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Posts posted by BlackYeti

  1. 14 minutes ago, Kurkistan said:

    This is the one Spoolofwhool's referencing.

    *Saved as "Hoops to awaken" in my mondo-folder of WoBs.

    Note that it's a paraphrase; and though it's a few months before the anyone with Breath can Awaken WoB, that one is also a bit sketchy to extend out to anyone with Breath can awaken, since the statement wasn't really in a worldhopping context: it could easily be interpreted as "anyone from Nalthis can awaken".

    That's interesting, since that seems to contradict, if only by implication, this more recent WoB:



    So we know that you can’t just have someone--if someone were to do something similar to Hoid, he can’t just pop and go ‘oh look, I can now do Allomancy or now do Surgebinding’. What about Breath? Could somebody give Breath--could they still get the benefits--


    Oh, good question. Yes you can, actually. Breath, once it is given to you, it is being keyed to you--your Identity. So that transfer makes it yours to use however you want.


    So you could Awaken?


    You could Awaken. If you were to somehow make it there, you would be able to Awaken. It’s the easiest of magics to get the magic from, and then to manipulate. Because it has keyed into it Identity.




    Yes, you can take Breath onto another world. In fact, you’ve seen characters do this.




    Yes, it would work the same way. The only magic that is location-dependent-- the ones who aren’t interested in this, just hum to yourself, okay? You don’t need to know any of this stuff to enjoy the books, okay? I’ve [written] them so that each series can be read independently, and enjoyed. There is behind the scenes stuff, and if you want to dig, it goes pretty deep. So on Sel, we have AonDor. AonDor is based on the fact that the Dor, which is an amalgamation of Dominion and Devotion, has been pressed together and stuffed into the Cognitive Realm by Odium who didn’t want it to gain sentience, as Investiture will do if it is left alone. It will either seek someone to be its Vessel or it will gain sentience. He pressed it in there; he pressed it together, which creates the violent reaction, because those two Intents are opposed. And that is the foundation of the magic. Because it’s stuck in the Cognitive Realm rather than the Spiritual Realm (the Spiritual Realm is location-independent; Cognitive Realm is location-dependent), it makes the magic on Sel only work in close proximity to what is keyed through there to the location they’re keyed to. This has to do with Identity and Connection--mostly Connection. So that means you can’t do AonDor on another planet, but you can do other magics works anywhere, because they’re drawing the magics specifically through either the place, or they’re end-neutral, like Breath is, and don’t need any extra power


  2. 15 hours ago, Oversleep said:

    I thought about this. Who said that Shards can only Invest planets? There are a lot of celestial bodies that are not planets. Maybe Brandon is being clever here.

    If you're looking for somewhere that isn't a planet, there's always Silverlight.

    15 hours ago, Oversleep said:

    Of course, Forgery is end-positive and it's not that powerful. So it's speculation, but if Voidbringers use Stormlight (and I think they do) they use end-positive.

    Actually forgery does use a lot of Investiture:



    What if you Soulstamped a city?


    Soulstamped...the city. So if you’re a really good Forger...It is possible to do things like that, but it requires a lot of work and time. Just one thing to keep in mind with Soulstamps is that, anything that does this...rewriting your Spirit Web, like, requires Investiture. A lot of Investiture. For instance, what Shai can do is really cool, but what an Elantrian can do is gonna look a lot more dramatic, right? Shooting a column of fire, you would say ‘which takes more power, making the wall have flowers on it or shooting a column of fire?’ Making the wall have flowers takes a lot more Investiture. It’s a lot easier to pull off some dramatic effects with others, but the actual changing of the soul...So just keep in mind the extent, right? This is why you don’t see Shai Forging so the whole building disappears. Which is not outside of reason for a couple of Elantrians with the right program to put into place. But they could blow it up, essentially, that’s what they would do. Do keep in mind, people like to ask, you’ve probably seen people ask, ‘could I rewrite myself to be a Knight Radiant?’ Well… there are certain things that you just can’t fake without enough energy that it becomes impractical. Usually what I use as an example to that is: Yes, we can turn hydrogen into gold, if we wanted to. Right? It might take more energy than the earth creates in an entire year, but we can do that. I get a lot of questions like this ‘is it possible, is it possible?’ You should probably be like, ‘is it possible, with reasonable amounts of energy provided by one Invested person


    11 hours ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    I'm of the opinion that you can sense people with lifesense when they're holding breath but not drabs because of affinity between the breaths, not because of a threshold. Can't say for certain until we see someone using lifesense to detect a regular human or not.

    I'm pretty sure that we've already seen this. Just reread Vasher's Interlude from Words of Radiance: he's aware of both Kaladin and Syl before he otherwise could be.

  3. 2 hours ago, Argent said:
    • Arcanum Unbounded was, unfortunately, not even a finalist in the Best Anthology category. Sad days.

    On the plus side though, Unfettered II was a finalist. Clearly a result of the inclusion of The Thrill (or at least that's what I'll be telling myself).

  4. I've searched WoK and WoR and that seems to be the only reference to it in either book (unless you count its placement on the map). I haven't searched Edgedancer because I don't have the ebook, but I don't remember it being mentioned in there.

    Additionally I can find no WoBs on it: I've done a quick search of theoryland, reddit, and twitter, as well as these forums, and haven't been able to turn up anything. Thus the coppermind article does seem to be complete (as it in fact claims to be at the bottom of the page).

    In short, we know it exists, we know where it is, we know that there are stories told about it, and that is all we know about it.

  5. 43 minutes ago, DarkJester said:

    I don't know that he has been influencing other worlds, but I think it's hinted at that he may have kandra working as his eyes in other places... not even sure of this at the moment.

    It hasn't been hinted at, it's been openly stated.



    Are there kandra hiding in any of your books, besides the Mistborn ones?


    Yes there are! [smugly] yes there are..




    Is OreSeur… is a member of the same species a worldjumper?


    Yes, there are several kandra who are worldhoppers.They are usually homebodies, but there are some who have gone off




    Is the kandra worldhopper MeLaan?


    Good question. *gives Newan a RAFO card* In upcoming Mistborn books, you are going to get to know a lot more of the kandra, so you will have a lot more options.


    Ooh. When the kandra worldhopper is off-world, er off-Scadrial, does she take the form of a human female?


    Not all of the time.


    Has she spoken a word of dialogue in a non-Mistborn book?


    I can't remember




    Has TenSoon ever left Scadrial?


    More RAFO. I believe I have said there are Kandra on other worlds, but I have not said if one was TenSoon


    This does not mean that Harmony is trying to influence events. Consider the Seventeenth Shard: they're sending agents to worlds, yet they have an explicit non-intervention policy. You can attempt to study a place without interfering. Thus I do not consider this evidence for Harmony intervening in other worlds' affairs.


    19 minutes ago, 4308Design said:

    We don't know the specifics of his method but he is looking...well most likely...he is a research type. Not to mention the red haze he alludes to.

    "I sense shards of something long ago, a fractured presence, something spanning the void.

    I have delved and searched, and have only been able to come up with a single name: Adonalsium. Who, or what, it was, I do not yet know."


    The red haze is evidence of something else interfering on Scadrial, not vice versa. I think what I say above address the rest of your comment.

  6. 43 minutes ago, Eki said:

    That only says the recipient is a dragon from an unpublished book, not that it is Frost. Like I said, it's very, very likely to be Frost, but I haven't seen any confirmation.

    Rust and Ruin, you're right; I was so focused on the dragon part I didn't notice the Frost part. So much for reading comprehension I guess. Maybe I can blame this on my dyslexia?

    I think it's all but guaranteed that the recipient is Frost at this point though: they're both dragons, they both know Hoid, and they both have a non-intervention policy. There can't be all that many people going around who match all of those criteria. In terms of explicit confirmation though, I'm not actually sure that there is any. This is the closest that I could find:



    I was wondering if we were very going to see Dragons in the Cosmere?


    Yes, Dragonsteel. One of the first books I ever wrote in the Cosmere has dragons. It's also just one of the weaker books, so I can't publish it as is, but yea. Being a big fan of dragons, I did write them into the Cosmere. They are the one standard fantasy race in there.


    Are they ever going to infiltrate the other worlds kind of?


    *Talks about the letter and Frost, Flashback order, and the girls costume*


  7. On 07/01/2017 at 1:35 AM, Spoolofwhool said:

    In general though, I think it has been said that for Lift, converting to stormlight is easier than drawing it from spheres because she's not practiced at drawing it from spheres, nor does she ever try. I think there is a WoB regarding that.

    Do you have a source for that WoB?

    I've done a quick search and haven't found anything. I vaguely recall Brandon maybe RAFOing it a while back, but it's so vague I'm not sure that I'm not making it up.

  8. 9 hours ago, Eki said:

    Has that been confirmed? It's very, very likely, but I can't remember if it has been stated outright.

    It has been confirmed.


    I just a got a call from my husband. I told him to ask “If the recepient of Hoid’s Letter in Way of Kings is a Dragon?”. I really expected Sanderson to RAFO it, but instead he confirmed it!! Apparently he said that no one has ever asked him that before and that it was right on the money and from an unpublished book (Dragonsteel, I’m sure). Assuming the hubby asked correctly, that confirms both that the recipient is a Dragon and Hoid is the writer. Great catch!!!

    Source, comment #46 by Ciella.

    I'm pretty sure I've seen it somewhere else as well, but I can't remember where.

  9. 13 hours ago, Herald said:

    Is Galivar Cosmere aware? :o This is news to me. Can you please share the WoB for this?

    Here you go:



    When Hoid was talking to Dalinar, he seemed to expect that Dalinar had heard of Adonalsium. Why would he think that?


    He thought that Dalinar was part of some of the secret societies on Roshar. And he had thought his way into thinking Dalinar was part of them and that was how Dalinar was knowing certain things. Which he really wasn't he was getting them from the storms and things like this. But he thought that Gavilar had confided things in Dalinar. That Dalinar would know more about this. So he was kind of testing to see. And he was wrong.


  10. 49 minutes ago, Argent said:

    This specific anagram ("a mind a soul") has reared its pretty head a few times over the years. I personally do not believe it to be significant, as (given the context) it sounds much more likely to me that the name was inspired by Adonai, which (according to my Google Fu) is the Hebrew name (word?) for their God. Is it possible that Brandon started off with Adonaisium and, being the clever guy that he is, realized that if he changed the "i" to and "L" he would get a clever anagram for free? Sure. But I think starting with the anagram is convoluted and less likely. 

    I agree.

    This in fact reminds me of that typo from Hero of Ages where Adonalsium was misspelled as "Adonasium", which to my mind sounds even closer to Adonai (though granted I don't speak Hebrew, and have no real idea how it should be pronounced).

  11. 2 hours ago, MacAran said:

    We also know that the plan for Era 3 involves spaceflight.

    Actually it's Era 4 that involves space travel; Era 3 will be a  roughly 1980s tech level urban fantasy type setting.

    As for you main point, it is highly likely. The only other real contenders for the Ones Above are the Selish, the Nalthians and the Rosharans. The Rosharans are perhaps the next most likely contender since we know that Dusk has eaten Herdazian food.

  12. 31 minutes ago, Nomial said:

    Sorry to bring this back up after so long, but I just noticed this, and on pg 1035 it says "Syl formed an axehead halberd", though I do agree that this all only means szeth doesn't think honorblades can change, not that they can't change

    I'm sorry, but I think you misunderstood me. I've just spent a little time rereading this to try and determine how, but apologies in advance if it turns out that I'm misinterpreting what you're saying instead.

    I wasn't trying to say that Syl did not change, she obviously can and did. I was responding to the first part of your original post where you claimed that Nale's blade transformed into an axe; I quoted the relevant section of Edgedancer to demonstrate that this isn't what the text indicates. My intent was to indicate that since the blade didn't change, there was no issue with the blade being an Honourblade.

    Edit: Sorry @Nomial, I didn't see your edit until posting and refreshing the page.

  13. 17 hours ago, Harry the Heir said:

    I dunno. Aside from the fact that the friend also matches a loose description of Helaran, it strikes me as weird that a Veden Shardbearer would sign up to fight in an Alethi border dispute. Is he a soldier for hire? A relative to Amaram's rival? In either case, why wouldn't Amaram have known who he was? A Ghostblood on a mission of assassination has reason to cover his tracks, but I don't know why somebody who was just the lucky recipient of a Shardblade and Shardplate would keep his presence there a secret.

    The point that I was trying to make here was that Helaran didn't give away his Shards as part of a scheme to fake his death: that would have been incredibly stupid, not least because it's generally unknown that he has them.

    Regardless, I don't think that what you said necessarily conflicts with what I did. It's quite clear that the Shardbearer wasn't a simple member of the opposing army and that he was targeting Amaram as an assassin, likely due to Amaram's association with the Sons of Honour. Why could this assassin not be connected to Helaran? Helaran is clearly involved in something after all: if he gave them to a friend like I proposed, is it not reasonable to think that the friend might not also be involved in something?

  14. On 12/28/2016 at 6:49 PM, robardin said:

    What I want to know is how and where Marsh got his second eye-spike back. Vin pulled one out just before she Ascended, yet when Marasi sees him, he has two of them.

    I don't think he did get it back given this WoB:



    Which eye does the Sovereign have spiked? And what does the spike give?


    The opposite eye that Marsh has spiked. And nothing special. More to come in Secret History 2 and 3.

    Brandon definitely makes it sound like it's still missing. I guess he's just got a fake spike there (like what Wayne used when disguising himself as Marsh) to hide the massive hole through his head.

  15. Oh wait, do you have it as part of Arcanum Unbounded? I didn't even think to look it in there since I have the ebook (which doesn't have that page), but I've got it in front of me now. If I'd noticed the above comment which said that it's the same as the symbol for part 6 I wouldn't have had to waste time by asking about it. Anyway, as @Eki said, that one's Harmonium.

  16. 9 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Not really, because the way I see it, once breath is within an object, like stormlight, it transitions back into a more spiritual form connected to the object, so it's no longer investiture in physical form like atium, but just spiritual investiture used to fuel manifestations of investiture and other magics. The thing to note too, is that Nightblood has been described as invested, able to resist the influence of other investiture because of interference. However, we have not seen this effect with atium, as it can be easily pushed using allomancy, and and can used as a feruchemical metalmind. This indicates to me that atium is not invested, just physically manifested investiture.

    We'll have to agree to disagree here then, because I don't want to hijack this thread discussing this. If you want to debate this further, feel free to PM me.

    The point that I was trying to make was that only the god metals and their alloys power Allomancy themselves, the base metals do not; I wasn't trying to make a statement on what precisely it means for something to be Invested.

  17. 20 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

    Actually no. All Scadrian base metals are of both Ruin and Preservation since they were made using their investiture when they created Scadrial. In the same regard, atium is made from investiture, but is not invested. The investiture composing it has directly become physical matter, whereas with invested objects the investiture remains investiture. Burning atium converts the physical object back into investiture, and that investiture is then used to power the allomancy instead of Preservation's which is the norm.

    That is Scadrian metal specifically, I was referring to metals generally, since Allomancy is not restricted to Scadrian metal. The point that I was making in any event was that unlike the god metals, it isn't physical Investiture. 

    Also I wasn't talking about atium, but malatium, which contains physical Investiture in the form of atium, but is not itself pure Investiture. Consider Nightblood: it contains 1000 Breaths and is often referred to as being Invested. Yet Breath is also physical Investiture, albeit in a gaseous rather than solid state, so if it is incorrect to refer to malatium as Invested, then it follows that it would also be incorrect as well to describe Nightblood as being Invested.

  18. 1 hour ago, Thanatos said:

    No the only God metals are Lerasium and Atium!

    So gold may be of Ruin. Otherwise why is it Ati's connection'? 

    Or its an Uncle Andy metal. Which i truly believe.

    Or maybe a metal mixed between Preservation and Ruin gives the god manipulation of the user. 

    In this case Ati wins, as Leras was diminished at this point. 

    In any event, Preservation said the 'metal Kel burnt' was of Ati. So im thinking both are of Ati, or of Ati and Uncle Andy.

    Gold is not of Ruin. Nor is it of Preservation, or any of the other Shards: it is one of the base 16 metals. Like all of the base metals, it acts as a focus only, opening a specific conduit to Preservation which provides the Investiture for the Allomancer to use.

    As @Spoolofwhool, @Yata, and now @lidrevan have said, the eleventh metal, malatium, is an alloy of atium and gold. This means that the metal itself is Invested and is powering the Allomancy itself, however unlike a pure god metal the presence of a base metal means that the power is being filtered differently than it would be if it were pure atium. So it is being powered by Ruin, and only Ruin here, and just as the Allomancy from any base metal is powered by Preservation only, but based on the metal provides different effects, the effect here is different from pure atium (and different from any other atium alloy as well).

    And yes that does mean that there are 16 possible alloys for every possible god metal (not counting the potential for alloying the different god metals with each other).

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