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Posts posted by Herowannabe

  1. 2 hours ago, Walin said:

    I accuse Bort of using a Booby Trap and leaving behind Footprints


    13 minutes ago, Madagascar said:

    *throws down Pet Bird dramatically*

    I think that the oracle may have accidentally stumbled upon a trap that Fourth of Twilight/Devotary made of Cutaway Vines while wandering the wilderness. Falling from above, it would naturally land on their head, and the painful struggle as they tried to escape would naturally leave their corpse in a terrible and untidy state. Fourth of Twilight probably set this up so he could prey on travelers and steal what he could from them before fleeing and leaving them to die alone in the wilderness, a despicable act driven out of desperation. Then he ran from the scene but stepped in something as he fled, leaving a Wetleek Sap Trail behind him. Therefore I nominate him for brutal and unmerciful torture, in the name of justice, of course.

    If it's not that, which is probably isn't, then, well, I was probably never getting back on the force anyway.

    Because of all the torture.



  2. 2 hours ago, Sorana said:

    What do you think the Food in mistborn looks like?

    I always try to cook something fitting for the Adventure game evenings and some inspiration is always welcome.


    Well they mention Bay Wraps a few times, so you could do something like a burrito or a Kebab filled with various stuff. The main thing is to stay away from fruit, because they don’t really have any during the Final Empire (no flowers = no flowering fruits). 

  3. 32 minutes ago, Kidpen said:

    That attachment is from the spreadsheet. Hopefully you can see it. You'll notice that sword is listed twice, and that Aon Daa isn't, even though it's on both Rand's and Devotary's spreadsheets. I have a feeling I'm missing something obvious, but if feels weird.


    Okay, I figured it out. Technical stuff:


    When I was "removing" an evidence column for the event today I added an extra hidden column on the Setup page which was messing up the VLOOKUP function) and so it was pulling the first value twice. 

    It should be all fixed now, but if you notice any other weirdness let me know!

  4. @Kidpen Woah weird, thanks for bringing this to my attention. The spreadsheet was working fine last night. I'm not quite sure what's going on but I'm looking into it right now. For the time being, refer to the player list in the first post of this thread (and disregard what I said earlier about the spreadsheet taking precedence- obviously it's broken right now)

    16 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

    Day 2 again? Must be a groundhog day loop going on.

    Whoops, Copy Paste error. Fixing that now. 

  5. The next morning the investigators all sat around the small table in the Oracle’s shop, with bloodshot eyes and trembling hands, sipping coffee. None of them had been able to sleep the night before. Every now and then one of them would shudder or gasp or wimper as they had a flashback from the day spent searching the crypt. Nobody spoke.

    Day 3 has begun! The randomly selected tile ended up being an event:


    Vision of the Past: The Oracle immediately randomly selects one evidence card for each player and removes it from consideration. This must be done without discussion. The Murderer's Key Evidence card may not be removed (randomly select a different card).

    Note: To implement this event relatively painlessly (it still took a bit of fiddling with the spreadsheet but I made it work) I simply randomly selected one entire column of Evidences and removed it (making sure the Assassin's Key Evidence wasn't removed). In the spreadsheet I have struck-through the removed column, and in the player list down below I have removed each player's evidence card and placed it in a separate column, so that you can easily see which evidences were removed. I'm mostly sure that I was able to do this correctly without making any mistakes anywhere, but if you notice any, let me know. In the case of any potential discrepancies, the spreadsheet takes precedence.

    In short, you all now know that the Key Evidence card is not one of the removed Evidences.

    Here are your Oracle clues (unchanged from last round):

    Cause of Death Location of Crime #3 Victim's Clothes Murderer's Personality Motive Hint on Corpse
    Suffocation Big City Neat Arrogant Hatred Head
    Severe Injury Small Town Untidy Despicable Justice/Revenge Chest
    Loss of Blood Road/Canal Elegant Furious Necessity Hand
    Supernatural Wilderness Shabby Greedy Greed Leg
    Poisoning/ Sickness Fields Bizarre Forceful Power Partial
    Accident Sea/Ocean Naked Insane Love All-over

    Player List: (Players who have used their Attempts are highlighted in purple. The "Removed" column on the right side shows which evidence cards were removed by the Vision of the Past event)

    # Player Name Methods of Murder Pieces of Evidence Removed
    1 Elandera / Oyh Sword, Deathweed Bark, Meekers, Dreok's Axe, Aon Daa (Power),  Axehound Pup, Bullet Casings, Ancient Text, Tears of Edgli Flowers,  Aluminum Hat
    2 MetaTerminal / Felksi Fenweed Poison, Rathbore Monk, Scarf, Koloss Blade, Surgebinding,  White Sand, Withered Hand, Aviar Feather, Message Written in Blood,  Singed Cloak
    3 Snipexe / The Witness Steelrunning, Nightmaw, Nightblood, Midnight Essence, Poisoned Wine,  Pet Monkey, Red Flag, Piece of Ralkalest, Religious Text,  Ceremonial Bowl
    4 Droughtbringer / In Bloodsealing, Metal Poisoning, Rioting, Dagger, Punch,  Water Bottle, Chull Dung, Dust, False Beard,  Vandalism
    5 Madagascar / Mad Acid, Dueling Cane, Bow & Arrow, Ettmetal Explosion, Aimian,  Children’s Book, Cracked Gemstone, Larkin Corpse, Boots,  Fancy Dress
    6 Steeldancer / Squid of Steel Skeletals , Enhanced Strength, Poisoned Needle, Backbreaker Powder, Atium,  Ice, Blood, Scorch marks, Vandalized Statue,  Straw Man
    7 Paranoid King / The Ghost of John Smith Blackbane Leaf, Deathants, Birchbane, Whitespine, Awakened Rope,  Triangular Razors, Aon Kii, Aon Ashe Plate, Spectacles,  Pot of Stew
    8 Randuir / Holmlock Shears Bare Hands, Burned at the Stake, Obsidian Axe, Swampvine, Kick,  Tattoo, Survivor Pendant, Firemoss, Hairpin,  Crem 
    9 I Think I am Here. / Itiah VII Lost Divine Breath, Dakhor Ritual, Shades, Blood Loss, Venomous Bite,  Horseshoes, Stick, Ink, Spanreed,  Empty Vial
    10 Bort / May Bebort Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Booby Trap, Mistwraith, Grandbow, Firesnap Lizards,  Bones, Footprint, RaiDel Pepper, Lavis Beer,  Cigar Case
    11 Rathmaskal / Harry Hemalurgic Chimera, Smoke, Toxic Fungus, Glass Dagger, Air-powered Crossbow,  Artifact, Scorch Marks, Priest’s Robes, Fashion Magazine,  Dirt
    12 Devotary of Spontaneity / Fourth of the Twilight Poisoned Dart, Cut-away vines, Torture, Highstorm, Shardplate,  Broadsheet, Aon Reod, Map, Wetleek Sap Trail,  Crab Legs
    13 A Joe in the Bush / Various Divide Beheading, Shardblade, Cliff, Deepwalker, Betrayal,  Medallion, Lockpicks, Soulstamp, Shu-Korath Pendant,  Safehand Glove
    14 Kidpen / Alvron Duel, Hammer, Patji’s Finger, Strangle, Hook,  Aonic Dictionary, Purple Blood Droplets, Saddle Strap, Lak,  MaiPon Sticks
    15 Cadmium Compounder / Spork Soulcasting, Explosion, Lifeless Soldier, Rifle, Dehydration,  Hoofprints, Glow Paste, Smoke, Rotspren,  Wig
    16 Walin / Higsedal The Shaod, Chasmfiend, Black Frayn, Fire, Martial Arts,  Forged Painting, Infused Spheres, Lamp, Skull,  A'kar's Symbol

    Link to the spreadsheet

    Link to the Rules


  6. 2 hours ago, Scion of the Mists said:

    I think that Trell (red for corrupted Investiture) and Skeletals (red seal) are pretty clear.  

    I can't find anything else besides T'Telir, so I would vote that as well, unless anyone else has any other ideas.  

    Trell and Skeletals are both red agents!

  7. Day 2: Cryptic Crypt

    The investigators sat down right in the Oracle's shop and spent the entire day poring over the strange clues that they had found, but despite all their best efforts couldn't make any sense of them. They were so enigmatic and baffling that it began driving some of the investigators just a little mad. After they realized that poring wasn't doing any good, They tried pouring sauce on the clues, but quickly realized that that was a poor idea. 

    Eventually they gave up and Oyh grew so frustrated that he grabbed the table and flipped it over. It made an odd hollow thumping sound as it hit the floor. The investigators glanced at each other, then shoved the table out of the way and threw aside the rug to reveal a trap door in the floor. Opening the door they discovered a rickety staircase descending into the gloomy darkness. Cautiously, they lit an oil lamp and made their way down the stairs. 

    If the room upstairs had been a living nightmare of disorganization, the cellar is where it went to die. Literally. The dank cellar was stuffed full of coffins, sarcophagi, caskets, urns, and catafalques. There was no organization to the mess, with the various burial boxes piled atop one another in a haphazard fashion with some leaning at angles against the walls. There were heaps of bones everywhere- none of them fresh, fortunately- piled on the floor and atop the caskets. A deeply unsettling feeling permeated the entire place, as if someone was standing right behind you, breathing on your neck.  

    "That can't be hygienic..." *The Witness mumbled. He turned away in disgust and noticed a small folded note pinned to the wall addressed to "The Investigators." Cocking an eyebrow, he unfolded it and scanned the note. "You've got to be kidding me," he said. The note read:


    Dear Investigators,

    I knew you'd discover my family's private crypt, so I have hidden another clue or two for you in here. Search thoroughly and you might find them, but be careful, some of the spirits that haunt this place can be a bit touchy. Especially Aunt Jemina. Watch out for her. She's the one with the flaming red eyes who screams a lot and likes to infiltrate your nightmares. 

    Good luck!

    -Eban Naworeh

    Chief Oracle of Silverlight

    PS: Hurry up! By the time you discover this note my bonds will be starting to chafe. And I'll be getting hungry. Someone bring me a ham sandwich when you finally come to rescue me, alright?


    *Snipexe's character

    Day 2 has begun! Here are your Oracle clues:

    Cause of Death Location of Crime #3 Victim's Clothes Murderer's Personality Motive Hint on Corpse
    Suffocation Big City Neat Arrogant Hatred Head
    Severe Injury Small Town Untidy Despicable Justice/Revenge Chest
    Loss of Blood Road/Canal Elegant Furious Necessity Hand
    Supernatural Wilderness Shabby Greedy Greed Leg
    Poisoning/ Sickness Fields Bizarre Forceful Power Partial
    Accident Sea/Ocean Naked Insane Love All-over

    Player List: (Players who have used their Attempts are highlighted in purple)

    # Player Name Methods of Murder Pieces of Evidence
    1 Elandera / Oyh Sword, Deathweed Bark, Meekers, Dreok's Axe, Aon Daa (Power),  Axehound Pup, Bullet Casings, Aluminum Hat, Ancient Text, Tears of Edgli Flowers, 
    2 MetaTerminal / Felksi Fenweed Poison, Rathbore Monk, Scarf, Koloss Blade, Surgebinding,  White Sand, Withered Hand, Singed Cloak, Aviar Feather, Message Written in Blood, 
    3 Snipexe / The Witness Steelrunning, Nightmaw, Nightblood, Midnight Essence, Poisoned Wine,  Pet Monkey, Red Flag, Ceremonial Bowl, Piece of Ralkalest, Religious Text, 
    4 Droughtbringer / In Bloodsealing, Metal Poisoning, Rioting, Dagger, Punch,  Water Bottle, Chull Dung, Vandalism, Dust, False Beard, 
    5 Madagascar / Mad Acid, Dueling Cane, Bow & Arrow, Ettmetal Explosion, Aimian,  Children’s Book, Cracked Gemstone, Fancy Dress, Larkin Corpse, Boots, 
    6 Steeldancer / Squid of Steel Skeletals , Enhanced Strength, Poisoned Needle, Backbreaker Powder, Atium,  Ice, Blood, Straw Man, Scorch marks, Vandalized Statue, 
    7 Paranoid King / The Ghost of John Smith Blackbane Leaf, Deathants, Birchbane, Whitespine, Awakened Rope,  Triangular Razors, Aon Kii, Pot of Stew, Aon Ashe Plate, Spectacles, 
    8 Randuir / Holmlock Shears Bare Hands, Burned at the Stake, Obsidian Axe, Swampvine, Kick,  Tattoo, Survivor Pendant, Crem , Firemoss, Hairpin, 
    9 I Think I am Here. / Itiah VII Lost Divine Breath, Dakhor Ritual, Shades, Blood Loss, Venomous Bite,  Horseshoes, Stick, Empty Vial, Ink, Spanreed, 
    10 Bort / May Bebort Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Booby Trap, Mistwraith, Grandbow, Firesnap Lizards,  Bones, Footprint, Cigar Case, RaiDel Pepper, Lavis Beer, 
    11 Rathmaskal / Harry Hemalurgic Chimera, Smoke, Toxic Fungus, Glass Dagger, Air-powered Crossbow,  Artifact, Scorch Marks, Dirt, Priest’s Robes, Fashion Magazine, 
    12 Devotary of Spontaneity / Fourth of the Twilight Poisoned Dart, Cut-away vines, Torture, Highstorm, Shardplate,  Broadsheet, Aon Reod, Crab Legs, Map, Wetleek Sap Trail, 
    13 A Joe in the Bush / Various Divide Beheading, Shardblade, Cliff, Deepwalker, Betrayal,  Medallion, Lockpicks, Safehand Glove, Soulstamp, Shu-Korath Pendant, 
    14 Kidpen / Alvron Duel, Hammer, Patji’s Finger, Strangle, Hook,  Aonic Dictionary, Purple Blood Droplets, MaiPon Sticks, Saddle Strap, Lak, 
    15 Cadmium Compounder / Spork Soulcasting, Explosion, Lifeless Soldier, Rifle, Dehydration,  Hoofprints, Glow Paste, Wig, Smoke, Rotspren, 
    16 Walin / Higsedal The Shaod, Chasmfiend, Black Frayn, Fire, Martial Arts,  Forged Painting, Infused Spheres, A'kar's Symbol, Lamp, Skull, 

    Link to the spreadsheet

    Link to the Rules


  8. Day 1 is over, day 2 is inbound. Feel free to keep discussing while you wait if you wish. Unlike normal SE games there are no actions or deaths to worry about in between cycles.

    EDIT: I’m having technical difficulties with the spreadsheet because I’m on mobile right now. I’ll get it fixed and get Cycle 2 posted as soon as I can get to my computer- probably half an hour or so. 

  9. 8 minutes ago, Elandera said:

    Also, would anyone be able to confirm if the mechanic discussed at the end of last game regarding the Assassin/Co-Conspirator being able to lay a false trail among the clues has been implemented? That could be throwing off our guesses.

    We did not include that mechanic in this game. There are no hidden mechanics or roles or anything like that. 

  10. 18 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

    And the winner... by ONE VOTE... is @Edgedancer Jak, with Lift! 

    For some reason, Edgedancer Jak likes winning by one... 

    We will see you in the championship round! 


    Our next pairing is... 

    @Archer, with Allomancer Jak! 

    @I think I am here., with Taln!

    Good luck!

    Congrats @Edgedancer Jak! Well played!


    (man maybe I should have worked in that Treebeard guest rap... :lol: )

  11. 27 minutes ago, Snipexe said:


    I’m sort of bored, and I’m suspicious of Itiah so I’m making an accusation

    I think Itiah is the assassin, their method was the shades and the evidence they left behind was the  horseshoes 



    And please remember to @ mention me when you post accusations. I check my mentions first, so this helps ensure I see accusations and respond to them more quickly. 

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