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Posts posted by Herowannabe

  1. On 7/20/2018 at 8:11 PM, Draginon said:

    Interesting that he's already started on the sequel. Wonder if this means he was starting it during the secret project. Also when I saw the update I didn't read anything above it and thought that was the secret project until I looked above it at the secret project line:P

    I wonder if he’s doing what he did with the original Mistborn trilogy and writing all 3 books (at least the first drafts) before book 1 gets published. This let’s him put foreshadowing in book 1 for things that happen in book 3. 

  2. 15 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

    So, preservation, first contract and tevidian tekiel are the three that have the most to do with mistborn, but dustbringers has dust, which is kind of like ash.

    Yeah this one is tricky. Don’t forget Noorden, who was the obligator who served Elend. It could be any of them. I think Preservation is the most likely, so I’ll go ahead and make that official and see what happens. 

  3. Well Hearthstone is the most obvious choice for “city,” so I’ll go ahead and make that one official. The other one is probably “duladel” (which is actually a country) or “the Rose palace” (which is just a palace). I believe we still have one more codename related to “Returned,” so Siri would be a good guess, too. 

    What are your thoughts teammates?

  4. On 7/10/2018 at 9:19 AM, Rhapsody said:

    I want to command my glasses to 'clean themselves if they film over'

    This actually works fairly well. The arms of your glasses will twist and grab a cleaning cloth and then gently wipe the lenses until they are free from any smudges or grime. Unfortunately, it misinterprets the command just a little, and instead of cleaning themselves whenever they are dirty your glasses will start cleaning themselves whenever you are being filmed. For the rest of your life any home videos of you consist mostly of you cursing and arguing with your glasses as they start cleaning themselves on your face. 


    I want to awaken a long cloak with the command “become as wings for me and grant me flight.” (EDIT: whoops, realized too late that I hard already done this one. Oh well)

  5. 1 hour ago, Cadmium Compounder said:

    I personally think it's Patji, and Wyndle, because it would be easier to connect Patji and nightmaws.

    What if we tried Patji, then Susebrons's mom, and saved Wyndle, Siri and Nightmaws(in that order) for if we accidentally enter sudden death. 

    Edit: I almost forgot to come back to this and look. When it's our turn, could I be tagged, or quoted, so I have a reminder? :D

    Edit2: apparently I was tagged. Weird that it never informed me...:mellow:

    Sounds pretty good to me. @recneps what are your thoughts?

  6. 46 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

    My apologies!  I'm not doing very well so far, am I. :(

    Sorry, Red Team, I didn't pay close attention, but I'll do better next time!

    No worries, don't beat yourself up over it. Everyone makes mistakes as Spymasters, especially when starting out. ;)

    As for the blue team's clue...  Hmm... This one is tricky. Patji and Nightmaws are the two that pop out to me the most, but if that's what Scion is going for it seems like there would be easier clues to connect those two. I could also see a case for Wyndle (being a Cultivation spren and more attuned with Nature) or maybe something like Perpendicularity or the Well of Ascension. But I'm not 100% sold on any of that. 

    Really I'm more inclined to build off of the first clue ("Returned") and guess Siri and Susebron's mom. Thoughts blue team?

  7. @Jondesu I hate to break it to you, but that’s an invalid clue because “Preservation” is actually one of the codenames, and spymasters are not allowed to use part or all of a codename in their clues. :(

    According to the rulebook for invalid clues:


     If a spymaster gives an invalid clue, the team's turn ends immediately. As an additional penalty, the other team's spymaster may cover one of his or her words with an agent card before giving the next clue.

    So we should proceed thusly:

    @Scion of the Mists Can mark one of blue team’s agents, and then immediately proceed into blue teams turn. 

    On Red team’s next turn, @Jondesu will give another clue like normal, and the red team members will be able to make guesses based on that clue and the “preservation” clue (if it helps, spymasters are allowed to say “unlimited” instead of the number that goes with their clue. This wouldn’t tell their teammates how many codenames their clue applies to, but it gives them an unlimited number of guesses that turn so long as they keep guessing correctly). 

    EDIT: Also, @Jondesu note that @Rebecca dropped out of this game (at least for the time being) and @Rhapsody joined in her place, so the team’s are actually like this:

    Red Team  

    Spymaster: @Jondesu





    Blue Team  

    Spymaster: @Scion of the Mists


    @Cadmium Compounder


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