually been confirmed. :)

  12. 2 hours ago, 8giraffe8 said:

    From WB, it seems like

      Hide contents

    Drabs have no life sense. I think Nalthian humans need Breath in order to have life sense. Don't know about other people though. In any case, hasn't it been WoB confirmed that you can spike Breaths? 



    Fair point about Drabs, but since they're missing part of their soul I think they'd probably be considered something of a special case. Certainly non-Nalthians are not Drabs, and as such I'm not sure how helpful it is.

    Regarding stealing Breaths though, I remember seeing a WoB that states that you can't steal them with Haemalurgy since they're too physical. I can't remember where I saw it though and a quick search didn't turn it up. I'll edit it in if I find it.


  13. 3 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

    Here's how I catalogue WoBs. I copy-paste each WoB in to my database by hand. I correct misspellings, for the very reason you identified. I read each WoB to assign tags based on what kind of searches I would want to return that quote. I've searched everything I tagged with "Stormlight 3," "Windrunners," and "Radiants." But, I don't trust my tagging system very much yet and will probably have to do a second pass, so I've also searched the text of the WoBs for "Wind" and "Oath." Nothing has come up, but if you can think of any other potential keywords, I'll run a search for them, too. But I can't imagine we'll have a quote about a Windrunner saying Oaths that doesn't include either "Windrunner" or "Oath." (But I acknowledge that might be a limit on my imagination, so I am sincere in asking for any other keywords you'd like to search for.)

    Have you tried "Ideal" or even "Words" in place of Oath?

    5 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

    I have recently reviewed everything on Reddit posted by Brandon since March of 2016 (Reddit only lets me look through the last 1000 comments). I am confident in saying there was nothing in the last year that has to do with this topic. Brandon's Twitter archive is easy to search. Theoryland is easy to search. I'm thinking, if there's anything official that we can't find, it's coming from Peter, either on Reddit or Twitter. (Jofwu's search would miss the question, and I'm not collecting Peter's comments.)

    But I have actually done a lot of legwork, since I've seen this come up a couple of times. This isn't a quick search, can't find it, give up. I'm pretty sure this is misinformation, and I've laid out an idea in my previous post about how I think it came about organically.

    And there was I thinking it was strange that I'd missed it given how thorough I thought I'd been in going through all of his WoBs on Reddit as he posted them, but you seem to have put far more work into this. Nevertheless, now that two separate people have reported seeing this, I'm leaning towards us having missed it somehow :unsure:. I guess we'll only really know if we were right if Oathbringer comes out and it's not in there :(.

  14. 1 minute ago, Tarion said:

    Hmm. I've just taken a look and it's not leaping out. As far as I can tell, there's only one use of "Windrunner" in the Reddit history for /u/Mistborn. 

    "RAFO regarding windrunner squires."


    I've tried a few other variants (Knight, surgebinder, surge, oath) and they either threw up too many results to be useful (So many Oathbringer references. So many), or too few (Surge appears once)

    Unless the comment has been deleted, or was a bit more vague (Answering a question of whether you'll see another Windrunner with "Yes, in the next book", for example), I'm not sure it's there. 

    I haven't been able to find it either, but then I'm very bad at searching Reddit :(. So really I'm just trusting what @maxal said here.

  15. On 2/7/2017 at 11:02 PM, Pagerunner said:

    No, I haven't seen anything on Reddit about that so far. Probably because the quote you're thinking of is from OdysseyCon. Although, that quote doesn't say Book 3, it just says a future Stormlight book. So there might be something else out there. I'll keep my ear to the ground.

    No it's not. If you go back a page you'll notice that I specifically asked @maxal whether she was referring to that WoB, and she responded in the negative. There is apparently another WoB on Reddit where he said that it will be in Book 3 specifically.

  16. 16 hours ago, 8giraffe8 said:

    My favorite wob is the one that states, "Platypus tinmind should work." Apparently they have the ability to sense electrical fields to some extent, and if one became a feruchemist, one could store that ability.

    If we extrapolate this into other other exotic senses: what about

    Warbreaker Spoilers


    an Awakener's life sense?

    There's a few interesting questions that could be raised if the answer to that is yes. Is the life sense something inherent in all people, simply too small to notice, which Breath then simply magnifies, or is it something that you only acquire after you accrue enough Breaths. In the case of the former, then presumably a Windwhisperer could store enough of it to gain a Fourth Heightening style life sense without ever gaining a single Breath? In the case of the latter though, then the Awakener cum Feruchemist should be able to use the "Bands of Mourning exploit" to grant life sense to others who had never gained any Breath?


  17. It has been confirmed that they can do this.



    If a Kandra and a human were to have a baby, what would that baby be like?


    I would say that right now… It would depend. The kandra would have to remain in human form, keep the same body, and then would give birth to a human. If it was a woman [human] with a man [kandra], it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, with a kandra. Does that make sense?




    Because when the kandra is in human form, they can identically recreate the bodily functions and things if they want to.


  18. Just now, king of nowhere said:

    What do you mean by, the most realistic numbers? They are all pretty realistic. By assuming that 0.9 is the radius, you get 0.55 earths mass, and a density of 4.2 g/cm^3, around 75% the value for earth, mercury and venus, but slightly bigger than that of mars. It's a perfectly realistic density for a rocky planet. If, on the other hand, you assume 0.9 is the volume, then you get a radius of 0.965 earth radii, which after all the calculation leads to 0.65 earth's mass, which leads to 72% the density for earth - since the planet is more massive than in the previous calculation, but also bigger.

    The point is, the two values are almost identical, and they fall comfortably within the extremes of the sample of rocky planets we know. How can one be more realistic than the other?

    I'm sorry if I wasn't clear, but I haven't had time to go through @kenod's calculations and was basing that solely on calculations that I've done in the past, specifically with regards to the planet Sel. Also I didn't mean to imply that it couldn't be the radius (in fact I believe that I stated up front that it could be), only that I think it more likely that it is volume.

    Elantris spoilers:


    Incidentally, the calculations I was referring to were pertaining to Sel's surface area, which, assuming size to be equal to radius, would have to be well over twice the size of Earth's. Now whilst this isn't outside the realm of possibility, it's larger than I've been imagining, especially given how Brandon reduced the number that Raoden used with Aon Tia to get to Teod in the 10th Anniversary version since the planet would be too large otherwise.


  19. 3 hours ago, kenod said:

    Radius = 90% of earth

    Careful here, it actually says that the size is 0.9, and size is an ambiguous term.

    It could mean radius (and I've in fact based calculations on that assumption in the past since it's convenient :ph34r:), but it could also mean volume, or even mass. To be honest, I actually think that the most likely meaning is volume since: 1) it's what's most commonly meant by size, and 2) it leads to the most realistic numbers, at least in the calculations that I've done.

  20. On 1/20/2017 at 1:56 AM, Figberts said:

    How did preservation know? Why was honor worried st all then if he know what would happen?

    EDIT: sorry, I meant Preservation, not Honor.

    Why was Preservation worried? Because he sacrificed most of his mind to imprison Ruin, thus he could no longer remember his plan or what his predictions of the future were.

    He remembered that he had a plan, but not the specifics of it. He simply had to hope that it was good enough to work without him and to withstand Ruin's potential interference.

  21. This theory that the expanses are defined by the location of the world is extremely interesting to me, partly because I'd never considered it until now.

    Given the movement of the bodies involved, I can really only see it working in a relativistic model: the locations remain in place with space itself moving past them, otherwise the magics would be constantly changing. Considering @Pagerunner's brilliant comparison earlier to Haemalurgy, I can't help but think of that WoB about the blood being in motion in part providing the link to the Spiritual Realm. The similarity between the two is eerie.

    Until now I've also been thinking of it in terms of the planet's Spiritual aspect defining this, but this is seriously elegant. I'm really going to have to think about this some more when I'm less tired.

  22. 1 hour ago, maxal said:

    I think he announced it on Reddit, but he definitely confirmed it. He said we would see another Windrunner take his oaths in the next book. He however never said if this Windrunner was getting viewpoints or not. It is however bound to be a relatively minor character. I think the purpose here is to show us how the same oaths can be said in different ways and how different knights will come to adhere to those in different manner given their own personal story.

    Are you thinking of this WoB?

    Because that doesn't say "next book", it says "future book" which could just as easily mean book 10 as book 3 (though granted I'd expect to see it far sooner than book 10).

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