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Posts posted by Herowannabe

  1. On 7/26/2018 at 11:23 AM, EdgeDancerSquirrelGirl said:

    @Herowannabe (I would have just quoted you or what ever but I'm new to this forum thing and I'm not sure how to do that yet). I've never heard of graphic audio adaption, what even is that?

    To quote, just hit the “quote” button at the bottom of that person’s post. Alternatively you can select a portion of a post and a little black “quote” button will pop up to quote just the selection. 

    @EdgeDancerSquirrelGirl To “mention” someone, type @ + start typing their username, and a little menu should pop up where you can select their name. You have to select their name or it won’t work. 

    If you want a specific user’s attention it’s usually a good idea to do one of these two things, because then it notifies them the next time they visit the site. Otherwise they may not ever see your post. I just happened to pop back in this thread and notice yours. ;)

    Graphic audio does audiobooks, but instead of one or two narrators they have a full voice cast, plus sound effects and music. Their tag line is “a movie in your mind” and that is really what it feels like. I cannot recommend them strongly enough, they’re so incredibly awesome. :D I suggest going to their website and listening to a few of the sample audio clips to get an idea of what they’re like. 

    The downside is that they’re not cheap. Sometimes if you’re lucky you can find them at your local library, but otherwise you’re looking at around $15 per installment, and each of brandon’s books takes around 3 installments (give or take, depending on how long the book is. Stormlight books are around 5-6 installments, for example). 

  2. 43 minutes ago, kaduzy said:

    Thanks, I'd love to get a link to that description if you're willing.

    Here’s a link to the update talking about the expansion:



    hmm... reading over it again it looks like I may have made some assumptions about the mechanics that they didn’t actually talk about, or maybe there was a post or something somewhere else where they talked about it a little more but I have no clue where that would have been. 

  3. 9 hours ago, kaduzy said:

    I got the game about a month and a half ago, and it's a big hit with my gaming group.  Only two of us have actually read the books but even the people with zero exposure to the novels really love the game -- so much so that we usually wind up playing twice in a row.  I'd love to talk to people here about different strategies and your opinion of it overall and what you predict the expansions will be like.

    I agree, I always have a blast whenever I play, win or lose. They really did a great job on the game. 

    As for the expansion, they posted a little update on Kickstarter and mentioned what the game will be like. It will play out very similarly to the base game, with the game revolving around whether or not Luthadel falls. If it stands then the person with the highest favor wins, if it falls then the lowest wins. There will be a Vin track that determines when she arrives, and there will be a new problem deck to replace the old one. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Kramerfarve said:

    *Looks bored*

    You’re not worth the Breath.


    Aww, I was kinda hoping you were going to go for a pre tongue-healing Susebron and your entire rap would just be stuff like “gom womf ah heem mowwah pumf...” ;)

    edit: also, I second some sort of master spreadsheet or post or something with links to all the players/characters and their roasts, to make navigating easier. 

  5. 3 hours ago, Unlicensed Hemalurgist said:

    And now, a shameless attempt to recapture the success of my earlier song: 

    "The End," to the tune of "The Plagues" from Prince of Egypt

      Hide contents

    RUIN (speaking through every koloss and Inquisitor but Marsh in chorus): Since I made you release my power, all through the Final Empire--

    I send my influence and ash into your House, into your bed,

    Down your canals, into your streets, into your drink, into your bread,

    Upon your cattle, upon your sheep, upon your oxen where they lie,

    In through your spikes, into your dreams, until you break, until you die!



    MARSH: Once I had a brother, we fought to kill a god and free the skaa-- this isn't what we wanted...


    MARSH: And even now, when I'm the puppet of a monster,

    Killing all Kell's friends at Ruin's call-- is the last thing that I wanted!... 


    MARSH: This was my home-- all this pain and devastation, how it tortures me inside!

    All the innocents who suffer, ever since old Rashek died!

    RUIN: I send my pawns abroad to kill in ways this world has never seen,

    The cities drowning in the blood until there's no one left to scream! 


    I AM THE END! 

    MARSH: Beautiful Destroyer, he whispers to you through that piercing there! 


    MARSH: Your mind is tainted, be aware...


    MARSH: He is the END!...

    ELEND: You were Kelsier's brother, how could you let Ruin twist you so? Is this what you wanted?


    ELEND: I see Preservation's plan now,

    And never mind how high the cost to me,

    Now I truly see, 

    We will never let your body free!


    MARSH: He is the END!

    ELEND: We will not let your (his) (MY) body--

    ALL: FREE!...



    Bravo! That was hilarious/perfect!

  6. 19 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

    However, coming up with cosmere-themed cards and such is a significant time investment. That sounds burdensome for one person to handle. So, lets make a google spreadsheet that everyone can contribute to. (note, the ideas on here can and probably should be mixed in with some of the cards already in the game)

    That’s exactly what I had in mind, you just beat me to the punch. ;) Thanks for beginning the project. I skimmed your spreadsheet and tweaked a few things and added a few things just off the top of my head. First of the Sun obviously needs a lot more added to it. :lol: 


    22 minutes ago, Drake Marshall said:

    Also, it might be easier for people to come up with stuff if the scene tiles / cards are available somewhere online?

    Here’s a spreadsheet that someone made with all the scene tiles written out in English and German:


  7. 5 hours ago, Toaster Retribution said:

    The hard thing about the games are they can stray into spoiler territory (which is why some end up in the Cosmere forum instead of the general one). But otherwise, yeah, it could be cool. 

    Isn’t that all the more of a reason to have a dedicated game (sub)forum? That way everyone only has one forum to worry about. The admins could even post a disclaimer at the top of the forum saying that it may contain spoilers, if they so desired. 

  8. Not sure quite where to post this, and not sure quite which site admins to tag, so I’m just going to go ahead and post it here and tag @Chaos, @firstRainbowRose, @Argent, and @WeiryWriter and trust that if I made a mistake that someone will fix it and/or point me in the right direction. 

    Anyway, I’ve noticed that in the past several months there has been a signficant increase in the number of forum games being played on this site, particularly in the general thread. Aside from the games that have their own forums and sub-forums (like Sanderson Elimination and the various RPGs), There are games such as (in no particular order) Guess that Cosmere Character, Guess that Cosmere place, Cosmere Codenames, the Nightwatcher boon/bane game, the Awakening game, Cosmere Character Roast (Rap) Battles, Um... Actually (a game), The Elimination Game, Hurt and Heal Cosmere Edition, and probably more that I’ve missed because I haven’t perused the correct section of the forums lately. 

    With that in mind, would it be worthwhile to create a separate forum or perhaps a Subforum in the General section dedicated specifically to forum games? What does everyone think? (I’m particularly curious what the admins think). 

  9. Hey everyone, so I just played a game tonight called "Deception, Murder in Hong Kong." It's kind of a mix between werewolves/mafia/SE and Clue with a hint of Codenames. After playing a couple rounds of it I would love  to adapt it to the Cosmere. Has anyone else played it or heard of it? Anyone interested in helping me flesh out rules for the forum and convert everything over to the Cosmere?

    If you haven't heard of it, the gist of it is this (sections put into spoiler tags to make it easier to navigate this post, not because of anything spoilery):

    General Rules:



    Everybody is an investigator at a crime scene except for one person: the Forensic Scientist (who also fulfills the role of moderator/GM), and of course, one of the investigators is secretly the murderer. Each player has 4 murder weapon cards (things like knife, noose, bare hands, drowning, explosion, etc.) and 4 evidence cards (various things like fingerprints, pieces of clothing, food, and other random objects) displayed in front of them for all to see. At the start of the game the murderer secretly picks 1 murder weapon and 1 piece of evidence from the cards directly in front of them, and tells them to the Forensic Scientist. 

    The Forensic Scientist (FS) is trying to help the investigators win, but can only communicate with them through the use of special scene tiles. Each scene tile is different and covers broad categories with several options for the FS to choose from (For example, one tile that is used in every game is the cause of death, and includes the options:

    • Suffocation
    • Severe Injury
    • Loss of Blood
    • Illness/Disease
    • Poisoning
    • Accident


    The FS marks one of the options on each of the scene tiles to give clues for the investigators to decipher. 

    The investigators' job is to decipher the clues to figure out the 1. Murderer, 2. Murder Weapon, and 3. Key piece of Evidence. They must guess all 3 correctly in order to catch the murderer and get them convicted at court. Any investigator can make a guess at any time during the game, but each investigator only gets one guess. Once they've made their guess, the FS tells them if they were right or wrong (and nothing else). If they were right, they win (obviously). If they guessed wrong, then the game continues. The investigator(s) who guessed may still participate in the discussion, but may not make any more guesses for the rest of the game. 

    The game is played in 3 rounds, and at the end of rounds 1 and 2 the FS may swap out one of the scene tiles for a new one (thus giving them a way to get rid of tiles that are throwing the investigators off track and adding new tiles to give new clues. 

    There are a couple other roles and things that can spice up the game, but the description above is enough to give you an idea of how it's played. If you want to learn more, you can check out the BGG description here, or read the official rule book here


    I'm posting this here because this game is very similar to SE and would fit well in this section of the forum, but there are some significant differences: 

    • First, nobody is ever eliminated or removed from the game, so there wouldn't be any players getting lynched or murdered or gradual whittling down of suspects or any of that.
    • Second, the game is designed to be played with up to 12 players (including the FS/moderator). Now, it might be possible to play with more players than that, but for now I say we stick with a cap of 12 players, and then maybe experiment with more players later on.
    • Third, the game isn't set up with Roleplaying in mind, but then again, neither is Mafia/werewolves. I don't see any reason why we couldn't incorporate roleplaying into the game like we've done with SE. 
    • Fourth, with only 3 rounds, even if we make each round 48 hours long that would give us a 6 day game time, maximum (Upon further thought I think we ought to make it 72hr cycles / 9 day max game time)- possibly shorter than that if the investigators make a lucky guess early in the game. That's significantly shorter than most SE games. If we tried to fit it into the normal formats it would definitely have to be in the QF category, unless we did something like run multiple rounds of it to take up time. Alternatively, we could add it as it's own special format, or even take it to a different part of the site (there are a number of other forum games being played over the in the general section, for example) if it's deemed to be different enough from regular SE to be considered it's own thing. I'll leave it up to the moderators to decide that ( @little wilson @Orlok Tsubodai @Alvron @Seonid), though in the meantime I'm sitting at the top of the QF list and wouldn't mind using that spot to give this format a try, if people want to. 

    Now, assuming there is interest in trying this, there are a number of things that would need to be done to get it converted to Cosmere and prep it for play on the forums, and I could use some help with that. If you're interested in helping out, read below. 

    Things that need to be done to get the game ready to play:

    • Switching the names of the roles and things over to Cosmere should be fairly simple. "Murderer" could easily become "Assassin (in White)," for example.
    • Mechanics of all the roles could stay the same, at least at the beginning. Maybe further down the line we could try meddling with the roles and mechanics. 
    • All of the cards and tiles need to be handled in such a way as to make them usable on forums. We can't exactly shuffle a deck of cards and deal them out to players online, but since everything is public knowledge except for the roles, we should be able to simulate the cards with a spreadsheet and a randomizer function fairly easily. We would just have to populate the spreadsheet and insert the appropriate formulas. 
    • All of the cards would need to be converted to Cosmere equivalents. In order to match the quantities included in the real game, we would need at least:
      • 90x Murder Weapon cards (Actually they are called "Means of Murder" cards, since not all of them are weapons). They could be things like shardblade, coins, hemalurgic spike, fed to a chasmfiend, Lifeless soldier, Nightblood, etc. 
      • 200x Evidence cards. These can be just about anything- the real game has random things like lightbulbs, candy, money, playing cards, shoes, etc. Many of those could just be copied over, while some could be converted to and/or replaced with some Cosmere-related things like Seons, Spren, metal vials, spheres, Elantrian robes, Hallandren dyes, etc. 
      • 32x Scene tiles. Again, many of these could probably be copied straight over, while many of them would be fun to Cosmerify. For example, the "Cause of Death" tile above could largely remain the same, but it would be fun to change one of the options to something like "Harm to the Soul/Spirit."
    • The Rules would need to be rewritten and adapted for forum play. 

    None of that is especially difficult, but most of it would be pretty tedious, especially if I try to do it all by myself. Coming up with 300+ different cosmere weapons, items, locations, etc. is a lot for one person to do, which is why I'm putting the call out for help. Also, I want to see if there is any interest in trying this before I potentially put all that work in for nothing. 

    So, what do people think? Want to give this a try?

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