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Posts posted by Herowannabe

  1. Sister. Hmm...


    Jasnah is almost definitely one of them, since she ties in with voidbringers and sister. I don’t see any other sisters, but Vathi and the Nightwatcher are both female. Or well, the Nightwatcher is sort of female, so I guess I’m leaning towards Vathi...

  2. 3 hours ago, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

    @Herowannabe @Pagerunner Would it be okay if I asked one of you? If not, do you have an idea about how I could find a backer? (I don't personally know anyone who backed the game).

    Given my involvement with the contest I don’t know if it would be appropriate for me to do it, but on the other hand they’re keeping it fairly casual, so maybe it will be okay. I’ll ask Crafty and see what they say. 


  3. On 7/23/2018 at 1:44 AM, Herowannabe said:

    Hey everyone, so I just played a game tonight called "Deception, Murder in Hong Kong." It's kind of a mix between werewolves/mafia/SE and Clue with a hint of Codenames. After playing a couple rounds of it I would love  to adapt it to the Cosmere. Has anyone else played it or heard of it? Anyone interested in helping me flesh out rules for the forum and convert everything over to the Cosmere?

    If you haven't heard of it, the gist of it is this (sections put into spoiler tags to make it easier to navigate this post, not because of anything spoilery):

    General Rules:

      Reveal hidden contents


    Everybody is an investigator at a crime scene except for one person: the Forensic Scientist (who also fulfills the role of moderator/GM), and of course, one of the investigators is secretly the murderer. Each player has 4 murder weapon cards (things like knife, noose, bare hands, drowning, explosion, etc.) and 4 evidence cards (various things like fingerprints, pieces of clothing, food, and other random objects) displayed in front of them for all to see. At the start of the game the murderer secretly picks 1 murder weapon and 1 piece of evidence from the cards directly in front of them, and tells them to the Forensic Scientist. 

    The Forensic Scientist (FS) is trying to help the investigators win, but can only communicate with them through the use of special scene tiles. Each scene tile is different and covers broad categories with several options for the FS to choose from (For example, one tile that is used in every game is the cause of death, and includes the options:

    • Suffocation
    • Severe Injury
    • Loss of Blood
    • Illness/Disease
    • Poisoning
    • Accident


    The FS marks one of the options on each of the scene tiles to give clues for the investigators to decipher. 

    The investigators' job is to decipher the clues to figure out the 1. Murderer, 2. Murder Weapon, and 3. Key piece of Evidence. They must guess all 3 correctly in order to catch the murderer and get them convicted at court. Any investigator can make a guess at any time during the game, but each investigator only gets one guess. Once they've made their guess, the FS tells them if they were right or wrong (and nothing else). If they were right, they win (obviously). If they guessed wrong, then the game continues. The investigator(s) who guessed may still participate in the discussion, but may not make any more guesses for the rest of the game. 

    The game is played in 3 rounds, and at the end of rounds 1 and 2 the FS may swap out one of the scene tiles for a new one (thus giving them a way to get rid of tiles that are throwing the investigators off track and adding new tiles to give new clues. 

    There are a couple other roles and things that can spice up the game, but the description above is enough to give you an idea of how it's played. If you want to learn more, you can check out the BGG description here, or read the official rule book here



    I'm posting this here because this game is very similar to SE and would fit well in this section of the forum, but there are some significant differences: 

    • First, nobody is ever eliminated or removed from the game, so there wouldn't be any players getting lynched or murdered or gradual whittling down of suspects or any of that.
    • Second, the game is designed to be played with up to 12 players (including the FS/moderator). Now, it might be possible to play with more players than that, but for now I say we stick with a cap of 12 players, and then maybe experiment with more players later on.
    • Third, the game isn't set up with Roleplaying in mind, but then again, neither is Mafia/werewolves. I don't see any reason why we couldn't incorporate roleplaying into the game like we've done with SE. 
    • Fourth, with only 3 rounds, even if we make each round 48 hours long that would give us a 6 day game time, maximum (Upon further thought I think we ought to make it 72hr cycles / 9 day max game time)- possibly shorter than that if the investigators make a lucky guess early in the game. That's significantly shorter than most SE games. If we tried to fit it into the normal formats it would definitely have to be in the QF category, unless we did something like run multiple rounds of it to take up time. Alternatively, we could add it as it's own special format, or even take it to a different part of the site (there are a number of other forum games being played over the in the general section, for example) if it's deemed to be different enough from regular SE to be considered it's own thing. I'll leave it up to the moderators to decide that ( @little wilson @Orlok Tsubodai @Alvron @Seonid), though in the meantime I'm sitting at the top of the QF list and wouldn't mind using that spot to give this format a try, if people want to. 


    Now, assuming there is interest in trying this, there are a number of things that would need to be done to get it converted to Cosmere and prep it for play on the forums, and I could use some help with that. If you're interested in helping out, read below. 

    Things that need to be done to get the game ready to play:

      Reveal hidden contents
    • Switching the names of the roles and things over to Cosmere should be fairly simple. "Murderer" could easily become "Assassin (in White)," for example.
    • Mechanics of all the roles could stay the same, at least at the beginning. Maybe further down the line we could try meddling with the roles and mechanics. 
    • All of the cards and tiles need to be handled in such a way as to make them usable on forums. We can't exactly shuffle a deck of cards and deal them out to players online, but since everything is public knowledge except for the roles, we should be able to simulate the cards with a spreadsheet and a randomizer function fairly easily. We would just have to populate the spreadsheet and insert the appropriate formulas. 
    • All of the cards would need to be converted to Cosmere equivalents. In order to match the quantities included in the real game, we would need at least:
      • 90x Murder Weapon cards (Actually they are called "Means of Murder" cards, since not all of them are weapons). They could be things like shardblade, coins, hemalurgic spike, fed to a chasmfiend, Lifeless soldier, Nightblood, etc. 
      • 200x Evidence cards. These can be just about anything- the real game has random things like lightbulbs, candy, money, playing cards, shoes, etc. Many of those could just be copied over, while some could be converted to and/or replaced with some Cosmere-related things like Seons, Spren, metal vials, spheres, Elantrian robes, Hallandren dyes, etc. 
      • 32x Scene tiles. Again, many of these could probably be copied straight over, while many of them would be fun to Cosmerify. For example, the "Cause of Death" tile above could largely remain the same, but it would be fun to change one of the options to something like "Harm to the Soul/Spirit."
    • The Rules would need to be rewritten and adapted for forum play. 

    None of that is especially difficult, but most of it would be pretty tedious, especially if I try to do it all by myself. Coming up with 300+ different cosmere weapons, items, locations, etc. is a lot for one person to do, which is why I'm putting the call out for help. Also, I want to see if there is any interest in trying this before I potentially put all that work in for nothing. 

    So, what do people think? Want to give this a try?

    I’ve been given the green light to run this game, and I’m at the top of the QF list so I’m going to try to get the rules formalized and ready to go so I can post sign ups in the next couple days. 

    Thanks to @Drake Marshall and everyone else (I’m not sure who all helped, since it was all done anonymously in the google sheet, but thanks!) who helped put together the lists of murder methods and pieces of evidence. I have sorted through everything and filled out the lists where necessary and pruned and consolidated where necessary, and I’m pretty happy with where we stand, too. 

    I also filled out all of the scene tiles and I’m happy with them, too. But if anyone wants to look things over and see if anything should be added or changed or deleted, feel free to do so here

    The next step is to actually write out the rules and adapt them for forum use, and then to set up the spreadsheet and make it functional so we can randomize the “cards” and deal them to players. 

  4. 17 hours ago, Faceless Mist-Wraith said:

    To be clear, does this mean there is no way non-backers can participate? I'm pretty sure it does, but I figured I should ask.

    Yeah pretty much. However...

    17 hours ago, Pagerunner said:

    If you can convince a backer to submit a card on your behalf, and you trust them to give your mailing address for the reward, you could slip in that way. If you could find a backer that isn't interested in entering the contest themselves.

    I don’t see why this wouldn’t work. I’ll go ask Crafty, just to be sure, but yeah if you know a backer and can convinced them to submit designs on your behalf, that’s one way to get in. 

  5. 39 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

    I'm trying to get somethings into the custom card creator. Has anyone else had any experience with it? When I published a card, it's page is just displaying the back of a Personality card; does it take a little while to make it all the way into the system? Also, is there any way I can manage my existing cards, if I have revisions, or would I have to upload new ones each time?

    I don’t know I haven’t actually played around with it yet, other than to look at a few cards made by other people. Good luck!

    Speaking of which, in case anyone hasn’t seen it, Crafty made their announcement official- they’re doing a card creator contest to see who gets the Hoid promo cards left over from the release party. Unfortunately, it’s for backers only because of technical reasons. Details here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/craftygames/mistborn-house-war/posts/2264171#comments

  6. 2 hours ago, Fatikis said:

    A Scadrian being a member of the Ghostbloods is not evidence that Kelsier is connected to them. Iyatil isn't even from Scadrial. She also was a member of the 17th shard prior to becoming a Ghostblood.

    Even by your connection logic the real connection would be her parents as at least one of them is from Scadrial and could have had a connection to Kelsier. While it is extremely unlikely that it has anything to do with Kelsier, Iyatil's parents were probably in the 17th shard as Iyatil is from Silverlight. So by your logic Kelsier is involved in the 17th shard and not The Ghostbloods.

    I’m just saying that if Kelsier were in charge of the Ghostbloods then it would all fit together. I know that Iyatil was born in silverlight, but that’s irrelevant. The revering of the Sovereign is tied to culture, not birthplace. Iyatil is southern Scadrian by heritage and by culture. 

    I’m not saying it’s proof, but it is one more piece of evidence.

  7. 38 minutes ago, Scion of the Mists said:

    Remember that there were 3 deity-related codenames.  So at least 2 are also Voidbringer-related (I would hazard Vorinism and The Everstorm).  I would also agree with Dalinar/Jasnah.  

    Ah yes, thank you. 


    And where is @Rhapsody? I’d love to get her opinion on the last few guesses this round. 

  8. 6 hours ago, Kidpen said:

    Am I allowed to tell whether a guess is accurate on CadCon's behalf? 

    for future reference, yes you are.

    5 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

    The Everstorm, Shattered Plains, Kholinar, and Vorinism are all blue agents. 

    Sweet. We have 3 more guesses we can make this round, if we want. I suspect that Vorinism may have been the other deity-related codename, so let's focus on the Voidbringers clue. I think Yeddaw's connection to voidbringers is pretty weak, so I'm leaning towards trying Dalinar and Jasnah. Thoughts? @Scion of the Mists @Rhapsody

  9. 1 hour ago, goody153 said:

    I just realized i don't have one here. (thanks thread)

    Usually it's either some picture i took of a scenery or some random fictional character i like. 

    I’ve really been hoping that someone with the default profile picture would come along and spin an elaborate/amusing tale about why they chose to have a blue crystal with “17th” emblazoned across it as their profile pic. ;) 

  10. 1 hour ago, Kidpen said:

    Is it an automatic pass turn or do I wait?

    Technically your team had one more guess if they wish to use it. If two or more of them pass then blue team can take their turn. 


    Also, as a general heads up, I am heading out on a camping trip tomorrow. I don’t know if I’ll have service or not, but if I do I’ll check in from time to time. Either way, I’ll be back sometime Sunday. 

  11. 12 hours ago, Scion of the Mists said:

    I think that technically we have one more guess and don't pass our turn until a majority of our team posts pass turn.  However, as it's the first round, I think it's safe to assume that nobody else will take a random guess.  

    P.s. I updated the spreadsheet to reflect our guesses.  


    2 hours ago, Rhapsody said:

    yes I do not want to make any more guesses. Do you @Herowannabe

    The countdown timer ended a while ago so it’s red team’s turn now. 

  12. Just now, Inklingspren said:

    Great! Could i have small sections of the battle where I let the Unmade speak? E.g. If someone was Dalinar, Neragoul would rap about overcoming him, or Sja-anat about corrupting other spren? Or is that not allowed?

    I think it should be allowed, though of course it’s @Ashspren’s call. It would certainly make the rap battle more interesting and entertaining, and isn’t that the point? :)

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