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Posts posted by Herowannabe

  1. 37 minutes ago, Elandera said:

    Well, that was unexpected. My bad. :P

    Did you just apologize for winning the game *(if the witness survives)? :P

    Also, quick PSA everyone: Our illustrious IM @Alvron has given us permission to rerun this game immediately. So as soon as this game wraps up we’ll have a brief intermission period where people can drop out or jump in if they want, and then we’ll start game#2. More details to follow. :D


  2. 3 hours ago, Elandera said:

    I am making an accusation! I accuse Metaspren (Selksi) of being the Assasin. I think he used a Booby Trap to commit the murder and the Key Evidence he left behind is Elantrian Slime. @Herowannabe


    Day 1.5 -  Sudden Death

    Oyh paced back and forth, rereading his copy of the proclamation announcement card for the hundredth time. He didn't know why, he had already gleaned as much information from the Oracle's mad scribblings as he could hours ago, and so he had sent Veh out to do a little investigating. All he could do now was wait until-

    Veh slid into the room and began moving in circles around Oyh, his form rapidly pulsing and shifting in excitement. "You were right!" The spren buzzed loudly, attracting attention from those people nearby. "I found the mmmurder. In Elantris. A dead body, caught in a booby trap. And footsteps in the slime. Mmmm. Footsteps led here."

    "That's it!" Oyh said, remembering. He had seen someone with slime on their shoe. Who had it been...

    Oyh's gaze snapped up, looking around. "Selksi!" He shouted, and the hall grew quiet as people turned to listen to him. "Where is Selksi?" Everyone turned, searching for Selksi, but it quickly became obvious that he was no longer in the sparsely populated convention hall. He had managed to sneak out somehow. 

    "Did anyone see where Selksi went?" Oyh called.


    Congrats to @Elandera for correctly solving the crime! However, the Assassin and his accomplice have 1 last chance to escape getting caught. They get 24 hours and 1 chance to correctly guess who the witness is. If they guess correctly, then they can assassinate the Witness and escape scot free. 

    @Metaspren: The clock is ticking!



  3. 47 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

    @Wyrmhero Does "partial" refer to the state of the body; part of the body is missing, or does it refer to the wounds being on part of the corpse, or is it up to our interpretation?

    All clues are up to your interpretation. As Oracle I am not allowed to give you any more information about the clues. 

    13 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

    Oops. @Herowannabe, is it ettmetal explosion/skaze?

    @Araris Valerian beat me to it. See his post above ^ ;)

  4. Day 1: Relic of the Future

    The hours passed slowly as everyone waited for the Oracle to return. A few people eyed each other with suspicion, a few were curious about the prospect of solving the mystery and finding the murderer, but as is the case with most Cons, the excitement was interspersed with long stretches of boredom. 

    Finally, Eban Naworeh re-entered the convention hall carrying a small stack of papers. Now, in addition to his wild hair and disheveled robes, the Oracle's unkempt appearance was further heightened by ink stains on his fingers, sleeves, and his chin. 

    "Storms man, what took you so long?" Someone said. "How many Séances did you have to hold to find out who the murderer is anyway?"

    "Hmm?" Eban said as he began handing one sheet of paper to each person. Each page was identical, and contained several paragraphs of prognostication written in a neat calligraphic script, along with a hand-drawn border of an intricate twisting pattern. "Oh, I don't know who did it, not yet anyway, but I did read a handful of clues in the auguries."

    "And that took you over 5 hours?"

    "Oh shades no! That only took about 15 minutes. I had to make all of these proclamation announcement cards by hand. It would have gone faster, but the photocopier broke so-"

    "The fotowhatnow?"

    "Photocopier. It's a relic of the future. Anyway it broke so I had to copy them all by hand and-"

    "A relic of... How can you have a 'relic' from anything other than the distant past!?"

    "Because I'm the Chief Oracle, of course! Who else would you trust to take care of relics from the future?"

    "I- Look, that doesn't matter, why in Braize did you spend 5 hours hand-writing all of these sheets when you could have just come and told us what you had discovered."

    Eban looked shocked. "Nights afire man! I'm the Chief. Oracle. You don't become Chief Oracle by shouting your proclamations on the street corner like some chouta vendor." He seemed to have forgotten that he had done just that thing earlier, and went on talking anyway. "You have to have a certain professionalism mixed with a little added flair if you want to get and hold a prestigious position like mine for over 8 decades. Hence, the proclamation announcement cards!" He gestured emphatically with the remaining pages. 

    "You're a loon, you know that?"

    "Indeed," Eban said solemnly. "That's one of the the job requirements as well."


    The game is in full swing now! The Oracle clues are listed below, so start discussing away and players are now allowed to Attempt to solve the crime at any time (remember to @ mention me or the Attempt won't count).

    Also remember that everyone must make at least 1 post this cycle, or else be dropped from the game and replaced by one of our awesome Pinch Hitters. 

    Good Luck everyone!

    Link to spreadsheet

    Oracle Clues:

    Cause of Death Location of Crime #4 Social Relationship Murderer's Personality Hint on Corpse Noticed by Bystander
    Suffocation Roshar Relatives Arrogant Head  Sudden sound 
    Severe Injury Scadrial Friends  Despicable  Chest Prolonged sound
    Loss of Blood  Sel  Colleagues Furious Hand Smell
    Supernatural Nalthis Master/Servant Greedy Leg Visual
    Poisoning/ Sickness Shadesmar Lovers Forceful  Partial  Action
     Accident  Other Shardworld  Strangers  Insane All-over Nothing

    Player List:

    # Player Name Means of Murder Pieces of Evidence
    1 Steeldancer
    Squid of Steel
    Torture, Betrayal, Koloss Blade, Blood Loss,  Rotspren, Aonic Dictionary, Boots, Ragged Cloak, 
    2 A Joe In the Bush
    Various Divide
    Martial Arts, Venomous Bite, Obsidian Axe, Aon Sheo (Death),  Mistcloak, Cigar Case, Straw Man, Sketchbook, 
    3 Droughtbringer
    Garotte, Hammer, Sword, Air-powered Crossbow,  Medallion, Bloodseal, Gloves, Fearspren, 
    4 Devotary of Spontaneity
    Fourth of the Twilight
    Deathants, Fenweed Poison, Acid, Parshendi,  Cup, Blue Skin Scraps, Aluminum Ingots, Uniform, 
    5 Metaspren
    Kick, Booby Trap, Grandbow, Dreok's Axe,  Writing Board, Elantrian Slime, Musical Instrument, Skull, 
    6 Rathmaskal
    Soulcasting, Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Highstorm, Ettmetal Explosion,  Skaze, Gloryspren, Words Inscribed in Steel, Vandalism, 
    7 Elandera
    Rope, Deathweed Bark, Smoke, Tompher Poison,  Cremlings, Bullet, Red Sphere, Crem , 
    8 Wiritospren
    <name pending>
    Shades, Suffocation, Aon Daa (Power), Hemalurgic Spike,  Technology, Aviar Feather, Smoke, Lak, 
    9 Madagasar
    Birchbane, Drowning, Swampvine, Hook,  Piece of Ralkalest, Shelldry Cards, Pet Bird, Make Up, 
    10 Snipexe
    Pistol, Blackbane Leaf, Poisoned Wine, Black Frayn,  Water Bottle, Seafood, Colorful Scarf, Saddle Strap, 
    11 Araris Valerian
    Aon Ehe (Fire), Stone, Bare Hands, Essence Marks,  Ice, Contract, Portrait, Aluminum Bullets, 
    12 Kidspren
    <Name Pending>
    Aimian, Metal Poisoning, Deepwalker, Sacrificial Altar,  Hallandren Dyes, Soulstone, Ash Stains, Empty Pouch, 
    13 Phattemer
    Bobby Tables
    Steelrunning, Bow & Arrow, Glass Dagger, Nightmaw,  Fingernails, Tarachin Ball, Artisan’s Script, Hideout, 
    14 Paranoid King
    John 'Not-A-Murderer-At-All' Smith
    Whitespine, Dakhor Ritual, Poisoned Dart, The Bands of Mourning ,  Bay Wrap, Dust, Larkin Corpse, Lucky Hat, 
    15 I think I am here
    Itiah VII
    Buried Alive, Toxic Fungus, Midnight Essence, Spear,  Hoid’s flute, Shu-Dereth Pendant, Ichor Alchohol, Metallurgy Equipment, 
    16 Randuir
    Rifle, Poisonous Sting, Kandra Digestive Acids, Rioting,  Footprint, Dirt, Purple Blood Droplets, Forged Painting, 
    17 Cadmium Compounder
    Rettih Chnip
    Meekers, Mistwraith, Punch, Disease,  Silver Dust, Tattoo, Cracked Shalebark, Lockpicks, 
    18 Bort
    May Bebort
    Explosion, Sand Mastery, Bloodsealing, Coins,  Child's Toy, Trap Door, Vandalized Statue, Red Flag, 
    19 Arinian
    Burned at the Stake, Awakened Rope, Sandling, Fire,  Bright Green Hat, Hidden Message, Firestarter, Letter, 


    Day 2 will begin when the countdown ends: gre_1535774400.png

  5. TenSoon. That way I could become ANY of the characters I wanted to (provided somebody murdered them and gave me their bones first) :P


    J/K. If you want a serious answer... that's tough. Kaladin or Szeth would be cool because flying, but they both bring a bunch of emotional baggage that I don't want any part of. 

    In the end I think I'd probably pick Susebron (as of the end of Warbreaker), just to experience life with all of that Breath and to have fun experimenting with Awakening. And Siri seems like the kind of girl I wouldn't mind spending time with. ;)

  6. All role PMs should have been sent out by now. If you have not received a role PM from me or if you have any questions about your role or the game, please shoot me a PM.

    Also, since sign-ups have opened up several people have changed their username for National Spren Week (J/K I don't know why everyone is changing their name to "<fill in the blank>-spren"). I'm going through and updating Players' names in the spreadsheet and in the first post of this thread right now. I can't edit the player list in the sign-up thread because the moderators have already locked it, but that list does have links to the post where each player signed up, so you should be able to figure out who is who pretty easily. 

    Now that the game has begun, I'd like to remind everyone to please do NOT change your username until the game is finished. Or if you do, please at least make a public service announcement so that it's clear to everyone who you are. Thanks!

  7. Day 0 - Investicon

    Eban Naworeh ran down the street, his wild hair and long robes trailing behind him as he frantically checked the addresses of buildings. 

    No... No... Not that one... No, that's the bakery... No... AHA!

    Eban ran into the arched entryway to the building. Above the arch hung a large banner that proclaimed "WELCOME TO INVESTICON."

    Investicon was the largest, longest running annual convention held specifically for all things investigation related. All the best private eyes, police investigators, spies, intelligence agents, and detectives from all over the Cosmere flocked to Investicon every year. 

    Eban burst into the convention hall, and drew up short. About 2 dozen people stood inside the large hall, most of them huddled around the table that held complimentary punch and cookies. 

    "This is it?" Eban said.

    "If by 'it' you mean 'Investicon' then, yes!" a friendly volunteer wearing an "Investicon Staff" T-shirt said. "We've got a great turnout this year, up 25% from last year!"

    Eban ignored her and shouted, "There's been a murder!"

    Nineteen heads perked up and swiveled to look at him, and someone said, "Um... who are you?"

    "I'm Silverlight's Chief Oracle. I had a vision!" As realization set in, people started bombarding him with questions.


    "Er... I don't know." Eban said. 

    "Who was killed?"

    "I... don't know that either."

    "When did it happen?"

    "Yeah... I'm not really sure."

    "Do you know how the murderer did it?"

    "Uh... nope."

    "Well, what do you know old man?"

    Eban straighten up and declared triumphantly, "The assassin is here, in this room!"

    Nineteen pairs of eyes widened in shock and looked around suspiciously at one another, then turned back to Eban expectantly. 

    After a few moments of silence, someone spoke. "Well? Which one of us is the assassin?"

    "I... have no idea." Eban said, wilting, but then abruptly perked up again. "But I can find out! I'll go do some divinationy type stuff, maybe hold a Séance or two, spend some time meditating... Wait here!"

    With that, Eban turned and dashed out of the room. 


    Welcome to QF33, our first attempt at Deception, Murder in the Cosmere! The game has officially begun, but right now we're still in cycle 0. I will be sending out everybody's role in the next couple of hours, and the Assassin will have roughly 24 hours from this post to select their Method of Murder and Piece of Key Evidence. Once they have done that, I can set the starting tiles set and ready. 

    Right now the player list has been set and everyone has been randomly assigned their Methods and Evidences. The starting tiles have not been chosen yet, so you can disregard those for now. You can view all of this in the game's spreadsheet, or click on the Spoiler tag below:

    # Player Name Means of Murder Pieces of Evidence
    1 Steeldancer
    Squid of Steel
    Torture, Betrayal, Koloss Blade, Blood Loss,  Rotspren, Aonic Dictionary, Boots, Ragged Cloak, 
    2 A Joe In the Bush
    Various Divide
    Martial Arts, Venomous Bite, Obsidian Axe, Aon Sheo (Death),  Mistcloak, Cigar Case, Straw Man, Sketchbook, 
    3 Droughtbringer
    Garotte, Hammer, Sword, Air-powered Crossbow,  Medallion, Bloodseal, Gloves, Fearspren, 
    4 Devotary of Spontaneity
    Fourth of the Twilight
    Deathants, Fenweed Poison, Acid, Parshendi,  Cup, Blue Skin Scraps, Aluminum Ingots, Uniform, 
    5 Metaspren
    Kick, Booby Trap, Grandbow, Dreok's Axe,  Writing Board, Elantrian Slime, Musical Instrument, Skull, 
    6 Rathmaskal
    Soulcasting, Jeskeri Cult Ritual, Highstorm, Ettmetal Explosion,  Skaze, Gloryspren, Words Inscribed in Steel, Vandalism, 
    7 Elandera
    Rope, Deathweed Bark, Smoke, Tompher Poison,  Cremlings, Bullet, Red Sphere, Crem , 
    8 Wiritospren
    <name pending>
    Shades, Suffocation, Aon Daa (Power), Hemalurgic Spike,  Technology, Aviar Feather, Smoke, Lak, 
    9 Madagasar
    Birchbane, Drowning, Swampvine, Hook,  Piece of Ralkalest, Shelldry Cards, Pet Bird, Make Up, 
    10 Snipexe
    Pistol, Blackbane Leaf, Poisoned Wine, Black Frayn,  Water Bottle, Seafood, Colorful Scarf, Saddle Strap, 
    11 Araris Valerian
    Aon Ehe (Fire), Stone, Bare Hands, Essence Marks,  Ice, Contract, Portrait, Aluminum Bullets, 
    12 Kidspren
    <Name Pending>
    Aimian, Metal Poisoning, Deepwalker, Sacrificial Altar,  Hallandren Dyes, Soulstone, Ash Stains, Empty Pouch, 
    13 Phattemer
    Bobby Tables
    Steelrunning, Bow & Arrow, Glass Dagger, Nightmaw,  Fingernails, Tarachin Ball, Artisan’s Script, Hideout, 
    14 Paranoid King
    John 'Not-A-Murderer-At-All' Smith
    Whitespine, Dakhor Ritual, Poisoned Dart, The Bands of Mourning ,  Bay Wrap, Dust, Larkin Corpse, Lucky Hat, 
    15 I think I am here
    Itiah VII
    Buried Alive, Toxic Fungus, Midnight Essence, Spear,  Hoid’s flute, Shu-Dereth Pendant, Ichor Alchohol, Metallurgy Equipment, 
    16 Randuir
    Rifle, Poisonous Sting, Kandra Digestive Acids, Rioting,  Footprint, Dirt, Purple Blood Droplets, Forged Painting, 
    17 Cadmium Compounder
    Rettih Chnip
    Meekers, Mistwraith, Punch, Disease,  Silver Dust, Tattoo, Cracked Shalebark, Lockpicks, 
    18 Bort
    May Bebort
    Explosion, Sand Mastery, Bloodsealing, Coins,  Child's Toy, Trap Door, Vandalized Statue, Red Flag, 
    19 Arinian
    Burned at the Stake, Awakened Rope, Sandling, Fire,  Bright Green Hat, Hidden Message, Firestarter, Letter, 

    In the meantime, free to start RPing (bonus points if you incorporate your Methods and Evidences into your RP) and/or start discussing general strategies. 




  8. 2 hours ago, Cadmium Compounder said:


    Did you mean that Sebruki was a red agent? Because if he really was a blue agent, wouldn't it be the blue team's turn?


    Whoops my bad, I totally got that reversed. Yes,  Sebruki  is a red Agent. 

    Gneorndin is also a red Agent.  

  9. 1 hour ago, Ashspren said:

    About that... for the first time ever, we have a tie. It's between Lift, @Edgedancer Jak, and Mraize, @hoiditthroughthegrapevine


    This is a survey for just Lift and Mraize. VOTE VOTE VOTE everyone! 24 hours. 

    Storms this is a hard choice. They're both so good...

    As a side note, in the future if there are ties they should go into a bonus tie-breaker round, with each player allowed to post a limited number of bars (like 4-8) to roast the other one. :D

  10. 3 minutes ago, Ashspren said:

    Agh— sorry for not posting that earlier. For some reason, the countdown clock just wasn’t working. I’ll see if I can find out what’s wrong with it. 

    No problem. Make sure you copy/paste the right text box. I have found that the "URL" and "BBCode" both work, but the "HTML" and "Embed Code" text boxes don't. 

  11. PSA everyone:

    I was just looking at the countdown timer and realized that I had my timing wrong for my schedule this week. I have extended signups by 24 hours from what was originally posted and updated the countdown timer in the first post. Signups will end and the game will begin in roughly 2 days from this post. 



    EDIT: PSA part 2:

    So tomorrow evening I will be taking my daughter to her school carnival. I'm not sure when I'll be back, but the start of the game may be delayed by a couple hours because of it. Regardless of when the game actually begins, sign-ups will be closed once the countdown timer ends. 

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