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Posts posted by Herowannabe

  1. 4 hours ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    Thanks! I really think yours was great, especially this part:

    Really my wife is kind of upset about how long I spent on my roast... We ended up not going camping because we didn't get out early enough to get a campsite (because I was working on this :wub:).

    Secretly I was excited that camping didn't work out so that I could get more time to work on this, and I could use my computer to format it.

    Wow! Now that’s dedication to your art! :lol:

  2. Good game everyone! It was really close there at the end.



    The grid is all ready for round 7. Here are the teams as of right now:

    Red Team

    1. Spymaster: Me @Herowannabe
    2. @Scion of the Mists
    3. @Jondesu
    4. @luckat
    5. @Rhapsody
    6. @recneps

    Blue Team

    1. Spymaster: @Ashspren
    2. @Rebecca
    3. @Kidpen
    4. @Snipexe
    5. @Cadmium Compounder
    6. @I am a STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I'll get a key card sent over to @Ashspren and we'll get the next game going! :)

    EDIT: The Key card has been created and shared. Blue team goes first so we're just waiting on Ashspren now. :)

  3. 32 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    @Herowannabe this is my own personal opinion, your Stick rap was just a couple of iotas of awesomeness less than Archer's Allomancer Jak rap (the iotas really came from the Handerwym annotations, man that's super awesome attention to detail).

    Thanks! I'll take that as the supreme compliment that it is. 

    33 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    And I also have to say that I went in thinking that I would be really annoyed by your stick wrap, the Church of the stick is not my thing.

    It's not really mine, either, but the idea of entering a rap battle as stick was just too fun to pass up. :D

    34 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    But you really, I think, exhausted all of the ick rhymes that have ever been with your opening, it was so good.

    Don't panic, I predict that I've barely nicked the surface of the thick pile of -ick words to pick from. :P

    43 minutes ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:

    I am really looking forward to Jak vs. Stick now.

    I'm not. :wacko: This is going to be hard. 

  4. 1 minute ago, hoiditthroughthegrapevine said:


    I planned to face off against Axies, Arclo, and Taln. I thought for sure I'd get at least one of those as an opponent!

    Here's one of the choicer lines for Axies (spoilered below if you don't want to read it, and don't worry it's a Mraize specific line so it doesn't take away from any of the plethora of insults still available):

      Hide contents

    The Collector, you're an Axies that doesn't concern me
    You'd set yourself on fire if you tried to burn me.

    I am setting out on a 2 day camping trip today in about 2 hrs, that's why I did all of the prep work. The best laid plans Mraize and men I guess...
    Hopefully inspiration hits me hard right now, or my campsite has a cellular signal...

    I might post the full "hypothetical roast" after this Round of competition is over, there were some hard blows for sure.

    You may want to hold off a little bit on that. If you make it into the next round then you might very well be facing off against one of those three. 

  5. 2 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

    So if we restart the clock from the time when we realized the game wasn't over yet, They would have 1 day and 22 hours (ish) from Hero's post. Does the Countdown still apply in sudden death mode? If so, Then the Red team has approximately until 8:20 PM Mountain time tonight to put in their final votes. 

    Yes we should have a timer. That means red team has a little less than 11 hours left!

  6. I made a lot of progress on the spreadsheet tonight. Now I can easily just randomize the Method and Evidence lists and it will autofill everything in for each player, including a format that's relatively easy to c/p into the thread. When the game begins, the player list will look something like this:

      Player Name Means of Murder Pieces of Evidence
    Squid of Steel
    Aon Tia (Transportation), Smoke, The Bands of Mourning , Sandling,  Firemoss, Blue Skin Scraps, Contract, Orange Blood Droplets, 
      A Joe In the Bush
    Various Divide
    Blackbane Leaf, Shardblade, Aimian, Bloodsealing,  Fashion Magazine, False Beard, Artisan’s Script, Jeskeri Pendant, 
    Birchbane, Backbreaker Powder, Highstorm, Stone,  Bridgeman's Vest, Pet Monkey, Aluminum Bullets, Bright Green Hat, 
      Devotary of Spontaneity
    Fourth of the Twilight
    Cut-away vines, Acid, Blood Loss, Lost Divine Breath,  Singed Cloak, Horseshoes, MaiPon Sticks, Lifeless Squirrel, 
    Atium, Torture, Nightblood, Nightmaw,  Ancient Text, Grey Patch, Writing Board, Straw Man, 
    Hook, Aon Ehe (Fire), Beheading, Bow & Arrow,  Portrait, Wetleek Sap Trail, Aonic Dictionary, Red Sphere, 
    Glass Dagger, Hammer, Firesnap Lizards, Swampvine,  Grand Robe, Child's Toy, Dun Spheres, Potted Grass, 
    <name pending>
    Poisonous Sting, Duel, Toxic Fungus, Enhanced Strength,  Mastrell Sash, Chicken, Bones, Blood, 
    Poisoned Wine, Explosion, Booby Trap, Lashing,  A'kar's Symbol, Embalming Tools, Bullet Casings, Elantrian Robes, 
    Dakhor Ritual, Midnight Essence, Poisoned Needle, Chasmfiend,  Cup, Skaze, Purple Blood Droplets, Black Sphere, 
      Araris Valerian
    Betrayal, Aon Daa (Power), Dreok's Axe, Sword,  Stick, Fabrial, Hemalurgic Earring, Hoid’s flute, 
    <Name Pending>
    Fenweed Poison, Scarf, Silver Knife, Rope,  Lamp, Jam & Bread, Hog, Tattoo, 
    Bobby Tables
    Obsidian Axe, Shardplate, Sacrificial Altar, Bare Hands,  Hairpin, Gum, Halfshard shield, Sunglasses, 
      Paranoid King
    John 'Not-A-Murderer-At-All' Smith
    Dehydration, Aon Sheo (Death), Drowning, Rathbore Monk,  Uniform, Metallurgy Equipment, White Clothing, Boots, 

    The next step is to get the randomizer worked out for the Scene Tiles.

    It looks like the checkboxes to mark who has/hasn't made their accusation yet aren't pasting to the thread right, so I'll have to tweak that. That won't be hard though. 

    If anyone sees anything funky or has any suggestions for the spreadsheet, please let me know! :)

  7. @BrightnessSamantha: Contrary to what you're asking and what other people seem to be suggesting, my recommendation is to steer clear of the site (or at the very least avoid the theories forums and other sections that have lots of spoilers) until you have finished reading Brandon's major Cosmere works, which looking at your list means just the Wax and Wayne books + Mistborn: Secret History (make sure you read that one last). Once you've finished Secret History you won't have to worry about any major spoilers and can peruse the forums while reading the other novellas and non-Cosmere novels at your leisure. 

  8. 5 hours ago, randuir said:

    This game seems to be right up my alley, but I'm too buys irl to do two games at once.

    FWIW I expect the time commitment required for this game to be fairly light. There are no PMs, a max of 3 cycles, and less analysis required than usual. However, if you’re still hesitant to commit right now, maybe I could persuade you to sign up as a pinch hitter?

    57 minutes ago, wiritos said:

    Yep, thank you.

    I would like to Enter


    Welcome aboard! :)

    34 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

    I wouldn't be able to participate enough to do this justice, but I'm intrigued.  Are you planning to have a spec doc?

    I wasn’t planning on a spec doc, because, well, IMO if you have enough time to watch and comment on this game then you have enough time to play it. ;) Or at least sign up as a possible pinch hitter.

    Plus there are no player-deaths, so nobody would be joining it after the game begins. 

    Still, if enough people want a spec doc (say... at least 3) then I’ll make one. :)

  9. Just now, MetaTerminal said:

    I am a new to this forum, but I have decent experience with Mafia (perhaps 6 or so games, and having spectated a few more). I’d like to join this one - would that be advisable?

    Sure, welcome aboard! This game probably won’t be quite as heavy or involved as most of your usual Sanderson Elimination games, so it’s a good one to join in that sense. However, be aware that this games uses a different format from your normal SE/Mafia game, so it will be new and different (for you and for everyone else). ;)

  10. Woah, hold the train, game 6 isn't over yet!

    We're playing 8-ball mode, so when the red team found the assassin the game should have entered sudden death mode. I just double checked, and the spymasters haven't really given anything away about the red team's remaining codenames, so we're going to back up and let the red team finish up the game properly. 

    Red team: It's now sudden death mode. @Kidpen cannot give any more hints, but you now have unlimited guessed to find ALL the rest of your agents. If you guess a single incorrect codename then the game ends and the blue team wins, but if you can find the rest of your agents without making any mistakes then you will win. Good luck!






  11. 3 hours ago, Snipexe said:

     I’ll join, though not as spy master, unless you need me to.

    Welcome aboard!

    Working on setting up the grid right now. We have more than enough players to get started, so @Ashspren I'm going to go ahead and accept you as the other Spymaster, unless we get a last minute volunteer. Once the grid is set up I'll shoot you a PM. 



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